Adding lub revisited


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
this one was posted a long time ago pre cluster but I have revised it given some of the really crazy posts I have seen today on the topic.
Its been updated because the feminist threat is getting bigger. ;)

When to add
When two parties are engaged in combat should you attack or not? The practice of attacking and joining the fight is adding. As a practice it has all sorts of views arrayed around it so that when you add you might get the following responses:

“Hey don’t add FFS.” Or “What are you doing Noob!” “To phew! Thanks mate I thought I was done for there!” Or “ty we was going to get creamed by those nasty Mids.”

Disclaimer: You might think that the term 'Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game' refers to massive online battles raging between large armies arrayed on both sides of an arena. You of course were wrong. If you haven’t noticed that it is not like this then please wake up and smell the coffee. That was a marketing ploy most likely made up by someone who probably didn’t even play the game because she had a life. This does not mean that MMPORG’s are some feminist plot….. We digress.

So how do you decide when to add?

These guidelines for the practice of adding are designed as a friendly guide to try and help you decide when you should and should not add on a fight between fellow combatants. As a practice it only applies under certain specific situations and of course it has its exceptions. It will also be broken from time to time but the point is if you ‘add’ according to these basic guidelines we feel you will improve the gaming experience for your fellow players. Ok so when should one add?

The rule of adding applies freely under the following conditions:
1. when there are a large number of combatants ‘camped’ in the same zone you should add freely without hesitation. Where zone is defined in game terms as a location like Hadrian’s wall, Forest Sauvage or “Teh valley of Death” - Emain. ‘Camped’ refers to the practice of ‘hanging’ out around a bridge or tower by groups of largely unorganised players.
2. in the immediate vicinity of a siege, relic raid or tower capture add freely without hesitation
3. where there are odds of 2 to 1 or greater on one side of the combat and if you add you will even the odds, add without hesitation
4. where a support class is being attacked by a combat class
5. if two feminists are fighting,

When not to add
a) if you see approximately 2 fgs fighting and conditions 1), 2), 3) and 4) above are not satisfied the practice of adding should be avoided
b) if you see two people fighting and condition 1), 2), 3) and 4) is not satisfied the practice of adding should be avoided

The grey bits
Like every well tanned holiday maker there are bits that remain white and somewhat embarrassing. This does not mean they are feminists because they too can have an all over tan. Once more we digress. Any practice will have grey bits and so tolerance is required. The practice of adding needs to be treated with care. It is therefore with this in mind that we would like to suggest that sometimes it will not be clear when to add and when not to add. This is because one of the conditions may not be totally apparent when the adding happened. If this is the case you might want to consider PM-ing the person involved in the incident and politely asking if you did the right thing.

Finally disagreements will occur adding at the wrong time will occur. Try to learn from these mistakes by talking about it positively. Let’s treat each other with respect so we can all come to Freddy’s house and spread the love.

Since then
Since I made the post Mythic listened to a group of players who complained that they wanted a place with rolling hills and large trees. Where Full groups could roam and where they could enjoy their style of play like in the old days. Mythic invented Agramon affectionately known as 'Lagramon' by its inhabitants. Lagromon is for full group only fight never ever add in Lagromon and never ever go there with more than 1 FG.

Lagromon begins with two very narrow bridges made of an odd glue that forces stealthers and zerglings to stick to it. Occassionally the devious ones however swim around it and sometimes the really evul ones manage to escape and bring 2fg's on stick with them. This practice should be discouraged the glue is meant to stop you and if you keep doing this your wife/girlfriend will become a feminist. You have been warned!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
been a lot of bullshit on fh lately and that probably is the worst of it all.

not adding is about showing respect to the people in a fight already in progress. its like a little slider, some groups never add on anything (one end of the slider) and other groups add on everything, all the time (other end).

how often and for what reasons groups are gonna add is entirely up to them, and they don't need to explain shit if they do feel like adding. nor do they deserve shit in the face for it by other people.

the worst things are
1) adding in revenge
2) hypocracy (see 1, adding in revenge is still adding)

people need to pick for themself how they play and stick to it, claiming one thing and doing another is just..



Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
rofl class post. not sure i agree with point 1. though. the rest seems sound.

EDIT: couldnt care less bout no. 4 either.


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
the game is what you make it, ie no rules when it comes to playstyle, fg, solo or fg+. Some enjoy massive fights, others want bigger but "fair" fights other prefer soloing. However the notion of fair isnt very well defined and cause lots of wajn and frustration among some players. My advice is to have fun, respect that others mite not enjoy same aspects of the game as you, and dont let frustration make you angry irl.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
trying to work out what exactly adding or not adding has to do with feminism.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Sharkith said:
You might think that the term 'Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game' refers to massive online battles raging between large armies arrayed on both sides of an arena. You of course were wrong.
Yes it would indeed be quite ridiculous to read that much into the term, which was only intended to mean large amounts of people on the same server, and has absolutely nothing to do with the way they should or should not fight.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
The Rules of Adding!

1v1, 2v2 up to but not including 8v8

Basically try and have even-ish fights.

1. If 2 ppl are of roughly the same RR, let them slog it out, then depending on the outcome, kill or cheer the winner.
2. If 2 ppl are fighting, 1 high RR and 1 low RR, then if you are on the low RR's side, feel free to add if you are also low RR. If you are high RR, then you can add also, but it would be nice to wait until the first fight is over (unless you are grouped with the low RR, then obviously you have to help).
3.If you are low RR, go around in 2's or 3's, you need to get RPs somehow.
If you are high RR, going around in groups of more than 2+ and beating on soloers will not gain you many friends.
4. If a duo is beating on a soloer, and they are blatently going to win by steamrolling, feel free to help. If a soloer attacks a duo, give him a chance to take them down :>
5. If someone yells for help, you should help.
6. All rules change when population levels are low, or the time is after midnight. People are a lot nicer then, and more civilized :>

1. Let FGs fight FGs and only attack them if you have a vendetta against someone or if you want to encourage them to steamroll you. Feel free to have a pop at any resting toon or one that is straggling if they are not fighting another FG, as they can always rezz them, and it keeps them on their toes.
2. If the FG are on a bridge near the docks, or attacking relic/towers/keeps they are fair game to be attacked by anyone.

1. No rules apply here, just kill as many as you can before you get killed :> Generally, have no mercy as the enemy will generally have no mercy for you.

I think that pretty much sums it up :>

Obviously play how you want to play - you pay the bills! - but I think the main thing is - do unto others what you would expect/like done to you.

Oli - Illu


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
^^ very good post illu, agree with all of it.


people speak of "dont do anything you dont want done to yourself" in real life, and i dont see how it gets any different in a game.. its just childish tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
so far it works for me... if i dont add i dont get added on... usually. so i dont add at all. have gotten ALOT of good fights whit fgs and etc ppl watching and cheering on.


Nov 29, 2005
Illu's post inspired me.

The rules of adding take 2.
-Don't add.

I kinda summarised a few points into 1.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Vodkafairy said:
been a lot of bullshit on fh lately and that probably is the worst of it all.

Vee Eff can you slow down with the uberposts please I can't keep up with the rep :( Think I tried to give you rep 4 or 5 times in the last week for good posts when I got the dreaded: "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Vodkafairy again."


Oh and in case that was unclear... /me agrees


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
illu said:
Obviously play how you want to play - you pay the bills! - but I think the main thing is - do unto others what you would expect/like done to you.

Oli - Illu

Soooo many people get this the wrong way around...

:worthy: Illu


Sharkith said: that when you add you might get the following responses:

“Hey don’t add FFS.” Or “What are you doing Noob!” “To phew! Thanks mate I thought I was done for there!” Or “ty we was going to get creamed by those nasty Mids.”

And when i stay there and watch it goes from "Thanks for not adding" to more often "WTF noob why u didint help ffs stupid noob" etc.

I add everything now, i don't care if i get added on, and anyone that bitches goes on ignore


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
been a lot of bullshit on fh lately and that probably is the worst of it all.

not adding is about showing respect to the people in a fight already in progress. its like a little slider, some groups never add on anything (one end of the slider) and other groups add on everything, all the time (other end).

how often and for what reasons groups are gonna add is entirely up to them, and they don't need to explain shit if they do feel like adding. nor do they deserve shit in the face for it by other people.

the worst things are
1) adding in revenge
2) hypocracy (see 1, adding in revenge is still adding)

people need to pick for themself how they play and stick to it, claiming one thing and doing another is just..


Tell me, is it nice weather up there?


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Seems to me that some people have had their sarcasm gene removed again Shark. I'm still blaming US sitcoms, though if anyone else has any bright ideas then I may be willing to listen.

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