
Just a short 1
I want adsl.
I have registered with openworld but have just been told not to bother.
Can any one advice me on where to get it.


It depends on the reason, I no doubt its because you're to far away from an exchange which means you can't get it from any one since BT are the providers for all other ISPs. Or if you exchange hasn't been upgraded then its just a question of waiting.


BT ADSL is more than likely going to be a bit sucky for gaming.... contention ratios of 80:1 anyone? What's gonna happen to your ping when the geeky 14yr old at the end of your street decides to send his geeky 13yr old mate over ICQ just as you line up a perfect AWP headshot...

Oh and it's going to be single-machine USB only, ie. win98/w2k only, no ICS and no home LAN - useless for me for a start, my wife's PC connects through mine with ICS.

I'm happy to be proved wrong of course but it *is* BT we're talking about here, when was the last time they did *ANYTHING* right?


People often mistake what connection ratio means.


Thats 'contention' ratio and it means just what you would think it means, the number of people able to use the same line.

That means if you are in an area with a large amount of users..ermm say London, then you will be stuffed as far as gaming goes.

Business contention rate is 20:1 BT "said" that the contention rate would be 50:1, but they have probably changed that since I last checked.

ADSL is a lot more then just low ping though, it is a constant broadband connection, with free calls, that alone is something that we should be glad of getting.


Jolt's ADSL service looks ok, 150 quid installation and 50 quid a month, 50 to 1 contention ratio and NO NAT (which as far as I know Bt Openworld ADSL still has)


Jolt (Nildram) may have a 50:1 contention ratio compared to 80:1 for BTopenworld but that would mean paying a £150 fee and £10 more per month than BT.

I read somewhere that the lowest POSSIBLE performance for BT ADSL (I take that to mean saturation usage in the loop) compares to a 128kps ISDN line.

Still not bad IMHO.

We will see, but hey! If it is shit, we are only tied in for a year and can switch to Jolt in 12 months and spam BT with abuse !



If you want ADSL fast, I believe Nildram are one of the quickest installers, they already have the USB version as well as the more expensive Ethernet version

I filled in the order online ( and recieved the paperwork in 2 days, only thing is Nildram is expensive, its £150 + VAT for installation and £50 per month + VAT, so your first payment has to be £235 (that's for the USB version)

Nildram is expensive but also one of the fastest ISP's (apparently) also I read that the USB version is better for gaming


I think Nildram offer a fixed IP address (nothing new) and no NAT/PROXY and no port blocking, i'm sure you can get the USB version to be shared among your LAN once you fiddle about with Windows enough, I know I could.


Originally posted by Ono
I read somewhere that the lowest POSSIBLE performance for BT ADSL (I take that to mean saturation usage in the loop) compares to a 128kps ISDN line.

Maybe at dling, but not for gaming. I know two people who have been on the trial for ages, even at the time it was 2mb, and neither has ever managed to get a ping below 80.

BT aren't interested in people who play games with it which is starange since I thought it would be one of the bigger markets.


the trial was based on the Ethernet version, the USB version should give lower pings (according to the website I mentioned in my previous post)


Re: Nildram

Originally posted by dougle
I think Nildram offer a fixed IP address (nothing new) and no NAT/PROXY and no port blocking, i'm sure you can get the USB version to be shared among your LAN once you fiddle about with Windows enough, I know I could.

I don't think Bt offer a Fixed IP or a non NAT service (this info maybe out of date came from hanging around on the BTinteractive newsgroup) the suggestion was that a fixed IP and non NAT service would encourage users to host servers, something Bt don't want.


i belive that will be offereing dsl with static addresses and low ratio connections



yup lots of ISP's are offering a non-NAT fixed IP service

BT's own BTopenworld USB service doesn't offer a fixed IP but it is the cheapest availible atm

BTopenworld home USB version also has a 50:1 contention ratio and not 80:1 that some people were saying

PS - i've ordered the BTopenworld USB version, I would've gone with nildram but it's too expensive.. and I get free installation with BT as I pre-ordered


Hi all
i'm on HomeChoice and it for what I get it's bloody good. Don't really care much for all that technical hoo-haa, but what I have works.

cost £40 to install and is £20 a month with £12 for interactive tv.

Took them about 10 days to get a cpl of people in to do it, (after bt had played with the line), set up was easy and away it went. I generally play CS at a ping of between 50 and 120, generally around 70-90 on most servers, which is just sweet.

Only downside is some ports aren't open for directplay to use, so I'm having trouble with online games, (ie. I can't play 'em... games like UO and EQ and stuff I reckon, i've only tried it with a beta game, JumpGate). Still the tech guy reckons they are going to switch it over once management decides to do so.. which it should soon, whatever.

So I like it, quite cheap, play CS with a good ping, and downloads hop along at 100-120k (while I surf).

I'm in London, NW10 area, not sure where else it is available.



umm, 100-120k for downloads you say, do you mean 100 kilobytes per second? seems strange as homechoice has a download speed of 115kpbs (well it says that on their webpage) so that would be 10-14k/s download speeds, BTopenworld is 512kpbs (50-60k/s) so you're actually getting more bandwidth for your money with BT

Afaik if you have the USB version of BT ADSL then pings are between 15-40 in-game to UK servers and you should be able to play any game since no ports are blocked (apparently, well says so on their webby)

hehe and I don't work for BT :p


interesting, ta for the tips, i will have to ask abot it.

i think i'm stuck with it really.. mind you, it's cheap and i'm not a big D/L freak.. so no worries. The game port blockage is annoying however.




Originally posted by Embattle
BT aren't interested in people who play games with it which is starange since I thought it would be one of the bigger markets.

FPS gamers are a tiny tiny fraction of the internet market. Certainly gamers that require a constant throughput. The majority of people use email and the web, and download the odd file now and then - for whom DSL is a perfect service. The majority of people who play games actually play Chess or Backgammon or Poker, who do not need the same robust connection a FPSer does - again, for them, ADSL is great.

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