Account Terminated



Well, after sticking up for GoA on various threads and the like, they have finally managed to rile even ME -

Imagine this scenario -

You go to login, click enter, and a dialogue box appears telling me that my account is terminated.

So, thinking my payment hasnt gone through (it's about that time) I go to the web site and login to my account, and there it is, Account Status, Closed.

OK, I think, I need to make my payment, so I glance down and check my account information. Oh, look, the payment is due tomorrow. So, that rules out the idea I havent paid. (Also, it wont let me enter any card details etc)

So, the question is, why is my account terminated? I have e-mailed GoA, but I really don't expect a reply today, and withdrawal symptoms are kicking in!!

Has anyone else suffered this? Or am I the only one?

I have recieved no e-mail from GoA, no form of "We are terminating your account because..."

Can anyone help?

Please, try no to turn this into a flame GoA thread, I am looking for serious answers to help me get back on the game I have dedicated the last 3 months of my life to...


Herbal Remedy

Had same problem today sent em a rightnnow fixed in 1 hour 20 mins was really surprised


Kemor has said previously about this kind of issue:

Could you :
1- send a report through RightNow about this
2- send me an email with your NAME & LASTNAME (the ones you used to register) at with subject "ACCOUNT TERMINATED PROBLEM".


GM, English servers, GOA.
[ Online English DAOC Manual ]
[ Customer Support ]

... and Damini had a similar problem but it DID get fixed (in the end) :

Good luck!



Thanks for your quick responce Herbal, they have been e-mailed, and Rightnow'ed, so I guess all I can do now, is to wait..

I hope they sort me out as quick as they have you.

Cheers H,



Again, thanks for the quick response Jupitus, a mail has been sent to the addy you posted.

Cheers guys!!

(gagging to play!!!!)


same happened to me :(
Didnt know about mailing kemor directly. and have done that now. Hopefully if more than 1 person is effected they might be able to fix it soon. i.e this evening. Although, as I understand it if it isnt fixed in normal work hours, it wont be fixed until tomarrow :(


This what i figured Iair, i'm gonna take a guess at tomorrow, so I think for tonight, it's back to Diablo II for a bit (if my characters are still on the server!!)

Jeez, I REALLY need to get a life!! This cold turkey business ain't for me!!



Hurrah for Goa
The one time I need customer support they deliver

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I submitted to rightnow 2 hours ago ... and mailed kemor 30 mins ago. Dont know who fixed it, but my account is unterminated


hmm... diablo 2.. i really should reinstall that

i cleared my hd a few months back and still havent reinstalled d2 :eek:

il go start a new char... i dont have the expansion though :(

a paladin sounds tempting

oops, ive gone off topic. forget i ever made this post.


Well, some people have all the luck,

time for another mail i think - i posted at about 5:30ish gmt (2 1/2 hours ago, and i still can't get in)

Now I'm REALLY pissed off - no offence intended lairiodd.

Talen - not a happy f***ing chappie at all


While I was waiting for my account to be unterminated, I set up this web page

dragon pics

BTW I assumed that they did a mass fix on this otherwise I wouldnt have started cheering on this thread


Not a problem mate...

I'm getting to the stage now where i will cancel the account and set it up again...then try and get the money back out them if they take 2 payments.....

This is really starting to bug me now, and after 3 hours, still nothing. Hmmm, maybe I should just cancel it and not bother coming back....

There are other games, and warcraft 3 will be out soon, closely followed by World of Warcraft and then Star Wars Galaxies...lets just hope that GoA don't get their grubby mitts on those 2...


Hello there.

Talen we cannot do anything about this tonight. If you have posted it through RightNow we will take care of it tomorrow morning and fix the issue. The email to kemor is so the case will be investigated faster (as this is a high priority for us) but he cannot answer you or fix it without the RightNow report.

We are looking into the matter but please give us until tomorrow to solve this.




At least we know now someone is out there keeping an eye on things!!

Cheers Zargar :clap:

Not knowing is the worst part, so at least I have some info now.

I have reported it on the Rightnow system, and, well I have an early start in the morning, so I shall look forward to playing tomorrow after work.

If it still ain't fixed by then....well.... :)

Anyway, thanks again for letting me know the current state of affairs.

Let's just hope I can make 37 by beddie byes tomorrow night, and I WILL be happy again!!


"Dear Customer,

Your account has been terminated to balance the realms on the Excalibur server. Unfortunately there are still way too many lame Albions and we are therefore forced to take extreme measures.

Should you wish to switch to another realm of your choice, contact us on RightNow and we'll have your account reactivated. Thank you!"


Seriously, I hope your problem gets fixed soon. GOA should put some effort into finding the source of these account problems, they are plenty...



It turns out GoA's fix was to cancel my account and to re-subsribe.

Which I will be doing next time this happens, because I'm sure it will.

So,anyway, I'm back on the game, but I'm about to go to work, so I will see all you lovely Alb's tonight.

Now the quest is to get to 37 this evening, if I don't....spanking will be due:p

Thanks for help guys,



Damn. This wins most common problem of the day award, for yesterday.
Well I had my own little problem with my parents CC being ended last month and got a totally new one which was a different number. Since I had 1 month plan it wouldn't go this month and I had no "Current Subcription" but got it fixed.


Unfortunately, this seems to be a recurrent problem. The system keeps terminating accounts early, for some unknown reason.

I assume someone at GOA is trying to actually make it work properly, rather than just telling people to cancel and resubscribe?


From what has been posted so far, the majority of times it occurs, the players have posted back that it has been fixed within an hour or two, which, to be fair, is pretty damn good support to us general public...

(having been in that sector as a support techie, I have a pretty damn good idea of avarage fix time across the different market sectors)

But it appears, for my issue (to my knowledge i am the only one who has been told this 'offically') i was told to cancel and resubscribe.

There appears to be 2 situations when this occurs -

Number 1) Account is terminated during the middle of your subscription period - in this case, the account can be re-opened by GoA

Number 2) Account is terminated on or near the end of your subscription period - in this case the account needs to be cancelled by the user and re-opened (ie put in card details etc.)

When my account was locked yesterday, my payment was due today, and apparantly GoA have tried to submit the payment 3 times and all had come back as failed - they then mailed me and told me to cancel and re-sub, which i did... The payment went through and I got back on the game...

That seems to be the current situation, and I hope that this will help others should they experience this issue...

Good luck all...



If I understand it correctly, if you cancel and resubscribe, you get to reenter/edit your credit card info? Because a long time ago I asked them if this was the case and they couldn't answer me.

Well, GOA answered, but in crappy English I could barely make heads or tails of, and it appeared they hadn't really understood the question either :(


Lol, did GOA do their fantastique trick de randomly swopping anglais words avec french ones?

Must admit, that one had me baffled when I first started e-mailing them.


i was told by goa when my cc details changed that i had to let my account expire wait a couple of days then go in and reactivate it!!

good customer service eh!! telling me not to play!!

heres the email they sent me

Response (CS) - 04/30/2002 08:59 PM

To change your credit card data, you have to go to "My account" category. Enter you SUBSCRIPTION login and password. You will access to "Terminate my subscription" in "My current subscription". Like that, you stop the reconduction tacit of your current subscription period.

A few days after the end of your current subscription (around the 03/05/2002), you will return in "My account" category and you will choose "Modify my personal information" in "To access the game". There, you will enter your new data of credit card...

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support


[/irony] The company in charge of the translation patch still writes e-mails that veer from language to language [/irony]

Reconduction tacit?


Well, everything was in the English dictionary, but...

"because we have needed of info about credit card only one time..."


"Sorry for waiting this answer..."

Didn't strike me as proper English somehow ;)

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