Acc name / pword incorrect problem :(



Since late lastnight on the 23/7 , when the game kicked me and patched, Ive been unable to relog in. Game keeps saying incorrect username / pw. Both are correct and Ive been to subs page and acccount is active. Ive also got a new pw sent to me and that dont work either. Any one else had this since patch ?


figured it myself in end..

Well I figured it was 162 patch coming in, but then i thought id check the update.dat file and see. So whats the deal with it does it auto patch to us version often ?? anyway to stop it doing it again or do u just have to reset the update.dat info and repatch eachtime ? It aint funny on 56k I can asure you :(

Thanks for the reply tho :)


it does it if it cant connect to the europe patchers, must be samething hard coded in the SI client

If you got some sort of firewall running on your pc and dont play on US servers you could block the ip's on the firewall

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