Ads in games


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Adverts can be seen in games to a degree already. For example racing games ads are displayed on the side of the track, and on the cars as you would expect, however expect to see a whole new range of ads after marketing bods have spotted an "opportunity", Sigh.

The technology will also track gamers' habits however, which many may not like the sound of.
"The fact you have this hardware and everything is becoming networked we will have more gaming habits tracked automatically."

The full story can be read here on the BBC.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Well, as long as they continue to "enhance the gameplay experience", and don't become an annoyance, I don't really mind. I've never really been bothered by adverts in games before, and I'm not going to start now.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Yo I'm with Dilinja on this. Having a coke machine that I can blow up or a television pumping out advertisements in an FPS won't bother me at all.

What'd make me want to kill people in real life is a random pop-up subgame with a message like "SHOOT ALL OF THE M&M's TO CONTINUE" and a screen full of 6,000 M&M's flying around at warp 9. But hopefully they won't think of that.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
'twas always going to happen given the numbers and the type of people who play games. Billboards, product placement, endorsements etc. In the right setting e.g. GTA I'm not too bothered about ads: I've been successfully filtering them for years.

But the prospect of forcing you to interact with the ad as well the development of tech that will track your habits isn't quite so appealing. Also what if the game isn't set in something akin to the real world, I don't fancy having product placements for Ye Olde +5 Sword of Sharpness sponsored by Gillette or whatever.

And as for ad's allowing the development of "more interesting games concepts", oh please. Games have been stale for years and surely by pumping all those games that don't have publisher backing with advertising funding and, more importantly, advertiser's brand concerns its going to stay that way.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
I think we can blame Duke Nuken 3d for this. Remember that ? :D

I also don't like the idea of my gaming habits being tracked ...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
*sigh* what do u expect from the advertising industry... and with figures like this "Studies suggest that 30% of in-game adverts are recalled in the short-term and 15% are recalled after five months" one can only imagine what havoc it plays with our subconscious.... if they really cared about the gamer they would give us the option not to be shown adverts in a game

the whole game tracking idea is ludicrous.. how does tracking what we do in a game allow the developers to create better games thats rubish.. there is obviously sumthing more sinister amidst then meets the eye


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
that fucking nvidia-feces that we're seeing more and more of makes me fucking puke.

"nvidia, the way its ment to be played"

God, it makes me long for some good old cock&ball torture tbh :puke:


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Sometimes its okay say like in Football or Driving games but sometimes it just doesn't wotk like in rainbow six black arrow, going through a London train station and seeing a huge poster of Prince of Perisa don't really think it should be there if they want realism they should have other posters that are not from ubisoft like Pepsi and Clubs etc.

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