Above 50 in a caster skill



Ok ive started to piece together my SC gear and an old argument suddenly surfaced again.

If you nuke an even con in rvr and your skill is 50, will you do less damage than you do with a skill of 60? Mythic have stated that you wont but also (as far as i recall) that you *might* because of some implementation errors.

Also, if you are fighting a level 60 monster, will you get less resists with 60 skill than you do with 50? I have always felt that I get resisted less with a higher skill, but im wondering if that is deluding myself since mythic has stated that resists are based on _your_ level and the level of the mob, not the level of your skill.

And lastly, will the damage you deal to a mob differ any in the scenario above?



you should read your own realm boards giriam :D

answer is HERE


spell resists are purely down to your lvl versus the target's level.

level of the spell, level of your spec etc.. have nothing to do with any of it.


there's currently a bug which hasnt even been resolved on US yet (was introduced to EU last patch) that breaks it so that your spec level versus target level effects how many resisted spells you get :( meaning i have 41 mana and 6 light at the moment, my 6 light gives me a lvl 4 aoe mezz, i can't land that aoe mezz on anything higher than a lvl 10 mob mostly, havent had it stick on even ONE invader, mezzed bunches of grey con lvl 16 mobs and had them all resist everysingle time :(

basically it makes all casters miniding points entirely 100% worthless if you pure spec one line, and your only alternative is to dual spec, taking two lines to the 30's, which would leave you with almost NO spells you could use on mobs or players with any confidence :(

this is also the reason why a lot of elds are seeing nearsight get resisted tons more, because most elds only sub spec light, rather than primary speccing it, hence at most you will get about 28ish light depending on your primary spec, with RR and items you may hit the high 30's, and still get resisted a shed load.


Ive mezzed MANY lvl 50's with my lvl 15 Light mezz..


you have 20 light spec, with +4 RR making 24.

on top of that you could have anything up to +11 light magic to make a possible 35light, yes you can indeed land mezzes, i have 6 light, i cannot land even one on a lvl 50.

i SHOULD be able to land them as easily as my mana spells though, which are max specced, but it doesnt happen because of a bug.


more = better

undocumented or not i seem to get less resists in pve with 49+10 fire than i do with just 49 fire. i routinely solo xp on orange cons and rarely get resists, even reds altho resist are more frequent.

and every point over 50 gives a small dmg increase. note this will NOT show on grey con lvl1 mobs.


Currently, spell resists depend on your spec level and the level of your target.

In 1.54 however, this changes. In an undocumented change resist rates are based on the level of the spell used and level of target. Anyone who claims to suffer form this now is ill. :p

As a 50 Darkness Runie I have found that with +'s on my spec highercon mobs tend to resist less, I don't believe it does anything for the amount of damage done but don't quote me on that.


aye its all comming back to me now thanx.

and i hope they get off their ass and change the spell-level/character-level comparison for resists, thats just plain stupid.



indeed, it'll kill xp groups if it were done for tanks.

imagine it, most taunt styles are below or at level 10 in each realms meelee skill, and you'd not be able to land any of those styles on any mobs higher than that with any degree of success :(

tanks would bloody scream if they couldnt land any styles which were below lvl 40 in rvr, yet that's EXACTLY what we'll be getting.

having it spec related is a BUG, it's supposed to be PURELY level v level dependedn with regards to the two players in combat, making it even worse and making it spell level dependent is just plain pathetic, anyone think they want rid of mages the way they got rid of archers???? because it's bloody looking like it.

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