Act of cοwardness

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Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2005
There are billion of ocations which many of them i have been which it seems a real act of cowardness.
In df and in rvr too while fighting a mob and specially when i'm in with my necro stealthers mostly dont attack me except if i pull a mob plus they dont give me the deatrh blow but they wait for the mob to finnish me off.
For me this is coward act. It seems players dont have good chars and they wait for <freeee rps>

Just to let you know i NEVER do that and ofc wait for the player to kill the mob. (once in hibernia poc i attacked the mob while 4 hibs where hitting the mob ;P and they killed me without atticking them...wasnt in the mood to do anything and plus my merc was logged in there and wanted to go to my personal house)

Anyway for now on if you see a noob necro named sleepwalkers its me and i have him just to farm seals and aurulites and if i see a enemy player i will release my pet. and just wait. i wont attack ANYONE


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
rvr zone, ppl can do what they want. attack you or not. up to them. same whit letting mob finish you..


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Uspe, forgive me but I think you maybe in the wrong game. Try solitaire.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Stealthers generally don't fare well against a buffed necro, so to increase their chances they wait for you to pull. If the Necro wasn't OP to Stealthers you might actually get attacked in a fair fight, but alas.

As for you dieing, in most cases it's probably because the stealther isn't fast enough to switch from necro pet to you thus the mob "steals" the kill.

Most stealthers would prefer the 800-1000 rps than feel smug about giving you an exp death. Well if they prefer to exp death you then at least you can feel smug that you're not the wanker they are.

It's also an RvR zone, if you don't like it go somewhere else.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 9, 2004
uspe said:
There are billion of ocations which many of them i have been which it seems a real act of cowardness.
In df and in rvr too while fighting a mob and specially when i'm in with my necro stealthers mostly dont attack me except if i pull a mob plus they dont give me the deatrh blow but they wait for the mob to finnish me off.
For me this is coward act. It seems players dont have good chars and they wait for <freeee rps>

Just to let you know i NEVER do that and ofc wait for the player to kill the mob. (once in hibernia poc i attacked the mob while 4 hibs where hitting the mob ;P and they killed me without atticking them...wasnt in the mood to do anything and plus my merc was logged in there and wanted to go to my personal house)

Anyway for now on if you see a noob necro named sleepwalkers its me and i have him just to farm seals and aurulites and if i see a enemy player i will release my pet. and just wait. i wont attack ANYONE

thought it was rather strange when u released ya pet when u seen my warr approaching albs side.. thought i was doomd as i was on 50% hps :p

seems i killed ya merc while he was farming with my zerker and then unbuffed warr

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
do it like me!

Do it like me i went in alb poc to exp with my 49 necro + cleric
and 2 bms kill me outside poc when i get inside poc a vampiir kill me inside anyway he dont need buffs so........ i went with my sorc inside hib poc for revenge :) and the 2 first fg that came unbuffed felt how is to die from poc campers :) revenge is a cold plate u better taste it before it turn into ice


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2005
the point is not if i play solitare or wow or daoc or something else which FH witll close my acc if i say it.
its about fair play imo. 2 times atm and i will still doing, i helped low lvl hibs in df at their side from death from mob. anyway this is my play.
my necro just to let you know he is 50 sight 20 pain and without buffs and i think it will be a miracle if i kill someone.

anyway from your replies you gave me the opinion that i should start killing low lvl players and without mercy. and start pissing off everyone. is that daoc????


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
uspe said:
the point is not if i play solitare or wow or daoc or something else which FH witll close my acc if i say it.
its about fair play imo. 2 times atm and i will still doing, i helped low lvl hibs in df at their side from death from mob. anyway this is my play.
my necro just to let you know he is 50 sight 20 pain and without buffs and i think it will be a miracle if i kill someone.

anyway from your replies you gave me the opinion that i should start killing low lvl players and without mercy. and start pissing off everyone. is that daoc????

The moral of this story is don't xp in RvR zones if you don't like being killed.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
apart from the fact that he isnt xp'ing ? :p
he's farming seals.! cant really do that anywhere els, altho dono why anyone would want to thease days, alot easier to farm scrolls, ;)

in any case it's a rvr dungeon, so guess you'll just have to expect to end up in fights now and then, and some actually go there for that purpouse just as you do for a different one.

how ever i wouldnt release my pet if i were you ;) since chances are you'll win vs most melee cha's, so if they attack you they'll quickly learn not to try again, :D and thus leave you alone, and to most, the fact that you release your pet wont make one bit of difference, expet make it easier for them.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
time to play the good old "Look what happened to Vincent" card again



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Olgaline said:
how ever i wouldnt release my pet if i were you

read up, he plays without a bufbot... that means his pet can be droped with ease by any decent melee-er


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
i guess this is one of the thousand occations you would post a link to a picture with david hasselhoff saying We Don't Care


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 19, 2005
Minifotm said:
i guess this is one of the thousand occations you would post a link to a picture with david hasselhoff saying We Don't Care

Eeek reminds me i have a musik video with david hasselhoff i never got bothered to delete :<<<<< *cries*


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
For none-caster soloers, necros goes into the "lame character category" where reavers, warlocks and sms are. they deserve to get gangbanged tbfh. Necroes can kill ppl while being afk


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 4, 2005
And Banshee as the most lame of all classes:) WL ain't that uber, it is the victim of the WL who is a bad player WL gets killed alot BASTA


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
It's frustrating but that's just the way it is.

Accept that people want their RPs and don't care what con you are or what you're doing. If they can get RPs for you then they'll kill you simple as that.

Some people just don't like a challenge so they'll do everything they can to win (DI Bots in towers, attacking soloers with a trio or FG etc.). It's pathetic and sad, but there's no changing them.

Just sigh, release, rebuff and try again :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
Mastade said:
For none-caster soloers, necros goes into the "lame character category" where reavers, warlocks and sms are. they deserve to get gangbanged tbfh. Necroes can kill ppl while being afk

u forgot banshees and bonedancers :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Mastade said:
For none-caster soloers, necros goes into the "lame character category" where reavers, warlocks and sms are. they deserve to get gangbanged tbfh. Necroes can kill ppl while being afk

What a lot of shit.

If you're going to QQ about Necros, then you can add Vamps and Bainshees to the list first because they are very lame...and you know it! :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Mastade said:
For none-caster soloers, necros goes into the "lame character category" where reavers, warlocks and sms are. they deserve to get gangbanged tbfh. Necroes can kill ppl while being afk

A downside with necro in rvr tho.
Necro cant do anything without the abomination so in rvr to stand a good chance the pet need buffs as any other player need buffs.

Then there is boats, if you take a boat with your new fullybuffed pet to lets say hibernia you will loose the pet cause of too far away from pet.
So if im not wrong a necro need a bb tagging along or hiding him in some tower atleast?

Not sure DI works on pets either btw.
Can be wrong ofc...just my thoughts


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
In snowdonia I saw a heretic fighting an orange mob and he was going down. I killed the mob, /waved and 30 mins later he added on me.

In pennies, I saw an infi hitting again an orange mob, drew a red one by accident, got that, a scout started hitting me, infi added.

Just a couple of examples, and I got plenty more but the post will become veeery long. I've reached a point where I don't care, if you're in an rvr zone you run a risk. Take it, or just leave.
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