Active Albion Wide RvR Force


Girigu Shadaar

I want to propose the following:

We form albion wide RvR Force without guild/alliance dependencies. Rules:

1) All 40+ people are welcome to participate.

2) We RvR 2 times per week on preset times and weekdays. Proposal: Tuesday 18:00-20:00 GMT, Thursday 19.00-21:00 GMT. You have to be there inside 15 minutes from the starting time to get marking for participation.

3) As long as you manage to take part in every second prescheduled RvR event you get Champion of Albion title and belong to the the force officially.

4) All members are required to take part in relic raids/defence and if possible be reachable via. some media on event of emergency.

5) We form as many fixed balanced battle groups we can and try to group according to them during the RvR-event. Groups should be level ranged i.e. either 40-45 or 46-50 groups.

6) We wear at least hooded cloak of same color (Proposal: Crimson Red) when in prescheduled RvR event. It looks awesome, boosts team spirit and makes us identify each other on battle. If we get several battle groups we can try to have different uniforms for different groups so groups can stay together in battle.

7) The officers/battle leaders are voted among the active members.

8) Disobeying officer in battle is not allowed and continual disobedience leads to removal from force.

I propose this for you all who have wanted to do organized RvR with the same people in an organized army, regularly. No flames please, if you dont want to be part of this you don't have to. This is meant for people who enjoy it.

If you are intereste, reply here, email me at or contact me in game.

best regards and salutations,
Girigu Shadaar
Phoenix Guard GM


errr im sorry but tbh i dont see the point (no offence whtsoevr intended)

4) All members are required to take part in relic raids/defence and if possible be reachable via. some media on event of emergency.

would be easier if a msg was sent to a guild GM or Officer, they in turn would be able to spread the word to the guild members via motd or guild forum etc. same thing with alliance, write once, hundreds read.
imagine this: xxx (albion force leader) wants to organise a raid..

/send member1 raid tomorrow
/send member2 raid tomorrow
/send member3 raid tomorrow
/send member60794 raid tomorrow

2) We RvR 2 times per week on preset times and weekdays. Proposal: Tuesday 18.00 GMT, Thursday 19.00 GMT

whats the point in setting times for organising 'large' forces when alb have the 'Zerg' ? they are there 24h :)

1) All 40+ people are welcome to participate.

err this would kinda ruin alb morale (as if it aint alrdy ruined).

lvl 2x says to a lvl 3x: lame ass wannabe 1337 ppl.. 40+... they have no life yadda yadda let's not help them anymore, after all, they are all high lvl and we are just lowbies :(

6) We wear at least hooded cloak of same color (Proposal: Crimson Red) when in prescheduled RvR event. It looks awesome, boosts team spirit and makes us identify each other on battle.

thats why we have guilds and guild cloaks ;)

If we get several battle groups we can try to have different uniforms for different groups so groups can stay together in battle.

same as above, guilds and possibly guild uniforms..

7) The officers/battle leaders are voted among the active members.

how is alb gonna be able to decide on leaders? i can guess that 60% will be: i hate xxx, why should i listen to him/her/it?

if you really want to get this to work, then trying to form inguild battlegroups would be a better solution i think. a quick /gu any <insert class here> wanna join an rvr grp? and if the ppl r online, go rvr :)

the 'fixed' grp strategy wont be effective as outside daoc there exists (yes i dont lie) a thing called real life which is the most unpredictable thing in the world and so it will be more like fixed grps of maybe 3 or 4 instead of the intended 8.

bye now


Why hooded cloaks? 95% of the good cloaks in the game have no hood.


Tuesday 18.00 GMT, Thursday 19.00 GMT

Sure ... more fun events while I'm at work. Seriously, I have been very thankfull to some peeps organising things round prime time. Chance of getting whiped is bigger but sure is fun.

At those times, lots of peeps I know are still at work or have just returned and need to cook/clean ...
If you pull this off, at least put one in the weekend for us :)



I like the idea and i wouldnt mind wearinga crimson cloak
all i need to do now is lvl a bit!!


Actually.. I'm vaguely up for the idea but would like to make a few changes...

1) All 40+ people are welcome to participate.


2) We RvR 2 times per week on preset times and weekdays. Proposal: Tuesday 18:00-20:00 GMT, Thursday 19.00-21:00 GMT. You have to be there inside 15 minutes from the starting time to get marking for participation.


3) As long as you manage to take part in every second prescheduled RvR event you get Champion of Albion title and belong to the the force officially.

Can't see how that will work short of having a 'First Cohort' type guild.

4) All members are required to take part in relic raids/defence and if possible be reachable via. some media on event of emergency.

Instead, have a list of GM's/Most online player for each RvR guild in the top 50 (using chronicles) and have some poor bastard spam to buggery confirmed relic raids.

5) We form as many fixed balanced battle groups we can and try to group according to them during the RvR-event. Groups should be level ranged i.e. either 40-45 or 46-50 groups.

um... can't see that working either. Just mix the groups according to class rather than class and level.

6) We wear at least hooded cloak of same color (Proposal: Crimson Red) when in prescheduled RvR event. It looks awesome, boosts team spirit and makes us identify each other on battle. If we get several battle groups we can try to have different uniforms for different groups so groups can stay together in battle.


7) The officers/battle leaders are voted among the active members.

Nah.. leaders are chosen via ability to lead. e.g charisma, knowledge of frontiers and knowledge of the game. Charisma being the most important

8) Disobeying officer in battle is not allowed and continual disobedience leads to removal from force.

Better idea, Disobeyance leads to being kicked out from RvR group. Perhaps people will learn.

Just my 10p.. hope it helps you mate get this thing going.


sounds great :)

killgorde has his alliance and hippies are pain in the arse 24/7 we are gonna need organization if we are gonna survive.

:clap: :clap: :clap:


8) Disobeying officer in battle is not allowed and continual disobedience leads to removal from force.

Good luck when in command of a large force you often have to bend the tactics a bit to accomodate and avoid isolating a few of the players who aren't that good in listening. If it gets to bad though you end up attacking places the leader does not want to and splitting up forces leading to the end of the raid.
Good example is chasing 3 enemies in a keep raid with half or more the door bashing force resulting in the defenders coming out and whiping the ppl still left at the keep and then whiping the ppl returning to the keep.

Girigu Shadaar

Greetings and thanks for input,

>whats the point in setting times for organising 'large' forces when alb have the 'Zerg' ? they are there 24h :)

The zerg does not work together and is not organized. What I propose is a group of people who do RvR together like a football team.

> lvl 2x says to a lvl 3x: lame ass wannabe 1337 ppl.. 40+... they have no life yadda yadda let's not help them anymore, after all, they are all high lvl and we are just lowbies :(

Juniors are not playing with adults are they? Its very important to have events and action for lower lvls. Maybe the level limit should be 35 as lower can be in battle grounds.

> thats why we have guilds and guild cloaks ;)

Guild is often like a family to you, but family does not always provide everything you need. It would be nice to have ppl do orginzed rvr and team together even if they are not in same guild/alliance. The same color scheme for 1 team helps the team to stay organized in RvR and boosts team spirit.

> how is alb gonna be able to decide on leaders? i can guess that 60% will be: i hate xxx, why should i listen to him/her/it?

My suggestion is we vote or try to find respected leaders via discussion.

> the 'fixed' grp strategy wont be effective as outside daoc there exists (yes i dont lie) a thing called real life which is the most unpredictable thing in the world and so it will be more like fixed grps of maybe 3 or 4 instead of the intended 8.

People do regular hobbies, why is it a problem to commit some time to regular RvR? Is it because your girlfriend or mother dont accept daoc as a hobby among other things? Many people but massively more time in daoc than any average man puts in a hobby.

> Nah.. leaders are chosen via ability to lead. e.g charisma, knowledge of frontiers and knowledge of the game. Charisma being the most important

Agreed, that we need leaders who really are best for the job, but this is the eternal dilema of choosing leaders. If no naturally accepted leaders raise we need to either vote or have discussion.

> Better idea, Disobeyance leads to being kicked out from RvR group. Perhaps people will learn.

Agreed, good idea.

best regards,
Girigu Shadaar
Phoenix Guard GM


Ok, I'm gonna be honest here. I do expect some some flames for it so if it helps you sleep thru the night flame me.

4) All members are required to take part in relic raids/defence and if possible be reachable via. some media on event of emergency.

If I'm not in game you won't contact me. Plain and simple. DAoC is a game not a life time commitment. I'll be damned if I'm sitting here reading a good bokk or watching a movie and the phone rings or whatever and I'm being called into game to defend an imaginary relic.

People do regular hobbies, why is it a problem to commit some time to regular RvR? Is it because your girlfriend or mother dont accept daoc as a hobby among other things? Many people but massively more time in daoc than any average man puts in a hobby.

Because as it is a hobby a person has a right to not feel like doing it. Think about it, a hobby is something you do for fun, something you enjoy and do purely for the satisfaction it brings to you. As it is such a thing, when you do not feel like doing your hobby you simply do not. Now, if we all had to do our hobbies between the hours of xx:xx and xx:xx on day x it wouldn't be called a hobby, but a JOB.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm all for working as an orginaized group and the team spirit <insert favorit cheer here> and all that who-ha. Seriously people. it's not that important tho is it? I've said it before and I'll say it again. Is having the most relics /keeps going to make your boss give you a raise or make that pretty girl you like finally notice you're alive? No. Unless you are enjoying doing it then getting the relic isn't all that important! By this I mean that if some asshole leading a raid is doing nothing but insulting ect (ffs you noobs ect) and it's really bugging you then WHY are you there?


Perhaps dreama has had a couple bad experiences with the assholes of albion, im sure we all have at some point. But i hope one of principals of such a united force would be respect, haveing enough respect for 1 another to not make leaders lives difficult with dumb commands using /y and not by flameing others around u.

and also the respect of other peoples rights to not take part if they so choose. although girigu is correct in that most people spend more time in daoc than most do on hobbys, dreama is also correct so a little repsect of these things is in order.....but! i do think that one of the main purposes of this is to make RvR fun and relic Raids fun, and if people were to just try it and then decide its not for them then fine, but dont judge anything until u have been there, seen it, done it.

Bleri McThrust

As Dreama said :clap:

But to add a couple of points it is a game its about having fun.

And on the question of relics. I really cant understand the reaction of some people when one is lost. Many relic raids are repelled, great it can be fun to do. But if someone is succesfull then good luck to them. Do we have the right to own the relics all the time ? Surely part of the fun is supposed to be the ebb and flow of relics etc. Would Alb/Mid/Hib owning all keeps, relics whatever make the game better for them ? I seriously doubt it.

Certainly Mids getting back one of theres means more fun in there frontiers :)

Girigu Shadaar

First tenative event


we are having our first tenative rvr event on tuesday. Come along and bring crimson cloak. You can contact me at

best regards,
Girigu Shadaar
Phoenix Guard GM


Dont forget that its always the one in the red top who dies first in all the away teams .... ;p


1) All 40+ people are welcome to participate.


2) We RvR 2 times per week on preset times and weekdays. Proposal: Tuesday 18:00-20:00 GMT, Thursday 19.00-21:00 GMT. You have to be there inside 15 minutes from the starting time to get marking for participation.

hmm... RvR twice a week, plus guild commitments, plus alliance commitments, plus a bit of soloing time, plus RL work, plus all the other shit that happens in life....???

3) As long as you manage to take part in every second prescheduled RvR event you get Champion of Albion title and belong to the the force officially.

See number 2...

4) All members are required to take part in relic raids/defence and if possible be reachable via. some media on event of emergency.

some media?? pager, mobile phone, ICQ etc? Imagine - *ring ring* Hello? 'Theres a relic raid!!' Sorry i'm busy, i'm out at a restuarant 'Fine you're out of the raiding from now on!' hmmm....

5) We form as many fixed balanced battle groups we can and try to group according to them during the RvR-event. Groups should be level ranged i.e. either 40-45 or 46-50 groups.

ok - what if?? 1 group of 8 tanks level 42ish and 1 group of 8 healers 47ish... not allowed to mix??

6) We wear at least hooded cloak of same color (Proposal: Crimson Red) when in prescheduled RvR event. It looks awesome, boosts team spirit and makes us identify each other on battle. If we get several battle groups we can try to have different uniforms for different groups so groups can stay together in battle.

Isnt that the point of joining a guild and wearing guild colours? and alliances? you should know the colours of your friends in battle...

7) The officers/battle leaders are voted among the active members.

So we will need to start getting the votes in a week before the event, and then those who arent happy with the result just wont play, or will flame everyone else....

8) Disobeying officer in battle is not allowed and continual disobedience leads to removal from force.

OK, lets go back to the guild then...

Well, apologies for being so negative, but I always though that was idea of setting up alliances, and so forth. Good Idea, bad suggestions...

Girigu Shadaar

> Eliteist

Elitist? Under 40 level just are not effective in RvR but as I already said maybe we should accept all 35+ who can't get in BG anymore.

> hmm... RvR twice a week, plus guild commitments, plus alliance commitments, plus a bit of soloing time, plus RL work, plus all the other shit that happens in life....???

Its really about what you want to do and this post is for people who enjoy the kind of thing proposed. Its not for everyone and I have not claimed it would.

> some media?? pager, mobile phone, ICQ etc? Imagine - *ring ring* Hello? 'Theres a relic raid!!' Sorry i'm busy, i'm out at a restuarant 'Fine you're out of the raiding from now on!' hmmm....

Well, we are somewhat already using this kind of system, with irc, msn etc. and its not for everyone again. No need to provoke. And certainly you are not excluded from anything if you dont like this point.

> ok - what if?? 1 group of 8 tanks level 42ish and 1 group of 8 healers 47ish... not allowed to mix??

This was again an idea but if people think its better do balanced group of all levels its fine and good. I dont really know which will work better in RvR...

> Isnt that the point of joining a guild and wearing guild colours? and alliances? you should know the colours of your friends in battle...

Have you not noticed that ppl group a lot outside guild/alliance in RvR too and groups tend to split up a lot then in battle. Its pain when your group is scatted around because they cant recognize each other in the mob.

> So we will need to start getting the votes in a week before the event, and then those who arent happy with the result just wont play, or will flame everyone else....

Got any better ideas?

> OK, lets go back to the guild then...

Discipline is what albion and rvr teams need and it needs to be enforced a bit otherwise it just wont work.

best regards,
Girigu Shadaar

Girigu Shadaar

First Time Success


yesterday we had our first regular RvR battle together. People who participated:


We had nice 2 hours 20 mins RvR together. Our first time objective was search and destroy. Our goal was to find out equal or smaller force and fight to train our tactics. Our first kill was creep just outside hib apk. We were cycling leaders to try out people and give them chance to learn to lead. We were well disciplined and used scouts most of the time. We killed and got zerged. When we have 2 full groups ++ we will be less likely to bump into bigger force and can use more time sharpen our tactics etc. It indeed seems that voluntary force like this can have good discipline and follow predefined tactics as people are there because they want to and commit to the rules of the group. Next regular RvR time is THURSDAY 2000 CET. Everyone who thinks he can enjoy events of this kind are welcome to participate. If you think you are a good leader please join us and bring yourself forward. We are continuously identifying good leaders to lead our groups and army.

best regards,
Girigu Shadaar

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