About sorc in new patch



The last time I hear a lot people talking about mezzbombs and how much sorcs are gone own after the new patch.

I don't know, but did you guy's actualy readed wat sorc get extra?

1: 1850 range on mezz
2: mezz resist and mezz resist chant
3: power regen buff
4: charm nealy every mob
5: all AE mezz 350 area except the lvl 44 ae mezz
6: lvl 50 af buff instead of lvl 48 af buff

1: 1850 range on mezz:
This realy gone do shit in group vr group. From 1850 to 1500 on speed 5 or even healer speed takes a lot less then to cast a mezz even quick casted. Also you have to stand completly still to cast a AE mezz. That while bard has insta AE mezz and insta AE amnesia (2300 range) and healer with insta AE mezz and insta AE stun. The only advantage I see in it is that when you jump on a group you can stay out of insta range, so they can't insta you 0.0001 sec befor your mezz goes off.

It will be usefull in: zergs, mg's and seiges. Mg's and seiges can nearly ruled out because AE damage spells fly around ( wich is good in those situation's). And in zergs you don't have to run around so much to mezz, but albs never had problems with zerging ( appart of inexperienced people).

2: mezz resist and mezz resist chant:
Sounded good at the start, but they nerved it very soon.
Then made the resist lower and let it work the same way as determination, instead of stakking with resists.

example: full mind sorc, gets a 60 sec mezz on him.
so: (60 sec mezz - 55%) - 26% resists = 19.98 sec
(60 sec mezz - 55%) - 50% resists = 13.5 sec
insta: (31 sec -55%) - 50% resists = 7 sec

So without cleric buffs/aom a sorc is still mezzed for 20 sec.
I don't think I have to make a picture that 20 sec mezzed as a cloth caster is deadly. Even with a good cleric and aom, you will still mezzed too long if you face a good group. Only against insta mezz it will be usefull and in zergs where you aren't directly attacked. Purge will be a lot better if you are mezzed. ( btw tanks pay 6 ra points to get 45% ALL cc reduce, sorc have to spec 35 mind to get mezz only resist)

Mezz resist chant is nearly useless, 5% or 10% are only good if you have a mincer in the group or an other sorc ( not theurg, pbt is very important) , speed is a lot more important.

3: power regen buff:
Nearly useless in RvR except seiges, but very nice for pve.

4: charm nealy every mob:
In alb/mid most good mobs are allready charmeble, but will givs some good pets in hib.
But as caster you die often, and lose pet. Also pets in groups are mostly interupting machienes, even a lvl 1 mob can do that ( pets that attack get the caster lvl chance to interupt, so a lvl 1 mob with a lvl 50 caster, will count as a lvl 50 mob in the interupting code = nearly alway's interupt)
Still nice when in a small group or solo.

5: all AE mezz 350 area except the lvl 44 ae mezz
Nice fix, every other AE mezz allready had it.

6: lvl 50 af buff instead of lvl 48 af buff (same for cabs):
Very nice they fixed this :) ( every other caster had it allready)


It looks a lot changed, but when you look at it not much has changed. Most things affect zergs or PvE.

Zergs: Alb is allready fine here. 1850 range and mezz resist are nice here.

Group vs group: Insta will still rule here, mezz resist will be very nice against insta, but it still gives a big advantage to the hib/mid.

PvE: Will be a lot better now sorc can get more pets and pow regen. But sorc will still suck against purple (cloth, only QC as defence)

When the resepc came ( 1.52 I think) a lot sorc specced out off mind becouse AE mezz was nerfed over and over, (now with sc every one is even less mezzed), so sudenly if you add a bit range to it, it become a superweapen?

Specing body for highest DD / rest mind, is even more atractive now, the trade off whas that your AE mezz was less area, but that vanished.

Not saying sorc are bad, but it isn't realy the uber thing I see a lot people talking about.

insta vs cast

Any one has other idee's about it?


Originally posted by Wou
2: mezz resist and mezz resist chant:
Sounded good at the start, but they nerved it very soon.
Then made the resist lower and let it work the same way as determination, instead of stakking with resists.
Ummm, hardly a nerf (however you want to spell it)

The initial version tested made sorcs completely mezz resistant - which was obviously pretty stupid.


well we shouldnt complain when some changes which improve things happen.


Re: Re: About sorc in new patch

Originally posted by Draylor
Ummm, hardly a nerf (however you want to spell it)

The initial version tested made sorcs completely mezz resistant - which was obviously pretty stupid.

ehm, 20 secs mezzed for a sorc = deadly.

Hell even 7 seconds mezzed for a sorc = deadly.

The only way Alb can compete is we find a way to get the mezz off.

In 20 seconds an avg. Hib or Mid group has spotted the sorc (how hard is that?) and killed it, eleminating a counter-CC thread.


It still works fine in practice on US, Albs now have a much better chance in RvR, and the Mezz resist chant for your group, makes a huge difference, even more so in big battles/zergs. The fact that it reduces insta to 7 secs (less with resist to body) alone makes a tremendous difference to Albs. It's the instas that ruin the battles for the most part. I have been in a few battles where a 60sec mezz which would have ended the battle, is reduced to 10 seconds or so, and we (Albs) won as a result. It still needs good gameplay by all though to work, and always will, I hope.

We now have a **chance.**

It is not a guarantee, by any means, but at least the days of :-

Alb 2.5/3fg, Hib 1 fg, -> mezz -> insta mezz-> alb get wiped, are now for the most part over. At least we can now have a hope of fighting, and the Hibs need to rethink their battles instead of relying totally on insta mezz. I mainly diorect my comments against Hibs as that is where the problem really occures, at least in my experience.

On Bedevere, Hibs were by far the hardest realm to battle, simply due to mezz, before all this came into play. They are still tough opponents, but at least Albs now have a fighting chance if they have the right people (classes) in the groups. Healers are in huge shortage on that server much as I am seeing here, almost every cleric you see is a bot, parked up somewhere safe. I truly wish there was some way to end the buffbot craze, and that healers in Alb (clerics) were given some incentive, while at the same time not wishing to go back to the smite Cleric stage. That in itself was a problem, and personally I am glad it changed, but, as usual with Mythic, the changes were made to such an extreme it hurt more than it helped. Clerics are simply not fun to play for most people, and much kudos to those that do. We simply do not have enough of them. It does take a special kind of person to play one for real (not buffbot one), and they are generally very hard pressed and underappreciated imho. Next time you see a genuine Cleric give 'em a hug :) At least they are quite easy to level as no problems getting groups :)

The changes to Mincers and Thurgs also have helped. As always the case with Albs, it is the correct combination of classes, as well as some good play, that wins the day. We still need the numbers to win though. A lot of the time you need about 1.5 alb -> 1 fg mids/hibs in order to even the battle. Luckily Albion continues to be the most popular realm, now all we need is the experience to go with the numbers.

The mana buff is, rightly, most useful in PvE and seiges, but its still a good help in RvR. None of these changes are a nerf in any way, shape, or form and are to be welcome, as long overdue.

The comments above are based on my experience, up to patch 1.61 on US servers, not so much on facts and figures, but what it actually played like, in group v group and zerg v zerg.

Draigcoch - 50 Fire Wiz, and ex-GM of The United. Bedevere server, US.


Originally posted by Jiggs
well we shouldnt complain when some changes which improve things happen.

What he said :)

Now just give armsman morphing... I want to be a giant badger!:eek:


Originally posted by bracken_woodman
What he said :)

Now just give armsman morphing... I want to be a giant badger!:eek:

we have a version of morphing allready

Friar haste

Hib = more hps
Mid = more damage
Alb = faster attacks


Re: Re: Re: About sorc in new patch

Originally posted by Puppetmistress
ehm, 20 secs mezzed for a sorc = deadly.
Yup, I didnt claim otherwise.

But having a fully mezz resistant sorc would not be balanced :)


Well, you gotta take into consideration mate, that the 55% resist thing also gives you 55% chance to not be affected at all by the spell.

And -40 seconds in mez time is nothing to complain about.

Imo the sorc buffs aren't gonna make albion overpowered, but at least we're getting brought up to par :D Because these improvements are by no means bad or useless.

Molten Lava


But who is going up to 46 Mind to get the best anti-mezz?. Mids and Hibs always saying: Albs are RP horny and dont spec support...but do you think there will be one sorc going for the 46 mind spec which leaves a DD that does roughly 50 damage (with resists and all)?

Im 44Mind/31Body atm but as someone posted before, it looks like I'm going a bit less mind (34 ish) and a bit more DD cos the only reason I went for 44 mind (largest area) is almost gone anyway...

I think this de-nerf COULD help Albion, but only if all/most sorcs go 46mind/rest body/matter, and tbh I dont see that happen

- Fedaykin -

I would love to go 46 mind if albion wants to give me a respec stone next patch


My sorc is going 46 mind straight away! even thought about 49 mind but as she is still low lvl i got a bit of time to think about it,
imo sorc is a support class, i will happliy give up damage to give any group im in a chance aganist insta mezz from mids hibs, depends how you wanna play your char but my sorc is gonna be 100% support


Re: Yeah

Originally posted by Molten Lava
But who is going up to 46 Mind to get the best anti-mezz?. Mids and Hibs always saying: Albs are RP horny and dont spec support...but do you think there will be one sorc going for the 46 mind spec which leaves a DD that does roughly 50 damage (with resists and all)?

I will go 46 Mind, rest matter with Sish.
I know I will do crap damage, but I do that now already (39 body, rest mind). Hitting for 200hp on a tank running at full speed towards you just does not really help. I rather be grouped, just mezzing and chilling. I will miss my con debuffs though.
Matter/cold/heat debuffs don't matter really, never had time to use those.
I'm happy and surprised Mythic actually helped Albions for a change. The lame idiots did nothing about archers though.
And armsman are very weak now compared to other realms main tanks. But they won't get changed anytime soon :(
Regards, Glottis


Ehm I would love that power buff for my cleric, I run so fast out of power that I need it bad :)


I'm very happy with my 40 matter / 36 mind spec at the moment, however I would recommend that if people go high mind, raising the variance on their body lifetaps is going to be far more useful than getting a consistently crappy specline matter nuke.


My sorc is going to at least 46 Mind, even thinking about taking it to 49. Full support!


Re: Re: Re: Re: About sorc in new patch

Originally posted by Draylor
Yup, I didnt claim otherwise.

But having a fully mezz resistant sorc would not be balanced :)

Perhaps, perhaps. Not sure actually about it (!).

And if an Alb-group is mezzed except for the sorc (which does happen now too, if the sorc resists the mezz) then that doesn't mean the Albs immediatly win.

It would be overpowered if the sorc was unmezzable and he had an insta AoE-demezz to immediatly demezz his group :)

It's just the sorc his mezz-duration is reduced. If an opponent plays it smart even a mezzed sorc for 10 seconds is enough to kill him and (perhaps) turn the tide.


10% mess resistance does not take a 60s mezz down to 10 seconds...

the group one is not 55% - it's 10% or at most 15% if the sorc gimps their other abilities.

however, the good news for sorcs is that high-spec in a line gives you 25% bonus on your buffs - i.e. 55%*1.25 which is around 69% mezz resistance for the sorc. This is actually quite nice :)

It's previous value was 85% which when given the 25% bonus made it reduce all mezzes to <1s (they still interrupted but the sorc just blinked and kept on moving)

probably too powerful :) I like the idea of sorcs being unmezzable - but obviously mythic didn't - they're still dead in one hit ;) (and stuns had full effect)


Alb 2.5/3fg, Hib 1 fg, -> mezz -> insta mezz-> alb get wiped, are now for the most part over. At least we can now have a hope of fighting, and the Hibs need to rethink their battles instead of relying totally on insta mezz. I mainly diorect my comments against Hibs as that is where the problem really occures, at least in my experience.

Even in this patch that doesn't happen unless we meet LA, but thats mostly becouse of a hugh realm rank difference.

Well, you gotta take into consideration mate, that the 55% resist thing also gives you 55% chance to not be affected at all by the spell.

Thats not true. Yes the more resist you have the more likely you will totaly resist the mezz, but not on a 1% : 1% scale.

My sorc is going 46 mind straight away! even thought about 49 mind but as she is still low lvl i got a bit of time to think about it,
imo sorc is a support class, i will happliy give up damage to give any group im in a chance aganist insta mezz from mids hibs, depends how you wanna play your char but my sorc is gonna be 100% support

There is something to consider: Sorc wear cloth becouse they can do damage. This is more impotant than thing then you think.

To have: speed, pbt, endregen, healing, buffs, mezz
Mid group: healer, shaman, skalt, runemaster, rest damage: 4 for damage.
Hib group: duid, bard, warden, rest damage: 5 for damage
Alb group: cleric, frair, mincer, theurg, pala, sorc, rest damage: 2 for damage.

So it is important that those who have suport roles also can damage, else there is a big diference between the realms...

A lot people say that mid healer is boring to play becouse he can do no damage. But high CC healer will still be good at healing, while a high mezz sorc will be bad at damage.

Albs are RP horny and dont spec support...

Thats why mids now role zerkers and hibs role chanters ;)



3: power regen buff:
Nearly useless in RvR except seiges, but very nice for pve.

how can you say such gibberish? i hardly see run song off, and power song running on a mincer in rvr, and average rvr i use all my power like nothing, even tho i got focus :D
so imo this will NOT be useless in rvr


Originally posted by Bellona

how can you say such gibberish? i hardly see run song off, and power song running on a mincer in rvr, and average rvr i use all my power like nothing, even tho i got focus :D
so imo this will NOT be useless in rvr

Hmm, strange, I often group with mincers running PS when they notice casters are low on mana (or healers).

Some even twist it with speed-song (ok, very rare) but a mincer not playing PS when you ask for it deserves some /slapping I think :)

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