Advantages of US servers over Euro servers



Well, I'm really considering moving to the US servers, for these reasons:

-The US version has many servers, including 2 PvP servers which have calmed down a lot and aren't permanently full, a PvE server, a Roleplaying server, and several normal servers.

-SI is already out in the US

-They are several patches ahead of us

-In-game CS, or so I hear

-No more joining groups and being the only person who speaks English - then feeling bad when everyone else speaks English just for you

-Get to test new things instead of hearing about them then testing them months later

-More players to kill

The only real reason for me staying at the moment is my guild...


I had thought about switching to the US servers, or at least getting an additional account to play there.

Up to Date.
Ingame reps.

Time difference.
Would miss Guildmates.

I normally do this type of exercise with points for each item. Playing with guildmates far outweighs the others though (unless we all go :))


-The US version has many servers, including 2 PvP servers which have calmed down a lot and aren't permanently full, a PvE server, a Roleplaying server, and several normal servers.

chimera, don't!!! the US servers are almost always half empty.
played there.

Never Underestimate The Stupidity Of The American People :)

:D :p :D

Tesla Monkor

To say they PvP servers are not permanently full is an understatement. The two PvP server are the most underpopulated ones Mythic has.

Keep an eye on the 'people currently playing' during the hours you would want to play on the US servers. You'll notice that there's about double to three times as many people playing the Euro servers in that time slot.

I have a copy of the US version, so I know what I'm talking about. The few patches they are ahead really makes no big difference. Any mjor bugs found in our servers are patched /anyway/.

As for them having things before we do.. So what. They get to deal with all the headache bugs and crap, we get a relatively bug free product. (Notice the relatively. ;)

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. :)


I have accounts on both, and I find the european servers much more enjoyable to play on. Just to give you my opinion on a couple of points:

The US version has many servers, including 2 PvP servers which have calmed down a lot and aren't permanently full... More players to kill - most of the regular US servers have smaller populations than Excalibur, and the population will peak there at around 3-8AM European time. The PVP servers Andred and Mordred are deserted. The only consistently full servers are the role-playing ones.

In-game CS, or so I hear - the appeal queue is usually somewhere between 2 to 8 hours before an in-game CSR will respond, depending on how many people are ahead of you and how many CSRs are on-line (except for /stuck issues which are bumped to the head of the line and usually handled within minutes).

No more joining groups and being the only person who speaks English - I often have a really hard time communicating with groupmates on Palomides, much worse than on Excalibur. I have no idea why that should be, but it's true.

The point about patch delays is undeniable, and in my opinion this is one of the the only two real reasons to switch (the other is if you want to play on a role-playing server... although my personal experience on Guinevere has been disappointing). If playing the latest version of the game is important to you, you should absolutely move to the US servers. If you move for the other reasons, I honestly think you will be disappointed.


The thing is, I like all the realms, but I can only play two on an English server as it is (Camlann doesn't count) and I'm left constantly deleting my characters on excalibur to swap between realms, when I feel like playing in hibernia or midgard... if only GOA released a third English server, perhaps a roleplaying/PvE one, but at least just one more normal server.


Players: Can we have another English server so we can play all realms please?
GOA: No there are not enough players to justify another server.
Players: Why not?
GOA: Because we're French and we're not spending our hard earned green advertising for more 'rosbifs' to start playing.
Players: So how can we play all 3 realms then?
GOA: Learn French or German, shell out again and play off-peak on deserted servers in USA, suffer PvP (if you can connect), or wait for PvE (on this day Satan will be seen skating to work)


From an ex. US player, I will toss in my 2 copper.

I admit, that around the SI release, and I found a danish store that sold the US SI version, I was seriously debating wether or not to reactivate my US account and give it a spin, but then I thought back to when i first left US DAoC.

1. Timezones. This is without a doubt the biggest disadvantage of US servers, unless you can find a very highly european populated guild. Relic Raids are at 3am in the night, RvR around evening EU time usually result in mostly having the powergamers around, and it can be really hard to get a group due to low population (3-500 is not out of the norm).

2. Higher pingtimes. This one can be hard to notice untill you really tried comparing. On US people and mobs kept runnign on my screen, alltho they already stopped. The hotbar reacts slower and generally it makes RvR somewhat harder with slower reaction times (Play CounterStrike with 50 and then with 300 ping kinda compares, hehe).

3. Low population. On pretty much all servers but the roleplaying ones, population is probably half the average amount on prydwen if you play the same timezones on US that you did on EU, unless ofcourse you are a nightgamer :)

4. Ganksquad PvP servers. Soon it will be the same here on EU, it's all about who can scare who away from this or that territory or who can harass eachother the most in terms of destroying game enjoyment.

As for US upsides in general:
They have SI! - Well yes, but SI was about as much done as the original DAoC was, as in not even half finished. There's still alot of bugs with new quests, zones, monsters and classes.

They have co-op! - Yes, on TEST tho, as in not done yet. It seems to have a low population compared to the interest that was shown in PvP originally. I think coop can both be interesting, but also very boring and unchallanging. A hard-to-kill mob just means get a bigger zerg, AI will never live up to facing a real player in the other end. I fear coop will be a failure, UNLESS they run dev-controlled mobs and events, much like in the original Asheron's Call. Co-op with some dev-control could offer a nice challange, and a great oppertunity for the EU event team to have some fun to do, if a Co-op was ever to be opened here.

They have faster patches! - Yes, but I actually prefer to be behind them. Maybe we are a bit too far behind, in that we can agree, but if we were like a month behind I would be very happy. Bugs get isolated and fixed, you learn just how hard the new buffs or nerfs to classes affect the game. Generally you get more inside knowledge before the patch actually hits, I like that.

Anyways, I think I am out of words for now :)


well atleast there is some joy with Gaheris:
(from Camelot herald)
Gaheris will be moved to "live" status, and will be moved to the live patcher instead of the test patcher. There will be no character wipe.



my two cents

Well I've been playing on the U.S. servers since middle of May and I have never once considered coming back to the Euro-servers.

To me the main reasons were patches and a willingness to try out more realms without deleting my characters.

First of all, I've ONLY played on the RP-servers. This was a deliberate choice and it's a really refreshing experience in my opinion. Perhaps I've been fortunate in my meetings with other players but overall the population feels much more mature on the RP-servers than they were on Excalibur (no offense to those I met here who were great people, I'm just saying there are fewer "kids" (not necessarily an age issue) on the RP-servers).

The name-issue is one big issue for me as a part of my enjoyment is seeing names that at least give me the feeling of being in a dark age fantasy world. I don't have to see names such as "Bladefor Hire", "Mushroomhead", "Kthxbye", "Wiener Schnitzel" etc.. There are lots worse than that, both on the Euro-servers and on other US servers (such as MLF, Lancelot etc).

Then the downsides as many of you point out..

Playerbase - Time difference

I have no problem EVER finding a group. However, I have a dayjob, so I don't get home until 6 p.m. at night, at which time the servers I play on have about 450-600 people online in MY realm (not the whole server, but my realm). This increases gradually throughout my evening. I'm in a small guild on Percival, but we still have people online just about every time I'm in.

Previously (actually still am, just not active) I was in a big guild on Guinevere made up of almost exclusively Scandinavians (Svea Hird, Midgard). I had absolutely NO trouble finding groups.

On Percival I have taken part in High Lord raids as well as Keep raids, all before 11 p.m. CET on weekdays. The other day I first went out to take a few keeps, then came back and took part in two HL-raids in DF where I dinged twice(!!!!!!) and all was done with before midnight my time.

"Ping times"

Sure, I get a yellow light on my L-icon every now and then, but not particularly often. When I do get it, it's mostly because my ISP is a crapper. However, not once has it affected my ability to fight. A traceroute sets my "usual" ping time at around 180ms.

I've seen a lag-ghost every now and then, but that indicates that the ghost is lagging, not me. When I see one, everyone else in my group sees it too.

Maturity of players

As I mentioned earlier, playing on the RP-servers usually means a more mature playerbase. Sure, there are bad apples here too, but most of them have left by the time you get up to 30+ in level since they've realized their l33t attitude doesn't go well with the general RP-theme. They usually realize this after having had their names appealed "ehh.. wuts wrung wit SpaNKmE? u SUK!"

Well.. that's my review.. and I haven't regretted moving to US ONCE. Though I do miss some of the friends I made on Excalibur, I've made several new ones on Percival and Guinevere.


There are TOO many servers for the playerbase, the servers are only decent at nighttime, but for guinerve, which is rather like exc in population.


oooh, now we now how you get your forum name, you big meanie! :touch:


Originally posted by PJS
Players: Can we have another English server so we can play all realms please?
GOA: No there are not enough players to justify another server.
Players: Why not?
GOA: Because we're French and we're not spending our hard earned green advertising for more 'rosbifs' to start playing.
Players: So how can we play all 3 realms then?
GOA: Learn French or German, shell out again and play off-peak on deserted servers in USA, suffer PvP (if you can connect), or wait for PvE (on this day Satan will be seen skating to work)

or maybe it's because the Germans have filled 4 servers and the Frogs have filled 3, whilst the English speakers are struggling to fill 2... mcfly?


1. Time difference.

If it wasent for the time difference I'd play US over EU any time.


In case anyone was wondering about the current state of Shrouded Isles, and Mythic's confidence in their product...... they left the Beta Testers Non-Disclosure agreement on the general final release CD. I'm no lawyer, but it sounds like if I play the game I'm not allowed to tell anyone if it's unstable, and have to give back the CD if they ask me to... :D

That made me chuckle a bit, ho ho.


Originally posted by the_chimera
Well, I'm really considering moving to the US servers, for these reasons:

-The US version has many servers, including 2 PvP servers which have calmed down a lot and aren't permanently full, a PvE server, a Roleplaying server, and several normal servers. <<<<<<< they are all also either lvl 50 or low lvl pk's so you would have a v hard job exping mid lvls due to lack of groups >>>>>>>>

-SI is already out in the US <<< true and its on in feb here ? i can wait that long , for reason ill give below" >>>>>>>

-They are several patches ahead of us <<< true and it pisses me off also :( >>>

-In-game CS, or so I hear << yes ingame csr whih imo aint v good .BUT its stil a damn site better than the csr that goa giv s >>>

-No more joining groups and being the only person who speaks English - then feeling bad when everyone else speaks English just for you <<< not true there is MANY hispanic folks on daoc usa :) >>>>>

-Get to test new things instead of hearing about them then testing them months later <<< well imo this is a good thing .. would u like to make a new si class from scratch not knowong the best spec , or best way to do certain things. usa are our beta testers they test the specs nd other stuff so when we get those patches add-ons we already know the best spec instead of wasting hrs of time getting a new class to 50 and finding out its truely gimped >>>>

-More players to kill <<<< not true . some of the american servers have a lot less players on than prydwyn .. and the main servers are probably on par with excal , >>>>>

The only real reason for me staying at the moment is my guild...


Lol you will come back, i thought the same as you....

In game CS

"You are now 5th in line the queue is 73hours at this current time,"

And no one contacts you they just send a complaint form to your email address with a robotic reply.

And yes, American people are REALLY rude on camelot. :)

And theres no events at all.

And the PvP is empty and everyone has names like tomgreenshow, spankyourmum etc etc...

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