Advice from experts about 2 chars to compliment each other plz



Hello me and my friend are new to daoc and we are both buying the game and we will both be online at the same time.

What I want to know is what specific chars will compliment each other as we will be hunting and lvling with each other at the same time and will lvl up at the same rate.

Please could u suggest some good pairs for each realm.

Thanks !


For Midgard; Suppression SpiritMaster and a Pacification Healer.

AE stun + PBAoE = Ewul!


warrior & shaman (various flavour shaman works)
berzerker & shaman

darkness runie & healer


2 paladins :)

Cleric + armsman is a easy one...

Usually just a damagedealing class and a healer/support class works.


hmm well you have to have mana regen no matter what realm (or end regen if you go hib and take bard/spearo or sth)

some excellent combos for hibs:
-mana ment + light ment: duo on hibby trees with best mana regen and reach 46 with 5d /play :>

sm pbaoe + healer is uuuber

albs: humm dunno but cleric+ armsmen would suck, so would pala + pala, take years to kill anything.

look for high damage + downtime reducer spread across the two chars


minstrel + air theurg would own for albs ;)

old.Cruel Heart

Originally posted by Novamir
minstrel + air theurg would own for albs ;)

Not really.

PAC Healer + Suppression SM is the best/fastest way.


Bard & hero in hibernia
maybe druid & hero but bard has endurance song sooo....

Bard can help speed your travels with speed song, heal & buff up the heros stats. The hero kills the beasties... maybe shield hero would be better if you plan on just playing as a pair, if not then Large Weapon or Celtic Spear are very effective and deal a lot more damage for a defence penalty.

edit:- Forgot.. the bard can also ressurect the hero should any unfortunate mishaps occur (which they will :))

Generic Poster

There're a few combos for Alb, but it's best to go with which type of class you like to play. Also think about the end-game RvR, if you plan to get that far.

Paladins(sword+shield), Mercenary, ice-wizards(fire-wiz can work also, but less agro with Ice), Friars, Cleric, Sorcerer...

You can make pretty much any combination of those classes and have them work well. I wouldn't mind trying the Paladin/Ice-wiz.

If you want to powerlevel and get to lv50 ASAP: Matter Cabalist and Fire-Wiz.

If you want to take your time and explore Albion, then consider a minstrel in the group.

What it comes down to is, make a shortlist of classes you want to play, and select one each out of those.


If you want to rely on nobody but yourselves in RVR: Infiltrator and Minstrel combo is the best in the game. Throw in a buffbot and you'll be the subject of many whines on bw.

PVE is a different matter I'd say hib a druid and a hero would work quite nicely. AE root linked mobs and take em down one by one quickly. Or maybe a warden and NS combo with dodger as soon as he can get it.


Thanks for your replies, v useful so you all say a spiritmaster and a pacification healer, what exactly are the tactics that these 2 employ and what makes them so good for each other.

Also anyone know any other forums where I could get more answers to this question. We both have the game and we are just waiting to decide which char to pick ! lol.

I never played much before so I am not sure on what char to pick, I like long rangers but the melee ppl I tried were ok too.

Also what are good TOTAL SOLO CHARS, you see we both want a char that we can play together and will totally help and compliment each other. And we also want absolute solo chars (well early lvls, not many newbies to grp with anyway).

What are the best solo chars for each realm too? (best in my eyes = most destructive and fun to play :p)

P.S dont use abreviations I dont understand them ! lol thx


Caster combo is Supp SM/Pac Healer

Melee COmbo is Shaman/Beserker.

I would not reccomend a warrior, they take tooo bloody long to kill things. Shaman with end regen (comign in about 1 week with the patch) = near to non stop styling for a Beserker.


In excalibur, sorcerers with mind/body are good at soloing, theurgists are ace soloists (and can get groups pretty easy at higher levels)

Cabalists are the premier soloist, but don't get many groups.

If you want a fighter rather than a caster then the Paladin does well...

also Scouts/Infiltrators spend a lot of time solo - that's more due to not being wanted in groups rather than being good solo of course :)

Madonion Slicer

Berserker & Shaman

Minstrel & Cleric

Done both of these pair playing both characters and they work excellently

As for solo, i would say a Fire Wizard, or Matter Cabbie again have done it with these and solo was very easy taking Orange Con mobs not a problem.

And when i do try Hib, i want to give a Spear Hero and Warden a try.


I would advise picking one of these combos first off and grouping with other people. You will see how other classes work, and you might decide that is the class for you.


Originally posted by Novamir

albs: humm dunno but cleric+ armsmen would suck, so would pala + pala, take years to kill anything.

Pull the other one!

Me and my mate made a two-paladin combination. If you both twist the heal chants together we were wading through groups of 1/2 oranges + 2-3 blue/yellow adds AT THE SAME TIME:)

This went on like that until level 24 - dunno what its like after this though...


Originally posted by Novamir
hmm well you have to have mana regen no matter what realm (or end regen if you go hib and take bard/spearo or sth)

some excellent combos for hibs:
-mana ment + light ment: duo on hibby trees with best mana regen and reach 46 with 5d /play :>

sm pbaoe + healer is uuuber

albs: humm dunno but cleric+ armsmen would suck, so would pala + pala, take years to kill anything.

look for high damage + downtime reducer spread across the two chars

Well normal paladin can kill yellows without end, sometimes even multiple ones. 2 Paladins twisting can take out several mobs without much downtime...

Arms + cleric is slow yes but reliable duo. Can duo pretty much anything. End game leveling indeed is easy with Fire wiz and matter caba due pygmy golbins... Pretty much every duo works fine on alb at least. Its kinda hard to say the BEST duo since there are so many ways of exping...

Arms/Pala + theurg is nice, PBT, DAdd, Haste, DD, Pets, Root, Damagetaking/Dealing.

Best soloing classes in Alb are Theurg, Cabalist and Sorcerer, 2 of em are the best classes to solo on the best spot in Albion, Pygmy Goblins. Cabalist isnt very groupfriendly tho, so I wouldnt recommend that. Tho, wizard and cabalist, send pet, dot, dd, dd etc etc... Pretty much everything works, if you can find decent mobs to fight. Classes that can take group of mobs themselves rock. Thus sorc and theurg are nice with AE CC abilities.

Roo Stercogburn

Shaman + Berserker (or any other tank class) - the shammy/zerk combo can give you a very good pull rate, especially if the shammy getts Frigg. End regen next patch will help as well.

Spiritmaster + healer (as said above)

Cave/Aug spec shammy + healer works well believe it or not, I've done this combo and its fun. Shammy pulls with bolt, poisons on way in, healer stuns, shammy diseases mob and waits for stun to wear off. Healer attack speed debuffs and then the shammy wades in with hammer. Both can heal each other if needed if it gets messy.

SM + Aug/Mend Shammy, is also good if the SM has reasonable Summoning, since the shammy can tank-buff the pet. You can see Junior practically cooing if a shammy buffs him.

There's loads of combos, these are only ones I've done somewhat.

Shield spec Warrior+Berserker is good fun, though I've only done this at low levels so can't say how it pans out further up.


Any 2 classes.

Pick the class that you want to play and then go kill stuff.

If after a few levels you don't like the char then reroll. Sure some combos can be more efficient but what is the point in picking a char just because it might level faster. So many, myself included, have redundant level 50's lying around because we found our original char wasn't what we wanted (or got nerfed to hell and back :( )

Any 2 classes can work well together and the best way to level, certainly to mid 40's, is to duo yellow/orange with minimum downtime and rake in the xp/hour rather than xp/mob.

Play to have fun and you can't go wrong.


Levelled a zerker+shammy duo from 1-42 myself, and I got to tell you that these two classes compliment one another very well.

The zerker deals alot of damage very fast, and if you spec the shaman with a decent level of augmentation and some mending you will be a good enough healer and a very good buffer for the zerker. You can also put some points in cave for some nice poisons and roots for crowd control if you prefer to pull for group bonusses. My shaman has 37 aug and 21 mending at 42 and once he buffs the zerker they do reds without much touble and can pretty much chain pull orange, will be even crazier in patch once endurance regen is added to augmentation for shamen.

Decided to camp the shaman in malmo for now tho, levelling in a duo get's extremely boring once you get up where elvels start to take some time and your variation of mobs to fight grows thin.

These two classes are also fearsome together in RvR, but you will lack speed for sure, so at least for RvR be prepared to do some grouping with other players, might also be faster to level in groups once you hit the 40s.

Can't comment on the SM/Healer duo as I haven't tried it.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

A fire wizzie and a matter cabalist. You can both solo oranges with ease (and I do mean EASE ;)) and at the higher levels a Cabby/Fire Wizzie duo team at the tanglers is pretty hard to beat. A lot of people won't be too keen to take on a cabby into their group whereas a Fire Wizzie is everyones' friend. Just tell people that you and the cabby are a package; take both of us or neither of us. :p

Another option is ~any class~ and a cleric. It can be very dull though and clerics are hard pushed to solo oranges...and yellows...and sometimes blues. :/

A minstrel / paladin combo could be good. You will have speed, mezz and, if I'm not mistaken, and Endurance regen chant in the next patch. Dunno how good they are at soloing though.


Originally posted by arwen
Also what are good TOTAL SOLO CHARS, you see we both want a char that we can play together and will totally help and compliment each other. And we also want absolute solo chars (well early lvls, not many newbies to grp with anyway).

From my experience (see my sig), the best solo class in midgard is.....Shaman!

Alot of people think shamans suck and r only good for buffbots, but a shaman with high-ish cave rocks. If I get a POM I can constantly kill yellows (one every 20 seconds). Next patch we get end regen, and also seperate timers for DD and bolt, which means even more damage potential.

And of course your very good duo, and can even be turned into a buffbot.


Firstly, I would recommend playing whatever class you want to play. Choose one you like the look of. It really doesn't matter - all classes are capable of killing mobs.

Having said that, there are some combinations that work better than others. Given that these will be your first characters, I would recommend taking a healer/tank duo. My personal favorite is Friar/Armsman, but any combination of healer/tank will work well. Very easy to play and very effective too.

You may find after a while that you'd like to try mage characters - thats fine, you can easily create new characters.

I really recommend that you try several different characters, before deciding which one you want to play. There's no harm in it at all.

Madonion Slicer

I would add this aswell if you do go for the Duo make sure aleast one can rez and one has speed, these two things make life a lot easier.


I rolled a newbie sm and used my healer as a buffbot-stunbot.
I could take groups of yellows without any dt at all (ok i rested a little when I had cleared the camp, to wait for the new pop :) ).
Pac healer/supp sm is a must I say.

old.Trine Aquavit

Certainly agree with what's been said for Midgard. Basically, any combination of damage dealer & healer will work pretty well.
I'll just clarify some tactics.

Shaman / Berzerker (Savage might be better after SI?)

The Zerker deals melee damage pretty much as fast as any melee class in the game. You'll need to spec in (and use) the Left Axe styles. Try to keep LAxe maxxed to level and weapon spec close to level (you can pick any weapon spec, it doesn't have to be axes). Put a few points into parry occasionally. The Zerker should use a high damage, slow weapon in their right hand (e.g. double-bladed axe, cleaver) and a fast axe (e.g. hand axe) in their left hand.

A good Zerker final template is:
LAxe 50 Weapon 39 Parry 42

The Shaman can heal the zerker with normal heals, but also brings the following extra abilities:

1. Endurance regen buff (from next patch)

Will increase the rate at which endurance is gained, so will allow the zerker to use a lot more high damage styles.

The endurance regen buff is in the Augmentation spec, so you'll need to spend point to get it

2. Friggs healing

When used properly Friggs can by 4-5 times more efficient as a heal than the best normal heal. Friggs regenerates health at an increased rate, but the rate is dependent on whether the target is sitting, standing or in combat. A Friggs will last 30 secs. When sitting you will get 10 'tics' of regen, when standing you will get 5 ticks and when in combat you will get 2 ticks.

The tactic with friggs is to keep your tank alive, but not fully healed, during the battle and then cast friggs to regenerate the health while the tank is sitting & waiting for endurance.

Friggs is in the Mend spec, so you'll need to spend points to get it.

3. Crowd control (root)

The Shaman has a single target root spell which can help dealing with any accidental adds.

This is in cave line, so doesn't need to be specced for (though the AE version does, if you ever want that)

4. Pulling power

The Shaman has a number of spells to use for pulling (which is useful cos the zerker has hand-axes or a body pull). Bolt (cave spec) can pull from long distance, the baseline DoT can cause some nice damage (though it can generate nasty early aggro) and root can be used to root pull (targetted mob is rooted but any bafs get pulled).

Shammies should spec high in Aug and then Mend for levelling, though you might want to respec out of Mend and into Cave at level 40 for RvR/Malmo. Getting the last group end regen buff (Aug 42) will allow your group to perma sprint, so I would aim to get that and put the rest in Mend or Cave depending what you like doing.

Pacification Healer / Suppression Spirit Master

The Suppression SM can do more damage in less time than any other class in the realm thanks to the PBAE DD (Point-Blank Area of Effect Direct Damage) line. This spell radiates damage out from the caster, hitting all mobs within its radius. The highest damage is done at the centre. Finally, damage aggro from PBAE is shared amongst the group, so if a mob has already aggroed on a group member then PBAE damage will not cause the mob to aggro the PBAEer.

A PBAE SM should spec pretty much fully in Suppression, keeping it close to level throughout. Rest of the points at the end can do into Darkness. Don't bother putting points into Summoning.

Good final specs for a PBAE SM are:

Supp 49 Dark 22 Summ 5
Supp 41 Dark 35 Summ 3

The Pac Healer brings a couple of things to a PBAE group, in addition to basic healing (& rezzing) duties:

1. Power Regen Buff

The Purity of... (PoX) line in the Healer Pac spec increases power regen rate. This is pretty vital for a PBAEer as they use up a lot of power.

PoX is in the Pacification line and requires speccing

2. AE Stun

Casting AE stun while the mobs are in the area of effect of the PBAE can prevent them from causing a lot of damage. Cast the stuns so that the next one hits as the previous one expires. Remember also that a subsequent stun will only have half the duration of its predecessor.

3. Crowd control

The Healer is the best crowd-controller in the game (mez, root, stun, AE and instas), so has all the tools to prevent unwanted adds from spoiling a party

4. Pulling

The Healer has a nice low-aggro attack speed debuff for pulling (where necessary). It's slightly better for the Healer to get aggro than the SM.

For pure PBAE tactics you want to spec high Pac pretty much all the way. Keep Pac almost to level and put spare points in Mend. Probably the best Pac Healer template is:

Pac 48 Mend 24 Aug 6

General PBAE tactics:

Someone pulls. Tanks try to get aggro from each mob and then pull them to the centre of the PBAE. Healer AE stuns while PBAEer PBAE's then to death. Next!

Healer/SM PBAE Tactics:

Not really done this but I suspect that you would pull the mobs and then AE Stun them. The SM would move into the centre of the mobs and start PBAEing, while setting their pet on as many as possible to get aggro. Riskier, and probably best to get a few tanks and make a full PBAE group.

Turned into a looooong post, hope it's useful :)


Originally posted by poi

Very fast way to lvl.

4 Full Suppression Spiritmaster's
1 Full Suppression Runemaster
1 Pac Healer
1 Full Battlesongs Skald (Leftovers in Weapon)
1 Mend/Aug Shaman (Either 2/3rds Mend 1/3 Aug or go 50/50 split, I personally prefer shammys with higher aug for maximum durability of pet)

Poi, he'll have trouble using 8 characters with 2 accounts ;)


for midgard:
Skald + shaman

for alb
minstrel + caster

dunno about hib, cos I don't play there

but the speed makes you useful in RvR too, and gives a small amount of cc too

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