Account splitting


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Just makes it more easy for E-bayers to sell their accounts imo as they dont need to give out the password/sub pass and you won't have a chance that the account you bought will get banned or pass changed in a couple of days.. :wij:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
hehe i remember asking GOA about something like this almost 2 years ago and i just got a "sharing accounts is against CoC blablabla" :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
cHodAX said:
New feature = Mythic smelling dollars

imo this is a good thing....

how many guys/ladys out there cant spend time online as much as they would like because there mrs/fella are whining at them to come of the game cos she aint got nowt better to do ? account splitting means u can give ya mrs one ;) (an account that is) so she can play with ya! and not whine at u when u log in :)

i dont play my theurg nowdays .... and my lady is always whinging im on daoc to much cos she is bored ,,,, if i try giving her my theurg at least i have a chance of getting her interested and hence i can enjoy more time online rather than listen to her whine about how big her ass looks in a certain skirt etc she had bought that day :) also good for bringing new friends into the game ..... or friends from another game..... im sure many people have friends that have joined the game and tried exp there way to 50 but gave up cos a high % of players r already 50 and no exp grps for em....

acc splittin instantly gets your friend into large rvr/pve raids with you hence his/her enjoyment starts straight away :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
what about ppl that can cough up that money then....then they are screwd if they wanna move


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Will mean you will be able to custom order freshly pl'ed characters as well - say you want a shadowblade for example, but dont wanna buy/trade an acc and cant be arsed to exp one yourself, you just ask your friendly local pl master to get you one with his uber pbae exp grp setup etc, then when he has done 4 new characters (so as not to waste the transfer fee on one char only) he transfers them to his customers for and they pay him.
Can forsee some acc's beeing used as pure "breeding accounts" for this purpose (i.e. exp 4x50 then empty, repeat).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Mythic - Moving Healers to Bot accounts since 2004.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Mythic will do anything to keep those dollars rolling in, even if it means alienating a quater of the playerbase they know that account splitting will still be a big earner for them. End of the day this game requires a buffbot and exp groups are dying so fast that everyone will need a powerlevel bot soon as well. Mythic have done nothing to address the grouping problems and difficulty getting exp groups, instead they pump out expansions that make power leveling the norm and exping the old fashioned way hard as hell.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
In an ideal world this would be like heaven for some players, including me ...
And to others it would be like complete hell facing those going into RvR with their new UBAH BB's

But it won't matter if I can move some chars around unless the game is FUN, the expansions you've paid for is playable at other times than 04:30-09:30...Yadayada...

And besides GOA have some descrepancies (sp?) compared with Mythic's own policies about trading/selling accounts/stuff etc..

I for one would more like the ability to move SERVER instead of chars...
That I think most of pryd/mid would like atm..
And then MAYBE GOA would go: "aha, was it that bad, but we did keep an eye on the server for one night as promised in 1 of our usual "boringnewscontainingnonews" (TM of GOA)"

I'm looking forward to this friday news tbh, I wanna see if they can keep on neglecting the prydwen problems...

And cheers Roo :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
I wonder if this will actually ever hit the european servers.. let's face it, GOA are well known for not giving us all the toys Mythic make available to the US version.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
It's pretty pointless - the advantages are very circumstatial. It'll be usefull when you can move between /servers/ .. but that would be admitting defeat, so I very much doubt it'll ever happen.

I suppose you could move bots around from account to account. As the poster above commented - it remains to be seen if GOA will include this ability to begin with. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Hm, wondering if you have to move the chars to a "new" account?

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
As Tes said, if it was a move between servers you could see the point. As it stands, saying that its for friends and family type thing is a marginal gain.

Lots of people have a shammy and/or healer (or other realm equivilents) on their accounts but can't be bothered starting another to make a bot. Pay a fee, instant bot.

Hell, if I reactivated and did that, I've got a shammy and healer on the account both with unused respecs. Instant bots for all occasions.

Fairly cynical move on Mythic's part, despite the stated reason for doing it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 7, 2004
When I first read the announcement my initial impression was "Hey good idea, I know of several people who have characters on friend's accounts"

now that I've had a cup of coffee it has dawned on me that these people have all since bought their own accounts, levelled themselves to 50 all over again and in some cases bought bot accounts of their own. Sorry Mythic but have to agree with the rest of the cynics here.

And raising cynicism to a new level - anyone wish they had bought shares in Mythic raher than playing the game for the last x years?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Roo Stercogburn said:
Even more bots going to appear.

This was my immediate thought too. There must be so many people who didn't plan the way their characters were created and have multiple level 50 characters sat on the same account that they might want to use together. Not only do Mythic get a $40 fee for what must be a very simple procedure they also get the benefit of having all their bunched up characters spread out to even more account! It's a bit like the time Everquest cynically brought in fully geared server transfers despite previously denying this due to damaging the target servers economy too much.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Yussef said:
You're speculating on how the system will be run.

It explains how the system will run, you pay 40 dollars for 1 time and you can transfer up to 4 characters from 1 account to the other. That 40 dollar wont be much of trouble to people who want to have other people's account and wants to play them safely without worrying about pass changed or account banned. But what's wrong with speculating, are we supposed to discuss about something when it is released? Why was you speculating about TOA items/armor/weapons bla bla way back before TOA got released here?

Fana said:
Will mean you will be able to custom order freshly pl'ed characters as well - say you want a shadowblade for example, but dont wanna buy/trade an acc and cant be arsed to exp one yourself, you just ask your friendly local pl master to get you one with his uber pbae exp grp setup etc, then when he has done 4 new characters (so as not to waste the transfer fee on one char only) he transfers them to his customers for and they pay him.
Can forsee some acc's beeing used as pure "breeding accounts" for this purpose (i.e. exp 4x50 then empty, repeat).

Yes exactly what I think will be happen. That 40 dollar extra for 4 chars = 10 dollar per char = not much for someone who wants to buy characters anyway. So you'll soon see ads on e-bay like:

LVL 50 toons Mid/Morgan le Fay freshly Pl'ed any char you want for 50 dollah per char!!



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah sorry, I had to force a refresh for the FAQ, my comment was based on the press release. However, it's cheaper to PL an account at present, the safety point is valid however.

I thought of numerous methods that differed from your envisioned method, which would have effected the whole reasoning of your opinion at the time, hence my comment :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Thing is your allowed to sell accounts on the US. So moving Characters around is just an add to that. Who know's if we will get it and when if we do : x


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
This will never happen in Europe, same as all the other "perks" that our US bretherent enjoy that are denied to us (ingame CSR's for example).

Even if GOA DID implement this system, is anyone really going to trust them to transfer your lvl 50 toons to another account? Hands up anyone who thinks half the time they would lose the toon, wipe the toon, transfer it to the wrong account or simply take your money and not complete the transfer.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tallen said:
This will never happen in Europe, same as all the other "perks" that our US bretherent enjoy that are denied to us (ingame CSR's for example).

Even if GOA DID implement this system, is anyone really going to trust them to transfer your lvl 50 toons to another account? Hands up anyone who thinks half the time they would lose the toon, wipe the toon, transfer it to the wrong account or simply take your money and not complete the transfer.

yet you trust them enough to keep giving them money...?

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