about the pk server



I know the pk server is a long way away, but i thought of something. I'm going to make a guild on hib/ pry for all those who are going to join the PK server.

My idea is that, ppl join the guild make friends and then when we go to the pk server we will rebuild the guild so that there isn't chaos ( a non choas pk server : / ). it will be a good guild not a evil Kill On Sight one. All those who wish to join contact me in game or add me to your hotmail if your on another realm. I hope other realms do the same, then we can have guild battles or join up :D

Yeppy lvl 6 ranger Hib/Pry
Zippy lvl 15 hunter mid/excal


hehe, good luck, I hope you get plenty of takers before you get the PvP server. Always good to have more ANTI PK guilds around. Oh yeh, your right......... it's still chaos :)

Brannor McThife

The more I think about it, the more I think the PvP server will be a waste of time for us english players. If there is only one, it will be filled by the Germans, then the French. Very few of us will even manage to get on. Those who will go, will face verbal abuse in foreign languages (maybe not a bad thing) and griefing. Hell yeah, it'd be nice to smack that cheeky gimp who just stole your pull. But it's not like that. Instead of stealing your pull, he'll wait till you're half dead fighting the mob then attack you instead.

Although the idea of a "mature" guild in PvP sounds nice, you'll never get the number required to become a force of note. GOA will be putting forward a new server, which will drain the other servers, earning them no extra money, and possibly driving people completely away from DAoC.

I can go try the US ones...but I'm not so sure I want to...

Take Thidranki, it's fun for a while, but it's nice to get away from the slaughter and go XP a bit.



Uncle Sick(tm)

LOL, Mr. TrOg :D

I for my part *takes some aspirin*... have to agree with Brannor this time. Now call me a party pooper, too and see if I care.

PvP server would just get me pissed off...

"Hey! I em camping zis spot!! Can't you zee my towel!??"
German players (about 2/3rds of the server population- all of them organized in CS style clans)

"Hey! You don't frighten us, English pig-dogs! -- Go and boil your bottoms, sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called Arthur-king, you and all your silly English knnnniggets. Thppppt!. . . I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
French players (nearly a third of the server population- all of them organized in frog eating, skirt chasing clans).

The rest of Euro players will be just like that... no thank you.
But Brannor... if we ever get the PvP server and if you go for the bread&justice guild.
Pretty please... I want to join;)


Oooh no, the PvP server will NOT be a waste of time. That will be my new home.

I dont care if all the ppl I kill will scream out strange German or French words ;)



Being able to speak and understand french and german , i dont think that will be a problem. I'm only afraid of the tons of cs kiddies that are going to be a total pain in the ass.

Uncle Sick(tm)


"Jaaa!! Der bomb is defused!!!" /silence
"Ah, scheisse that's not CS!"

You think they will write RN reports like
"XX used an aimbot!!"?



You mean we Brits may have to fight Germans and French?!

Oh my word - that is simply dreadful! How terrible!! Oh that is awful! How can a chap even think of such a wicked thing??



Originally posted by sickofit...
LOL, Mr. TrOg :D

I for my part *takes some aspirin*... have to agree with Brannor this time. Now call me a party pooper, too and see if I care.

PvP server would just get me pissed off...

"Hey! I em camping zis spot!! Can't you zee my towel!??"
German players (about 2/3rds of the server population- all of them organized in CS style clans)

"Hey! You don't frighten us, English pig-dogs! -- Go and boil your bottoms, sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called Arthur-king, you and all your silly English knnnniggets. Thppppt!. . . I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
French players (nearly a third of the server population- all of them organized in frog eating, skirt chasing clans).

The rest of Euro players will be just like that... no thank you.
But Brannor... if we ever get the PvP server and if you go for the bread&justice guild.
Pretty please... I want to join;)

oh not again.. the monty python quotes have started, proceed 3 pages of people saying

'i fart in your general direction' and TWANG! 'message for you sir'

i probably wont join the pvp server, i joined daoc for fighting with armies :)

but if i did i would want to be on the kill everything at first sight guild.. im evil in that way :) :cool:

plus i would give all 300 of the 'justice from greifer!' guilds that will be on the pvp server someone to actually gank in there justified, justice loving way.

Uncle Sick(tm)

But TRoGgg!! I thought you were one of the good guys!!
/sniffle sob

"I am going to take you down, buddy. I gonna take you down to china town..."
Hope I got the quote right...

Brannor McThife

I expect half of the Excalibur server will be moving to the PvP server...along with all the "game related" names we've started to see lately on Prydwen... :rolleyes:


Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Brannor McThife
I expect half of the Excalibur server will be moving to the PvP server...along with all the "game related" names we've started to see lately on Prydwen... :rolleyes:


Thine shall be the r0xx0r! Thou shalt 0wnz0r!
Huzzah! All the dyslexic Excaliberz! Rejoice!


Back in the old UO days ALL euros were playing together on the two original UO Euro servers.

Considering that 1) on the old UO servers this didn't give any notable problems (hey those french and germans are humans too you know - and most of 'em can speak at least a bit of english) and 2) ALREADY large part (if not the majority) of the DAoC UK servers are actually non-UK, including ppl from Scandinavia, the Low Countries and Spain & Portugal, I can't see any serious troubles.

Let those frogs and krauts come :p

I expect half of the Excalibur server will be moving to the PvP server...

Initially yes, however the 'dreds are currently already at HALF their original population and the numbers keep dwindling. If the PvP population will be comparable to other games of this kind the PvP servers will only hold at most like 10 % of the games' total population (I remember Darktide accounted for only 5 % of AC's players).


Originally posted by old.Prof
Back in the old UO days ALL euros were playing together on the two original UO Euro servers.

Considering that 1) on the old UO servers this didn't give any notable problems (hey those french and germans are humans too you know - and most of 'em can speak at least a bit of english) and 2) ALREADY large part (if not the majority) of the DAoC UK servers are actually non-UK, including ppl from Scandinavia, the Low Countries and Spain & Portugal, I can't see any serious troubles.

Let those frogs and krauts come :p

exc/mid may aswell be labeled scandanavian county

the first thing you get asked when meeting someone is 'swe?'

especially me because i am unfortunate enough to have a swedish name :)

BOTH of my two main chars... trog i think meant slow and dumb (that was unintentional ;)) and trubadur means hornblower, which is why it was chosen.

Uncle Sick(tm)

True... I sometimes wonder why Excalibur hasn't been renamed to El Cid or Speedy Gonzales ;) <- this little ";) indicates a humorous remark... for all you 'racism' yellers...


But TRoGgg!! I thought you were one of the good guys!!

i will turn very, very evil if you do not type my name right...

tRoG! not TRoG, Tr0g, TR0g or TroG!



i also always like the bad guys in films.. theyre more interesting }: )

anyway, im going off topic. spank me!

Uncle Sick(tm)

anyway, im going off topic. spank me!
You freaking wish...

So, sire Tr0G! /throws gauntlet
If there shall be a PvP server, I shall clad myself in finest tinfoil and take you down to china town. The choice of toon shall be a highlander to humiliate you even more! Ha! Bring on the feud!
... now give me back my gauntlet.


I play on both Mordred and Andred and have re-activated my old chars on Bors...anyways you will find that things can be very very different to what you expect.

When I started on the PvP servers I expected to be ganked repeatedly as soon as I hit lvl 10 (you can turn off your safety flag before 10 if you want but at 10 - boom - its PvP whether you want it or not :)). Anyways there ARE a lot of anti-PK guilds about, in fact guilds of all types. On Andred you have Healers - a guild (suprisingly enough lol) made up of friendly healers who buff everyone they see.

Here's how my first week on Andred went (bearing in mind I'm not in a guild on Andred and hardly know a soul - also play a hunter so I pretty much expect to solo til lvl 50) :

lvl 1 - appear in Vasud. Immediately someone gives me 5g and buffs me. Wishes me the best of luck and walks off.

Soon hit lvl 5 as a result of this ^^. Make a hunter and witness various people being buffed by strangers, people being friendly etc etc.

Get to lvl 9 - see quite a few people under lvl 10 turning safety off and fighting at Galplen. Just ONCE did someone of high level walk in and gank a few - and then this guy immediately was attacked by EVERYONE there - people shouting dont gank greys.

Lvl 9 and hell I want some of this so turn safety off. A yellow con skald challenges me - duh I'm a hunter I will be 0wned so try and walk off to no avail - dead. The guy then offers to group with me but hmm this is Andred watch your back I think ;). Anyway suprise suprise we go Xp together and then just about to ding we see a red con enchanter attacking a group Xping so we waste him and earn a bub - ding lvl 10 :). The enchanter sends me a tell saying hehe bet you got some nice xp ive not been killed for a while good luck to you.

This happens quite often - kill someone and I might get "well played", "gl next time" etc. I've been killed by a few people who have then offered to team up with me so we can get some cash back to recover my lost CON. I've turned down 3 offers of guilds as I dont fully know which guild hates/loves which other guild so don't want to be KOS ;). Its the guild politics thing which amuses me too - some people might love it. you have a few big PK and anti-PK guilds (SUN, PRX, Conquest etc) always at war.

The bottom line is - its fun, and great fun at that. Act like a merciless bastard (repeatedly killing greys, hassling the same Xp group for hours and hours) and people WILL KOS you.

I recommend keeping your main chars on whichever server you regularly play on and dabbling on the PvP now and then. Try to go with friends you really know and trust and you will enjoy it more and have a better chance. Myself I love all archer classes and go a bit Johnny Rambo in First Blood lol - I make all my own equipment and always keep away from towns. Nothing better than tracking someone for 30 minutes then finally popping them ;).

Anyway /rant off. Hope this helped.

Brannor McThife

Well, since we're down for the night...gonna try the US PvP server...installing now...that's 4 directories now... 2 Euro-DAoC accounts, Gorre, and USA-DAoC. ;)



Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Well, since we're down for the night...gonna try the US PvP server...installing now...that's 4 directories now... 2 Euro-DAoC accounts, Gorre, and USA-DAoC. ;)


you´re a sick bastard [oops ooc]

actually my dream for the PvP is that they hire people for ingame support on just that server, and then make it an RP server


and now I need to get back to tending my bar

Brannor McThife

There won't be any ingame CS for the PvP servers. There is no griefing...it's kill (as many times as you want) or be killed (as many times as they feel like.) :p

Anyway, I'm pinging the US site ( and getting around 100-110...someone else wanna ping-plot them and let me know whatcha getting?



[EDIT: Yay... 40.2 MB update... :m00: ]


k, i am starting a guild with a nice name that i have, not gonna tell it so none will steal it :D . But i want everyone that is mad at ppl and want to gank everyone to join, this will be a pure evil guild. i might do a only lurikeen guild of it because the name would make it good. But i do not think so. I am not a lamer if you think thjat but i need to kill alot and be rude sometimes(as i am not in alb/excal), will all scum report to me that will play the PvP. mail me at thexarcane@hotmail.com if you want in or just mail me when the PvP-server is in euro :D

gank :twak: gank :twak: gank :twak:

Arctic the Master Wizard @ EXCALIBUR:D


erm how can you afford paying that much money a month ... :p


I have been playing on the PvP servers since Andred went life and generally I have mixed feelings about it. At first it was great but once the novelty wore off it can get rather frustrating. I'm lvl 23 currently and things don't get easier, even worse the lvl grind starts to kick in making progressing increasingly more difficult.

1) If you want to get anywhere you need to play LOADS. You need to be truly hardcore and you need to make of yer PvP char your main - only this way you will survive on the long term.
Andred turned out to be an incredible lvl-race with ppl hitting lvl 50 TWO WEEKS after it's release ... Smaller guilds struggle to survive, while the good guilds are difficult to get into.

2) PvPing is VERY costly. Everytime you die you lose 3 con and you need to buy that back. At some point you need to really farm mobs for money or otherwise you run out of money and con - in which case it's game over.
If you play a gear-dependent class (non-mages) it's difficult to avoid running around in grey-green wear which ain't exactly fun and doesn't increase chances for survival either. Once you come into a point even soloing blue mobs poses a problem yer in for some tough times ...

3) PvP turns out to be (strangely) more unbalanced then RvR. Enchanters for example are horribly overpowered, proving a real treath even for ppl much higher in lvl.

4) The lvl to-hit bonuses are gone meaning lvl differences aren't that important. This is a double-edged sword. It means you can team up and kill purples with ease, it also means you can be killed easely by (even rather small) groups of greys. Which is not fun.

5) Xping and gaining money from camping players is possible, but not that effective. Moreover you can bet on dieing frequently, so it's unlikely you will make much money out of PvPing, and money is just the thing that is so hardly needed (for con). So in the end you have to camp mobs quite frequently (if not for most of the time).

6) CAMPING ! Trying to get alive out of a capital is often an adventure on it's own, gates are prime camping spots. Also bind stones, dungeon entrances, towns/merchants and the like are all frequently camped. Quite regurally good xp spots like dungeons are raided. Often guilds "control" good xp-spots (like DF) and bar entrance for non-guildies (for "bar" read "gettin ganked if you're stupid enough to get in their reach").
This all adds extra spice, but after a while you simply long to sit and get xp & money at a nice spot without getting disturbed every so often. At that moment you realise "hey RvR ain't that bad of an idea".

I've seen the population numbers of Andred tumble dramatically since release and the same is happening with lots of guilds. Basically a small guild is not liveable as they can't get access to the better camping spots. They lvl slow, their members get few money and in the end such guilds break up.

One last thing :

But i want everyone that is mad at ppl and want to gank everyone to join, this will be a pure evil guild.

You need to make friends, friends are the most valuable thing you can get on this server. If you gank everyone, everyone will gank you. To cut a long story short, in such a scenario you're guild will only survive for a matter of weeks.


Ooo thanks for the info guys, keep it comming :)

What happens in dungeons? do other groups just attack you or are they friendly and wanna get on with hunting?


Yeppy lvl 6 ranger hib/pry
Zippy lvl 15 hunter mid/excal


Yep thats true, if you get griefers they will be gone after a few weeks. Total PVP tends to then form into large guilds with allies and enemies.

It turned out this way when i spent a few weeks on the beta of Mordred and from what I have been told from people I know from my old server Palomides, Mordred and Andred have gone this way.

I prefer the split the normal servers have of zones to lvl and get equip in and frontier rvr zones, but pvp is still alot of fun and action.


12 Healer Excal
50 cleric Palomides (retired)


although i am more towards the evil end of the scale i would not gank greys all the time or keep butchering the same xp group.

thats just mean ;)

i just like to ram hammers up peoples arses so that they have to crap out of their mouthes.

is there something wrong with me?

i have a love for medevil violence :)

[EDIT: Yep, im one of those people who, upon seeing a new event mob or whatever appear will scream LETS KILL IT!!!! no matter what the con. My hammer. I love it with all my heart.]

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