Accounts for sale



There seem to be more "account for sale" threads every day here. I know that the moderators used to delete the messages, and Kemor has publicly stated here that any account that is known to GOA to have been sold or swapped could be deleted without warning ( ) but has the forum policy recently changed? Or have the mods just not been able to keep up.

This is not meant to open a debate about whether the "no account trading" rule is good or bad, I'm just wondering about Barrysworld's posting policy.


personally i think it should be like stratics UO ones, you cant post anything about trading or selling accounts, thats what ebay and other places are for, if you must advertise the fact your selling it


Well the few selling accounts posts are starting to turn into a flood - but personally Id rather have an idea which characters are about to have a "personality transplant" :)


If I see them before they get a load of replies tagged on by people I tend to delete the thread, otherwise I'll change the text. I do miss some though unfortunately so feel free to hit report post or priv msg me the thread URL if you could please.

We've just added two new mods seeing as Damini is planning on hanging up her mod boots so hopefully that'll create a bigger net as it were.


i personally think Goa/Mythic should allow people to trade account or sell .

if people can trade/sell we will have a LOT LESS people leaving the game totaly.
and also imo goa stopping trading and selling is bad business
if people trade account they are keeping there business. whereas stopping them makes them lose income because the person trading/selling will leave totally hence no more subscription for goa .
although i personallywould NEVER sell or buy an account ,
if i ever got bored of my char i would rather trade my char for a similer lvl character on a different realm/server/class in same realm . hence giving myself a new outlook in daoc and a more exciting one trying to adapt to playing new char ,

the end ofthe day goa stopping trades/sales just makes people leave who DONT want to lvl all the way to 50 again . my guess is 75% of european server acc sales are bought/traded with by ANOTHER member of euro community. hence goa dont lose anything and STILL keep there subscriptions open . enough people are quitting the game as it is without goa telling them they cant swap to help themselves become interested again. andill say again its a bad business move todo so because theyare literally forcing people to quit who want tostay andplay another char but dont wanna spend xxx week lvling to 50 again . acc swapping imo is ok and i hope goa aint to hard n peoplewho doso because they are only people who want to stay playing daoc butdont wanan exp grind again .

p.s bah space bar is playing up cant be bothered to go above n edit it all :p


I personally think accounts for sale ruin games, as I have said before about UO. The balance of equality is shifted towards those willing to violate the CoC, and those with the money to buy the best equipment, character, items... The online environment is broken as secular to real life, because the ability to translate online factors into real life money means more and more cross overs occur (any UOers remember the trading at the banks? CASTLE FOR SALE! EBAY NUMBER.... 1 MILLION GOLD FOR $20!!). Your online world becomes more and more infiltrated by the dreaded RL.

It becomes impossible for honest new characters to start after the game has passed through the openning stages, because everyones stacked up to the nines through either honest graft or just buying the account of someone who went through honest graft; there are virtually no honestly new characters, which deters those that ARE honestly new, and without a penny to their name. If someone new was to ask me whether to join UO, now I'd say as they'd never be able to compete in that environment without buying someones character and belongings out. The ability to externally trade corrupts the system.

UO is beyond redemtion in my point of view. It's so heavily unbalanced now, and due to external trading it's internal monetary system is so unbalanced that honest players can't really use it. DAoC is trying to protect itself against this. By losing these accounts now, and not selling them on, you are ensuring that a)its not only those that can afford it who dominate the higher levels, and b) that new characters feel able to continue joining the game, rather than feeling that its pointless, because no other new characters join (they just grab up a level 50 account for sale). What they are doing is trying to insure the long term continuation of the game, which I think is commendable.

While I do sympathise over the exp grind for those who want to explore new characters, I still think that you have to protect the game.

And Alrindel, there are so many threads a day, so many different sub forums, that it is hard to keep up sometimes. If you see anything like that, hit report.


Well I am on here alot so I will do my best to keep up with all the nasty people :)


I don't understand Damini's post.
If a character X is played by mister A, but he desides to quit and let mister B play it. All mister B has to do is get play skills and get a place within the community. What is the disadvantage to a new character Y and a new player? that they have to do the xp circus? Character X had to do the same and even harder(!) when the patches weren't there yet. And I surely can understand that maybe mister B maybe doesn't have time to taste te fun of xping cause u need long hours to get anyware, but wants to play in this community and do some RvsR in the evenings. No I don't understand why there is a problem trading/selling acounts. Only thing that is a threat is accounts are being used for spying or buffbots. And my experience is that spies are busted very soon and Mythic is working out a way that buffbots become useless.


DachraK, did you play UO? The disadvantage is that because of all the accounts being recycled, and new players simply buying up used accounts, it made it nigh on impossible for a truly new character to establish itself in the game.

New player A buys old person T's account - comes with GM character, house, high level equipment.

New character B buys old person's P's account - seven times GM, tower, mule characters...

New character C starts completely from scratch in an environment where the value of money has decreased intensely because of the fact that instead of playing to earn it, you can simply buy it from e-bay. All the goods have become hyper valued, and he can't afford the decent armour, weapons etc... The shops don't stock them because due to the decrease in monetary value, players only sell to other players, so all trade is done on a player to player level, negating NPCs. There are very very few new characters to play with and level with, as most of them have simply bought an experience character and already have all the equipment and full reign of where they can go. The social structure of the system is broken down because there is no real turn over of new characters, simply a recycling of experienced characters which leaves a heavy imbalance at the higher scale of experience. This gap in turn encourages people to avoid new characters, as they are so far removed from the higher characters. Therefore it is heavily biased against the new character who doesn't want to buy from e-bay, therefore undermining the whole idea of a MMORPG where you start from scratch and develop your own character.

You can't just look at a MMORPG in terms of game play - you are creating an internal social structure, environment, monetary system, and its therefore a lot more complicated than simply "Letting people have other peoples accounts".

P.S. Just noticed the bit about not meaning to start a debate... sorry! But you got an answer, so consider this thread hijacked I guess :)


if mythic made the game good and stoped nerfing all the fun classes to be as boring as possible to play im sure ppl wouldnt be selling their accounts


Originally posted by Northstarr
if mythic made the game good and stoped nerfing all the fun classes to be as boring as possible to play im sure ppl wouldnt be selling their accounts


Ppl sell their accounts not because of the patches / nerfing etc, but cause they get bored with their chars, exping, RvRing etc. Also to make a nice profit in some cases IMO.

Think, i have seen a level 50 sorc (plus 3 alts all 20+) in euro sell for £170, he then goes out and buys the game again for £20, making a kewl £150 profit.

Player profit = £150
Mythic profit = £10 or sommit per game

This cycle can then be reapeated and presto, ya rich on the backs of Mythic.

They could just give away their armour and weapons to someone else, delete their char and make new ones, or in some cases just move to another server and start there.

As for "nerfing", its called trying to balance out the chars to give all a fair chance against one another. This statement comes under the "mummy, mythic took away my toys and now i cant solo red thanes in emain boohoo" category.

IMO all ppl should start from square one, and work their char into their prefered form. Its kinda laim to buy a game, then use a cheat to get you to the final map and kill the boss - one completed game in 5 mins, well this is along the same lines, leaving behind the fun of mob killing, exping and questing that makes DAoC and games liek it fun.

Pay Mythic for the game, not someone else, play the game for what it is, not what someone else made it.

Oh and if Mythic aint made a good game, why the hell are you a) still playing, b) paying for it and c) bothering to post on forums about the said game? Along with 200,000 other ppl!


Not jack shit GOA can legally do to you if you give someone your account as a gift and they make you a gift of money in return.

Unfortunately, i think GOA have the legal right to delete your character at any given time, without reason or explanation, or indeed warning?
So that's that rather stuffed...


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Not jack shit GOA can legally do to you if you give someone your account as a gift

from the eula..
4. Account Information
* The Publisher remind you that Accounts are available only to adults or, in their discretion, their minor child. If you are a minor, your parent(s) or guardian(s) must complete the registration process, in which case they will take full responsibility for all obligations under this Agreement.

your account is YOUR account. you and noone else may use it.


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
As for "nerfing", its called trying to balance out the chars to give all a fair chance against one another. This statement comes under the "mummy, mythic took away my toys and now i cant solo red thanes in emain boohoo" category.

I though everyone could solo red thanes o_O


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD

Oh and if Mythic aint made a good game, why the hell are you a) still playing, b) paying for it and c) bothering to post on forums about the said game? Along with 200,000 other ppl!

im not playing anymore i quit a while ago due to mythics method of "balancing the realms" by nerfing the good classes where as imo they shud concentrate on making the worse classes better. tho i think nerfing mezz is good because its stupidly overpowered (rvr first mezz = victory)
sorry for saying stuff thats already been discussed many times before


Originally posted by Northstarr

im not playing anymore i quit a while ago due to mythics method of "balancing the realms" by nerfing the good classes where as imo they shud concentrate on making the worse classes better.

they are improving the worst classes.

btw, think about it - should they nerf the overpowered class or add stuff to every other class to counter them? wont that bring imbalance and screw up other things?

you cant always give & give & give. you have to take from the best classes to bring them in line with the rest.


Originally posted by Northstarr

im not playing anymore i quit a while ago due to mythics method of "balancing the realms" by nerfing the good classes where as imo they shud concentrate on making the worse classes better. tho i think nerfing mezz is good because its stupidly overpowered (rvr first mezz = victory)
sorry for saying stuff thats already been discussed many times before
making al classes on par wioth the best classes wont work :p you need to make all classes equal to that class then re balance it would take FARlonger and many more patches many more ppl monaing etc etc its easier and more usefull to leave middle 'balenced classes' nerf uber classes and making the worst classes better therrefore your keeping the Core main classes the same meaningl ess work and less change so they have aknown base to work from


If people were to sell characters and items, this would not be good for the game.
It is basically saying, that you own your characters and whatever else is on them.

Well, GOA could also do this, and create any character instantly, with whatever items, and sell them.
Who would play a game where this would take place?

Imagine if you were allowed to do so, what would prevent Mythic or GOA, setting up a special NPC merchant, to which you could ask any item, and that NPC would report directly to a sales team, who would create the item for you, give it to you, and taking an appropiate fee from your credit card which was used to pay your subscription.

Or, for a higher fee, complete class change, or, any item of your design, or a spell of your design.

This game then turns into who has more money available to invest in the game.

These are the ramifications imo, if GOA or Mythic allowed you to sell characters, legally.


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
Imagine if you were allowed to do so, what would prevent Mythic or GOA, setting up a special NPC merchant, to which you could ask any item, and that NPC would report directly to a sales team, who would create the item for you, give it to you, and taking an appropiate fee from your credit card which was used to pay your subscription.

you do know that this is exactly what they have put in at some UO shards? pay a fee -> get a char with X stats & skills.


I used to dislike selling accounts as well, until someone offered me 4 grand for my EQ account (60-warrior) :clap:

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