about sidi booking and the weekend craps

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From Booking sheet post from fingoniel


Sunday 9th: KotL invite-only raid.

Sunday 23rd: KoP invite-only raid.

Sunday 30th: Sandokanito's invite-only raid.


Sunday 14th: Kotl invite-only raid.

well i really can't understand why in nine hells private GUILD sidi raiding in a weekend?
for god shake what ppls think?
because on guild can have online most ppls to make a sidi raid can ruin the all others?
why? because much players (including me) have most free time at weekends and i do not see the point why you allow private guild booking weekends?
weekends must be for large as raids (like fellowship,gol and other big ones) or open ones...for obvious reasons...cause most ppls can play long time at a weekend...

1) is not personal for noone (either the gm of those guild or the book holder/arranger)
2)i am a bit tough cause i really miss sthing in here so sorry about the "non-political" language
3)i do not neither cry if there is not sidi raid to go to my weekend nor will start to pm to go to one..
4) flame me free calling me noob,twat,whiner etc..i do not give a flying fuck


he says : Hi i'm a random nobody, nobody likes me, I always look for attention, this is how I am IRL, sorry for pretending to be a nice guy ingame..


Originally posted by Powahhh

I take Knights of pendragon Aliiance once a month into sidi. Not once a week or 3 times a week once a month .

I don't it on a sunday, Coz that is the only day I can do it on. I do it once a month, Coz its fun, remember fun ? Its what this and all other games are about. From you whine I'd say your not having much fun, maybe time to find something new. Maybe even a new whine.


Im off to fly a jumbo jet into Caer Sidi. Who wants to come with?
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