So it's about 3 months off now for most of us but how much is it gonna cost to have it installed? What will you need in way of a modem? And what will the monthly fee be?
The official BT prices for ADSL have been released! It's gonna cost £135 one off connection fee, then £35 a month and you'll be able to d/l at 500 kbps. Doesn't sound too bad does it?
The (grossly overpriced) pre-HomeHighway ISDN system doesn't seem to be available anymore for home users but HH, AFAIK is available to all those who live within 2 miles of a compatible exchange (most of the country i suspect). Its price has contrinued to come down, but unless you've got a wallet of steel, the packages your likeley to choose are those with £120-170 conversion costs, plus cost of a TA (ISDN 'modem').
As for ADSL, 512Kbit/sec (64KB/sec - data connections are always quoted in terms of bits/second rather than bytes) is still a climbdown from what ADSL should provide. People on BT's ADSL trial got 2Mbit/sec..
The French get ADSL for £25 anyway. Proves how backward BT really is.
You also have to remember that ADSL will be shared like Cable is, at a ratio of 20:1 (unlike 10:1 for other countries), so at a peak you are sharing your 512kbit/sec download with 20 other people - work it out, it doesn't sound so good.
The big thing about ADSL is that it is "always on", there is no dialup, its just there when you turn on, therefore by design it _has_ to be unmetered.
What we really really want is unmetered access and that can easily be applied to ISDN as well. BT are already climbing down on this issue and will shortly allow ISPs to set the rate for 0845 numbers for digital access only, and you can safely bet a lot of them will tend towards 0p/min very soon.
Now the prices are (as stated at <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> They WILL BE £35 for a month and a one off connection fee for the sum of £135. It will be able to download data at up to 500Kbps, however I think you’ll find the price above will actually match the 256Kbps version as the 500 is for business level users and actually costs more. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Thought £35 for 500kbps was too good to be true.
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