Accompanying HP Table information for /30 classes.



More useful data from the man Toasty from VN boards who kindly did this testing when I asked.

Notice that combined with the weaponskill tables, Champs and Paladins and Reavers are on a higher HP table than Thanes and Skalds, it just gets better and better huh.

So basically

Champ/Reaver/Paladin/Skald on a better weaponskill table than Thane
Champ/Reaver/Paladin on a better hp table than Skald/Thane

Here's the results:

Armsman (Briton): 73 CON, 605 Hits
Mercenary (Briton): 73 CON (+4), 605 Hits
Reaver (Briton): 73 CON (+13), 525 Hits
Paladin (Avalonian): 73 CON (+3), 525 Hits
Cleric (Briton): 73 CON, 499 Hits
Friar (Briton): 73 CON, 499 Hits
Infiltrator (Briton): 73 CON (+13), 499 Hits
Minstrel (Briton): 73 CON (+13), 499 Hits
Scout (Briton): 73 CON (+13), 499 Hits
Wizard (Briton): 73 CON (+13), 392 Hits

Hero (Celt): 73 CON, 605 Hits
Blademaster (Celt): 73 CON (+4), 605 Hits
Champion (Celt): 73 CON (+13), 525 Hits
Valewalker (Celt): 73 CON (+4), 499 Hits
Bard (Celt): 73 CON (+4), 499 Hits
Druid (Celt): 73 CON, 499 Hits
Warden (Celt): 73 CON (+4), 499 Hits
Ranger (Celt): 73 CON (+13), 499 Hits
Ranger (Elf): 58 CON (+18), 468 Hits
Nightshade (Elf): 58 CON (+18), 468 Hits

Warrior (Kobold): 73 CON (+10), 605 Hits
Warrior (Norse): 83 CON, 632 Hits
Berserker (Norse): 83 CON (+4), 632 Hits
Savage (Norse): 73 CON (+3), 605 Hits
Shadowblade (Norse): 73 CON (+3), 525 Hits
Hunter (Norse): 73 CON (+3), 499 Hits
Shaman (Kobold): 73 CON (+10), 499 Hits
Skald (Kobold): 73 CON (+14), 499 Hits
Healer (Norse): 83 CON, 520 Hits
Thane (Norse): 83 CON (+4), 520 Hits

Summary (%HP Increase from previous table):
1. Pure Melees - Warrior, Berzerker, Savage, Hero, Blademaster, Armsman, Mercenary: (2)15% ,(3)21% ,(4)54%
2. Advanced Hybrid - Shadowblade, Paladin, Reaver, Champion: (3)5%, (4)34%
3. Hybrid/Clerical - Healer, Shaman, Warden, Druid, Bard, Friar, Cleric, Thane, Skald, Hunter, Ranger, Scout, Infiltrator, Minstrel, Ranger, Nightshade, Valewalker: (4)27%
4. Casters


Cheers Solid/Toasty for the info!

Its a good thing you can play Troll Skalds/Thanes - the extra str/con should even things up a bit but its still pretty poor - if it ever gets fixed will anyone still be playing DAOC by then?

Philosophically - if a fix is made but no-one is around to see it is it still a fix ;)


I allready knew my skald had the same HP's as a new born chicken, and worse defence abillities imho .

Usefull info thou Solid :great:


Originally posted by Solid

Champ/Reaver/Paladin/Skald on a better weaponskill table than Thane
Champ/Reaver/Paladin on a better hp table than Skald/Thane

Originally posted by Solid

Skald (Kobold): 73 CON (+14), 499 Hits

Kobold? why not norse?

why picking as example the race with the lowest con?


You really do have too much time on your hands Mr Solid. :p


Re: Re: Accompanying HP Table information for /30 classes.

Originally posted by Silenzio
Kobold? why not norse?

why picking as example the race with the lowest con?

read. comprehend. post.

and fuck off.

Aule Valar

sbs get more base hits than me, wahey...


Re: Re: Re: Accompanying HP Table information for /30 classes.

Originally posted by katt!
read. comprehend. post.

and fuck off.



Re: Re: Accompanying HP Table information for /30 classes.

Originally posted by Silenzio
Kobold? why not norse?

why picking as example the race with the lowest con?

For these results to be meaningful the con is important not the race.

A norse skald with 73 con *should* have the same HPs too.

Personally I'd like to see the results for all classes and all races, with and without 10 added to consitution on creation.


uma you can predict the results based on the HP tables, hell if I could be bothered i could prolly figure out a hierachy of naked HP at 50 for all classes/racial combos without needing to etst based of the tables.

Dwarf Warrior will ofc come out top of the bunch and a Lurikeen/Elf caster will come out bottom.

The thing to remember is that ALL racial stats are balanced out, in that all 8 stats total and average to 60.

Whilst one class may have more starting Str it lacks in Dex/Qui or the like.

Now ofc its commonly accepted that high Con/Str for a melee is more beneficial than high Dex/Qui but end of the day the stats do balance.

The only real variations come from HP/Weaponskill tables and Stat progression through the levels, eg Primary, Secondary and Tertiary stat gains.

Here is an example of some basic testing I did yesterday:

Thane versus Skald Comparison Screenshots


Sad to see this but i can't stop lubing Thanes and the blue hammer spell ;-)

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