Hi there,
I'd like some advice (preferably linked to some official
statement - the likes of which I've not been able to
find on the internet so far) regarding the effects of
+skill to a skill both below and above 50. Because I
don't see how anyone can spend good money doing
an SC'd spec armour at either 99%/MP without
having this validated information.
e.g. I've been told (abeit without anything other than
someone's word) that Stealth 50 +11 is no different
to Stealth 39 +11
If you had a Stealth of 29 +5 would you get the ability
Camouflage (30th) ?
Obviously say Slash 39 +11 is not the same as Slash
50 +0 (because of the styles the you recieve from
having the base skill at 50) but would you be doing
the equivalent damage if using 29th level Amethyst
Slash ?
What benefits does having Slash/Any Weapon type
50 +11 have over plain 50 ?
The same question applies to +skill to Cold/Heat/Body/
Matter/Spirit/etc ?
What benefits does having +chants or +intruments
beyond 50th give ?
Finally a skill like Longbow (who's last critical shot
occurs at 27th (these are not styles per-se)) - would
you gain any benefit either at 39+11 (in terms of
Rapid Fire/Penetrating Arrow to 50th) and are there
any advantages to having any Longbow +skill ?
Oh yeah, one more question on Variance, e.g.
Last major power-tap nuke at 44th
Necro #1: Specs Deathsight to 44th and achieves
45th without putting any more points into that
Necro #2: Specs Deathsight to 45th in Deathsight
Will there be an damage variance beteen the nukes
between these two guys ?
Savant/Praetorean/Condoin/Aeoric in-game
I'd like some advice (preferably linked to some official
statement - the likes of which I've not been able to
find on the internet so far) regarding the effects of
+skill to a skill both below and above 50. Because I
don't see how anyone can spend good money doing
an SC'd spec armour at either 99%/MP without
having this validated information.
e.g. I've been told (abeit without anything other than
someone's word) that Stealth 50 +11 is no different
to Stealth 39 +11
If you had a Stealth of 29 +5 would you get the ability
Camouflage (30th) ?
Obviously say Slash 39 +11 is not the same as Slash
50 +0 (because of the styles the you recieve from
having the base skill at 50) but would you be doing
the equivalent damage if using 29th level Amethyst
Slash ?
What benefits does having Slash/Any Weapon type
50 +11 have over plain 50 ?
The same question applies to +skill to Cold/Heat/Body/
Matter/Spirit/etc ?
What benefits does having +chants or +intruments
beyond 50th give ?
Finally a skill like Longbow (who's last critical shot
occurs at 27th (these are not styles per-se)) - would
you gain any benefit either at 39+11 (in terms of
Rapid Fire/Penetrating Arrow to 50th) and are there
any advantages to having any Longbow +skill ?
Oh yeah, one more question on Variance, e.g.
Last major power-tap nuke at 44th
Necro #1: Specs Deathsight to 44th and achieves
45th without putting any more points into that
Necro #2: Specs Deathsight to 45th in Deathsight
Will there be an damage variance beteen the nukes
between these two guys ?
Savant/Praetorean/Condoin/Aeoric in-game