Account Problems



Due to the high number of posts about people having problems with the "reconduitment" (grr) or renewal of their accounts, I've decided to do a poll to see how many people on these forums have actually had a problem with this personally. It will be quite interesting to see (IMO) whether it is a large percentage, or whether these people are just exceptionally vocal (and yes, I do include myself as a whinger here).

Thank you.


Don't know yet, My first renewal comes up around November.


When my free month ran out, I signed up for a six month subscription without any problem. When that ran out recently I renewed with a three month subscription without any problem. I was not cut off from the game at any point.

Note: as I'm in france, using a french carte bleu for payment, it may be that the french company handling GOA's online payment is better equipped to deal with this system than others that most of the Excalibur/Prydwen players are using...

j000 d000d


You get the "Transaction Succesful" while you haven't even entered your CC # again, and then youre stuck and can't pay :(

old.Gombur Glodson

I havent had any problems ever.


Good timing , I'm renewing right now , I have to wait 3 hours before proceeding for some insane reason . I'll let you know in approx 3 hours :)


No problems at all. My main account was automatically renewed for 6 months today.

However, the email did say something along the lines of 'refer to attached bill' of which there was no sign :rolleyes:


Yip, had issues in the first renew with a few issues regarding taking forever to authorise the card, then difficulty changing the card details (was told by RightNow that I HAD to wait a few days until after the account was closed for the details to reset, and now I find out that RightNow are telling people they don't have to wait and they can reset the details there and then, not causing a 3 day period where you can't log on).

And recently had an issue where my accoutn wasn't being automatically renewed, and therefore a 3 hour delay between paying for the account and it being re-activated.



Originally posted by Cadire
No problems at all. My main account was automatically renewed for 6 months today.

However, the email did say something along the lines of 'refer to attached bill' of which there was no sign :rolleyes:

Same here this morning. Worrying isnt it?

/em checks cc account


From what I've now read from the other posts , it automatically renews , I did'nt know that and have manually paid today with no problems whatsoever :)


Originally posted by Cadire
No problems at all. My main account was automatically renewed for 6 months today.

However, the email did say something along the lines of 'refer to attached bill' of which there was no sign :rolleyes:

I got the renewal e-mail today too, and also did not receive the attachment. I did just check to make sure I could log in, and could.


Originally posted by caelithar
From what I've now read from the other posts , it automatically renews , I did'nt know that and have manually paid today with no problems whatsoever :)

it should automatically renew
some people had knacked accounts which didn't autorenew :(


Receipt would be nice tho (as per email)


The times i've had to renew my accounts, they've been reactivated within 30 minutes after i've sumitted my CC information.


yes, every time i try to renew my account the web page screws up and won't let my view my details/ renew my account.

i have found out the only way i can renew my account is to log on to the webby in the morning. strange, i know, and very, very annoying.

why my account ran out yesterday and i havent been able to renew it yet. grrrr.....


I've set my account up so that it never auto-renews itself, I actually have to go and type in my info every month, and if I don't, the account stops. (I do this because I once forgot to cancel my UO account, and was charged for about 6 months before I remembered to cancel it).

I've never had a problem, not with pages broken, or taking my CC number, or renewing it. When I've renewed, I've been able to play within 5 minutes.


My renewal procedure is usualy as follows:

1) Not beeing able to log in

"Subscription pages are under maintenance, they will be available soon as possible.
We are sorry for the inconvenience."

2) Getting the "please wait 3 hours" screen before even entering a CC number

3) rince, repeat.

But when I finaly get to enter the CC number, I can play wihtin 5 minutes.


to those who wants to avoid this in the future:

before it runs out, cancel it. this wont cancel the time left, you've already payed for.
log out, and log in again.
renew it, with your choice of billing plan.
this works, immideately.

i reckon the reason is, that the client thinks differently about active accounts, and inactive accounts.

just a tip.


Well i turnt my pc on half hour ago and found out that mines been closed when i renewed subscription and now it isnt accepting my credit card..... i give up


as i said. cancel it and renew, before it runs out


It was a good job I checked my account on the 4th. I hadn't received a reminder about renewal, so I assumed that the automatic renewal would kick in, but I hadn't received the confirmation e-mail either.

After reading on here about some account screw ups I thought I'd just check and sure enough, my account was closed and I couldnt log in to the game.

After a minor panic about finding my subscription ID and password (which I hadnt needed for six months) , I went in to check, and found out that it was saying that I did have an active renewal for another six months.

So, I manually paid it, the transaction went through immediately, and I was able to play straight away.

Seems that automatic renewal isnt quite as automatic as I thought it was :)


Well never had problems with acctuall paying, but that damn page doesn`t work for 4 days everytime i need to renew !!!, gotta hate it

E&E member Exc/Hib


Renewed mine recently, was able to play within a few minutes.


paid for 3 months straight out, but for some reason, they didn't store the details (of a direct debit) for the next set :(


Originally posted by Keri

I got the renewal e-mail today too, and also did not receive the attachment. I did just check to make sure I could log in, and could.

Same here but have given my GM my accout details to let him log me in..


the bloody automatic renewal doesnt even work.. been waiting for 2-3 days now and it just pushes the date up 1 more day after everyday?

So I got tired of it and tried renew it manually... and instead I get a try again in 3 hours message.... okay.

I remember the last time I had to fill the account, it took me 2 weeks before it actually worked, I wanna play now!!

( I wanna change my vote from "Yes, once" to "Yes, more than once" :D )


GOA's attitude if you have any problems...

I'll just cut and paste all my correspondence with these morons.

I had an issue with my renewal:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am disappointed to see that I have been charged for a 6 month renewal. I changed my renewal option about a month ago to a monthly subscription using the online accounts page. I am certain that it updated correctly, so I can only assume there has been some sort of error.

Please refund £24 to my card and ensure that my billing option remains on the monthly plan.

My account details are: etc....

Their reply:

Response (CS) - 10/10/2002 10:13 AM


Following your Email ,we have checked your account, but unfortunately there's no evidence concerning your change.
So, it means that no mistake heas been made from our part and of course no I regret to tell you that no refund will be made.

I get a little annoyed

I am very angry with the attitude shown to me in the reply sent 10/10/02. As a paying customer, I expect my word to be accepted as fact. I stated clearly that the accounts page updated and confirmed my change to a monthly subscription. What sort of evidence do you need? Do you want me to take a screen shot every time I visit in case your system
does not update properly?

Did it ever occur to anyone there that with all the trouble we have had with your system, something might have gone wrong? Due to the nature of your system, of course no evidence would remain.

I feel insulted that I am REQUIRED to reply within 48 hours or you close the complaint, despite the fact that it has taken a week for you to reply to me. In the acknowledgment email, you stated that I would have a reply within 24 hours.

As you have set the tone, please ensure that someone with English as their first language replys to this message within 48 hours.

Your email follows.

Signed etc...

Their latest reply...


I've double checked your account concerning the fact that you have modified your subscription period.
As I've told you on my previous Email, no demand has been made concerning your new subscription.
I don't have any doubt about your sincerety, but the problem is that, nothing appears in our data base, hence, I can't take into account this demand.
Your 6 month subscription is valid until the 03rd of April 03 and will be automatically renewed for the same period, unless you decide to terminate the renewal.
In that case you need to go to " My account" section and clic to the link
"Terminate my subscritption renewal".

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

Pretty impressive stuff eh? So the bottom line is GOA has my money and is refusing to give it back because their bugged-to-hell accounts page did not keep records of how many times it loaded incorrectly.

Wouldn't mind so much if I was trying to pull a fast one but I genuinely did change to the monthly option.

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