About time we had a 'Gate' spell/ability?


old.Trine Aquavit

"Welcome to the realms of the dark age of camelot - a world where great warriors battle great monsters, perform great deeds and accomplish great quests. Then hurl themselves off the nearest tall building."

Anyone else find something incongrous about this? One of the more bizarre things in DAOC is the sheer number of in-game suicides we see. Now I know most DAOC players are males in their late teens and twenties, which happens to be the demographic with the greatest incidence of clinical depression and suicide, but I don't think that accounts for it.

Nope, we suicide in order to 'Gate' to our bind points. We abuse the game mechanics to save time running around. Sometimes we pay a cost - XP for a mob-death, RPs for the enemy in PvP, but often we don't (suiciding to realm guards, etc*).

Given that this goes on why not give us a gate ability? It could have a timer (like the log-out timer) to prevent abuse, it could have negative effects (e.g. loss of endurance or rez-sickness), but it would at least allow us to do what we do anyway.

Can anyone think of any reason whatsoever for not providing a 'Gate' ability?

*Presumably you could now deliberately lose a dual to port without loss? I've lost plenty of XP porting out of Malmo that could have been saved by dualing the nearest tank.


Sounds like a nice idea.

But when you duel someone you will auto-release to the same spot where you died so you can't exploit that to get to your bind point.


Gate and recall spells are part of what ruined Ultima Online. Please, don't givf gate.


Originally posted by Vell
Gate and recall spells are part of what ruined Ultima Online. Please, don't givf gate.

I never played UO, how did it ruin it, just interested

Teh Fonz!!1

AC2 has a nice idea.

It's a spell that send you to your last bind point. It take about a minute to fully cast and it takes all your power and mana.

old.Trine Aquavit

Shows how much dualing I've done :)

AC2's bindstone recall is the thing I'm talking about. Very simple, and a better way of doing what we all do anyway.

UO's portalling was very much more complicated. It basically allowed you to port or gate anywhere in the game. There are so many reasons not to allow that - but a simple port to bindstone would be OK, surely?


add a spell to every char that takes a ~minute to cast and you can port to any bind point in your realm... simple enough :) i probaly got 10 days /played just by riding the fking horses :D


Would be nice, But i'd probably prefer to see gate portals at popular places that you can use to gate between.

Make them expensive (10g) so newbie's feel special when they can afford to use them.

I guess they'd have to code some kind of pop-up menu when you enter them to select destination, or do the rather lame medallion system.


when i saw the title i first thought EQ player, but i didnt know UO had it.

old.Trine Aquavit

A quick description of the portal/gate systems in other games:


Certain classes (most/all casters) had a gate spell which would port them to their bind point. They also had a 'bind affinity' spell that allowed them bind a player to a particluar point (there was no /bind command, you had to have a spell cast on you). You could only bind in city zones (plus a few other special places).

In addition to this, wizards and druid had access to spells that could port them and others to certain locations in the world (specific druid rings or wizard spires).

Finally, there is a timed portal system (similar to our frontier ports) which ports to and from a central location (the nexus).

I understand this has been added to in Planes of Power.

It's a fixed system that allowed you to port to certain specified locations only.


I'm not so familiar with UO, but from what I remember you could buy special runes. Players could then mark these runes at a particular location. They could then use they runes to portal to, or build a gate to that location.

It's a flexible system that allows you to port to pretty much anywhere, with just the cost of buying, marking and using the stones to limit you.


AC2 has a series of fixed 'ringway' portals that allow players to quickly port around the map. It also has a 2 porting spells to port you back to your bind point or the last portal you used. And two gate spells to create a gate to these locations.


Has the frontier portals. Porting to bind stone is achieved through suicide by most of the player base.


Originally posted by Vell
Gate and recall spells are part of what ruined Ultima Online. Please, don't givf gate.

You gotta be silly :m00:


porting and gating was awesome in EQ... however since DAoC isn't as huge as EQ in terms of landscape and size I don't think they are that necessary.


If you're a caster/hybrid, just overcharge a low level item :) instant kaboom and quick port to bind point (without loss).


Just imagine.

You could have a AOE spell. The same range as NearSight. It's the same range AOE and Length. And when you casted it, it sent everybody into the middle of the epic-zone!! haha and they was 49.9999999 from lvl and they died due to exp death....pritty evul but still...great spell


Why not just continue like normal and let us do our sucides. I say let Mytic work on the bugs in game and more relevant changes. The sucide gating works fine for all lvls, with a small fee in gold and xp loss, and res sickness. Suciding on guards in rvr? so? It's no difference from normal PvP death.

Rally-HO for suciding!


Kal ort Por would not be good for DAoC (can't remember the gate spell).
Imagine if you will, legion raid (any realm) guard death spam messages start arriving. Finish off Legion and then the mages cast gate straight to the affected keep.
Or mark a rune inside a taken enemy realm keep, open a gate and 50 odd people run through, do it in all enemy keeps absolutely no way of defending without camping your own keeps 24/7.
I got ganked in Emain by x many enemies they are congregating at the tower, boom gate opens a horde of your realm mates pour through and gank em, followed by the ganked realms zerg etc etc etc.

A large number of constraints would have to be placed on gate/recall use as it is in UO but the possibility of simply returning to your bind point may be possible. The only trouble is most people would bind at the frontier keep ;)

Anyway thats just my take.


edited for typos :)


Why not just make it like /quit? you could have /release that could be used while you're still alive with the same timer (ie 20 sec when not in combat, 60 seconds or whatever if you've been hit). This would take you straight back to your bind point, very simple, very easy, impossible to exploit. I've developed a large hatred for horses and the amount of time they take....even a portal between svasud and gna faste in mid would be a godsend.


Id very much like the idea of a gate spell in daoc.

Look at it this way: (just an idea)

Castable by: Sorcerer, Mentalist, Spiritmaster
Baseline level 40 (Matter, Way of sun, Suppresion)
Powercost: 75%
Range: 125 radius
Castingtime: 20 seconds

A spell that ports the caster and anyone up to a total of ten characters whitin the range to the casters bindstone.
Who is ported is determinated by, 1 group, 2 guild, 3 alliance, 4 random.
The spelleffect would have to be a very visiable globe centerd on the caster.

Now, with the powercost of 75%, a casting time of 20 seconds, the fact that you only port to the casters bindstone and you could only port ten people "per caster" wouldnt make it overpowerd. Just a way to not have to suicide. The high powercost and castingtime also make it a spell that you cant flee very well with. Sure its faster to use this spell to get from Dartmoor/sheeroe/malmo to the frontier (if the caster is bound at a pk), but it renders a caster close to ooe and becuase its a baseline spell all three realms will have an equal chance of getting it. You could also make the ported people ressick so the abusefactor is lowerd even more.


gates lol

oh man rofl, i played UO for 2 years and gateing was one fo the funniest things in PVP, i was choas-order waring and there nothing more of a buzz than Gateing into a city with 3 or 4 mates then charging down the nearest group or orange cons u saw loooool, and the same worked in reverse standing there a gate appears and you watch as armys pour out of it especially in Faction wars i seen 50 people moved from one spot to another in 3 gates in under 20 seconds .

Gates for DAOC? hmmmm in a WORD.. NO!!!! But i do think u should have single person Recall that can be used in non Fronteer only with something like a 30 second castable time. But then again really it dosnt matter there are more pressing isses to be fixed, christ i mean the most its gonna cost u is 18g at lvl 50 u poor sods :p and if u are that worried about XP dont consider suicde in the first place. Dosnt bother me either way :p

UO gate spell was called "VAS REL POR" btw rofl



Originally posted by lakih
Id very much like the idea of a gate spell in daoc.

Look at it this way: (just an idea)

Castable by: Sorcerer, Mentalist, Spiritmaster
Baseline level 40 (Matter, Way of sun, Suppresion)
Powercost: 75%
Range: 125 radius
Castingtime: 20 seconds

A spell that ports the caster and anyone up to a total of ten characters whitin the range to the casters bindstone.
Who is ported is determinated by, 1 group, 2 guild, 3 alliance, 4 random.
The spelleffect would have to be a very visiable globe centerd on the caster.

Now, with the powercost of 75%, a casting time of 20 seconds, the fact that you only port to the casters bindstone and you could only port ten people "per caster" wouldnt make it overpowerd. Just a way to not have to suicide. The high powercost and castingtime also make it a spell that you cant flee very well with. Sure its faster to use this spell to get from Dartmoor/sheeroe/malmo to the frontier (if the caster is bound at a pk), but it renders a caster close to ooe and becuase its a baseline spell all three realms will have an equal chance of getting it. You could also make the ported people ressick so the abusefactor is lowerd even more.

Castable by: wizard, Eldrich, Runemaster
Baseline level 40 (moon line (not sure in alb/mid)
Powercost: 75%
Target: Group
Range: 700 radius
Castingtime: 30 seconds

also add a specline TP to each class which give "realm" instead of group

No silly ressick stuff :p But no end since its awfully pressing spell to cast. Not to bindpoint thoght, but to cities. For hib for instance, you would be able to teleport to: innis, connla, mbeo, mm, ardee, tnn only, no to any tp keeps nor frontier areas.


I'd be all for a high casting time, high cost "Return to bind" spell.
nothing more then that tho, it would affect RvR too much.
Just imagine that you're trying to take a relic and each and every 30+ is at the relic keep to defend 1 minute later...

Altho maybe teleports to different remote regions of the realm
would be great as well, like there is on the PvP server.


Would be very, very nifty indeed. Or then add a horse route to 1) Malmohus 2) Darkness Falls 3) Forest Sauvage




Originally posted by nju
Would be very, very nifty indeed. Or then add a horse route to 1) Malmohus 2) Darkness Falls 3) Forest Sauvage


I want a horse from hmg ---> forest sauvage for us hibs that want to come and gank you there as well =)


A system similar to Diablo 2 might work, Gifv tp!! Potal please kthxbye! Blue scroll gifv! send tp!! gifv tp !! kthxbye


Re: hehe

Originally posted by inuyasha

I want a horse from hmg ---> forest sauvage for us hibs that want to come and gank you there as well =)

come 'ere i'll bite yer head off


Okey :D

Ill be there
Just gotta learn the way :D

Come to odins though, I live in Odins =)


why not just make a /suicide command? saves you jumping from buildings/finding mobs :p


The issue is that currently, to suicide after taking a keep, you have 2 choices:

1) jump + get an exp death (doesnt work that well for shades ... damn safe fall :) )
2) run to the nearest enemy keep and get an rvr death. (cost is time not money)

option 1 is fast but requires cash/exp loss, option 2 takes longer but costs less.

Maybe have a spell that you trigger with the trade window and requires a spellcrafted item that is worth 7g to trigger, so you have trade options combine repair and port to bindstone. Thus, you still have to pay but will result in that lower levels dont have to lose exp in these situations. Alternatively only allow high level spellcrafters/alchemists do it and have recipies for all the different bind stones in the realm.


Re: Okey :D

Originally posted by inuyasha
Ill be there
Just gotta learn the way :D

Come to odins though, I live in Odins =)

arr one on one, mano i mano, me, you and my parrot, arr
aye gotta go feed polly he wants a cookie

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