Adressing to the Rvr bullshit in my eye's below



What i saw below it was most of an attitude problem that ppl are being rude etc,ya right..

I played daoc sence stage 1 of US beta not that it really matters but trust me what i seen here on alb's euro is the probably most piss poor rvr i ever laid my damn eye's on.

Quick example...

Yesterday i was with 2 grp's of albs we encounter 1GROUP of hibs and these wannabe ebay doods or whatever starts running HIBS HIBS was me and another who attacked them rest ran,Funny thing is ALL DIED of 1 grp ownage yep yep..

This really made me blow up So if they 50 and they still fucking run YES a armsman CAN REALLY outrun a bard*Cough*

Its so pathetic its a game god damn die for ya realm and you can NEVER EVER outrun them all that happends is they will catch you and you die as a god damn wussie with ya back to them,Atleast make a charge and die normal not as a running lamer.

Also the realm lacks of several things

2.To many tries to decide once someone try to lead

3.To many who seems to know shit about rvr more than run if you not 2 times more than enemies.

4.Not sure what this dipends on but for some reason alot dont seems to be able to read,When someone says something in /CG always a bunch keeps asking the same bs over and over cuz they dont read.

5.Players dont stay together always split up then they die and whine a litte,Simple if you dont play as 1 you wont own shit.

The list is long but i dont see it as a act of adult/kid problem

Also this dont counts for everyone,The nerds who feel hit by this note maybe you should think about it how you play and why you play.I have met a few who plays real good but thats like 10 of 100


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