ADSL For Britian



Here is the site for the Labour Party.

Go there, either send an Email or Ring them up, I rang them they are very nice, tell them how disgruntled you are with BT's handling of the ADSL Situation, ask them to find out why it has been delayed again and again.

This is the only way we are going to get ADSL this year, make the effort, it will benefit us all.


The government can't really do much, OFTEL is an independant body and only they have the power. All of this is pointless because BT don't have to get it out this year if the exchanges would be unable to handle it :D


Most exchanges are already able to handle it, BT are dragging their heels because they are going to lose a hell of a lot of money on ADSL, my quartley bill is £500-£600 and its going to drop to around £120 per quarter when they finally get around to installing ADSL. Have you noticed as well that it doesn't matter when you signed up they are only doing the multi computer connections first , could it be because they are paying more money, I signed up the same day it was announced and yet i'm still going to have to wait until at least november till I can get it, I could sign up with demon and get it within 30 days but they are asking a hell of a lot more money.

old.Aunt Sally

embattles suggestion the goverment cant do anything, in my opinion is a load of twaddle.
I mean no offence to embattle. cheers ppl

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