About organising raids ... and being disappointed



Hi everyone,

I normally never post on these forums , just read some threads every now and then.
Recently (today i.e.) i organised a few DF Seal raids in Legions room (thanks to Vay for the idea :)).
What did I do ? I gathered 23 (mostly random) people with classes so that the raid would succeed and led them from second 1 till the end of the loot share.
I thought everyone would like the idea of a nice hunt .... but shortly after leaving some people started whining and complaining by everything i said or decided. I tried to keep myself calm most of the time though it really was working on my nerves. Raid of today wasnt so successful, simply cause we went for legion shortly after our entrance in legion room (together with GoP, nice try).
After we thus died from Legion it was time to split the diamonds and items (around 300 seals and 5 items i think : which is idd bad but is better than nothing imho).
So well, of course I had seen what items there was in the bag and I would've liked 1 item badly from them ... so I skipped myself from the seal count and divided them amongst the others ...
So then the item I'd like for doing all the work etc comes ... so I ask , may I please keep this for all the effort etc ... which gets rejected by about half of the raid (remembering people from PL, DoA and other guilds). Thus, I ofcourse have to give someone else the item, got quite disappointed (mad at one point), and left off.
Leaving me with jack shit from my own raid (which is idd sad lol).

So gen, why are you whining/complaining/saying this on this forum man, we don't care etc ?
Well it's just for the lesson : The more you try to help people , the less respect they have for you.
2ndly : dont organise raids with random people, you only get random bitching on you.


PS : Don't reply with nonsense replies please, saw enough of those during my raid. I'd rather have you not replying but reading this.


you started the thread so you can lock it too, but then people wouldn´t repsond and bump it so it was read by many ;)


Originally posted by Genius-Ino

Well it's just for the lesson : The more you try to help people,while expecting something else in return, the less respect they have for you.

Fixed that lesson there for ya


my oppinion:

Make a hunt, fine. People will enjoy it, if you are good at what you do.

Make a hunt, and tell everyone how loot is divided BEFORE starting, fine. same response.

Make a hunt, and tell people that loot is divided so and so BUT you will keep item yada-yada, as that is what youre after, and tell them BEFORE the hunt, then fine. Those who do tag along, agreed to the hunt leaders' terms, and as such, they can only accept it. My personal oppinion, is that you cant really expect special treatment, just because you lead the raid. Grow some balls, and do the lotto like everyone else. If you lose, make another hunt


Unfortunately that's the problem with mix'n'matched raids ,some people are unwilling to listen and when it goes wrong the raid leader takes the brunt of it.
The only solution seems to be by trial and error........ make a note of sensible people and invite them again for the next raid.
I went on a similar raid in Caer Sidi on Sunday and it was a roaring sucess...everyone listened and I believe everyone enjoyed it. :)

Eliminate the "Me Me Me Brigade" and most raids will succeed and be enjoyable.


seen the weapon and its awsome

back on topic:

Genius deserves credit for organising the raid and putting it open for everyone. note down the names of the whiners and don't invite them next time is my advice


dont get me wrong. it does deserve credit to make a Free For All raid. they are usually horrible to lead.

However, my point was, that the leader cannot expect special loot-treatment, unless Specifically announced prior to the first kill.
And saying 'i reserve my right to pick one drop that will be mine, regardless of Lotto', is not specific. 'If the uber sword of carving-stuff-into-little-bits drop, i reserve the right to claim that, but will not lotto for anything else' is specific.

Its all how you do it :)



not strange Genius is dissapointed imho
could have prevented this the way you suggest


I know what your talking about gen.. back hen I were exping I also used to organise these sort of raids, but mostly for exp of course. its loads of stress to even organise these small raids and I think the leader deserves something for it if he wants to


Originally posted by old.windforce
seen the weapon and its awsome

back on topic:

Genius deserves credit for organising the raid and putting it open for everyone. note down the names of the whiners and don't invite them next time is my advice
Awesome for looks gimpy for stats. And I could only hit yussef for about 80 with it despite it being 4.1 speed. Nerf having only 6 thrust. :p



i was leading the members of GoP in some way or form... basically i got them together and planned on princes. I was informed of genius's raid and so we spole and came to jint concussion to attempt to kill legion.. It didnt work but it was nice attempt considering it was a adhoc raid....

anyway. Genius had a bloody good raid going and put lots of work in it, it is shame to lose his ability to do this now due to some people. This is reason that i having only just started setting up raids plan to keep it to people i know and trust that in it for the fun and not the profits alone.

Genius, keep up your good work but keep it to those you trust to not give you hassle. Random people generate of daoc is bit bugged at moment and only gives out people that can moan first fight later :/


What leaders job is btw? Ask ppl to join and sort out grps? Then you move, keel stuff and have fun? Yes, I fail to understand why anyone should claim drops just because they had an idea to invite ppl and have some fun. Leader isn't a "boss", if you think it's a good idea to try kill Legion with 3fg and rest of ppl disagree, then you dont do it. If raid fails and everyone dies no one should blame leader. Or am I missing something?


This isn't an RTS. These are real people, and as such, it's bloody hard to get them all to do one thing. The leader is in his rights to claim one item from a raid I think - not every raid maybe, but if he really needs the item and he has successfully lead the raid there should be no problem at all.

Laird MacGregor

Doesn't that mean I'm due 8 and half relics then? :D

Aye it's a wee bit disappointing to be sure, but few drops spread among the n amount of people there, need before greed, drops going to people for alts that are not even lvl 30 yet, drops being sold etc, etc... It's all a nasty business. It's one of the reasons why I've not hunted for a single drop purposefully for myself in eons.

A lot won't agree to spend 3-4 hours of their game time to back up one person after a drop, it's just the way it goes (particularly when in a zerg).

I do agree if a raid leader requests special dispensation before a hunt and before a drop falls, then people can either agree, disagree, come along, not come along etc. But if competition is fierce... that one really nice long bow drops, 8 or 9 hungry eyed Scouts start foaming at the mouth, and the raid leader is a also a Scout... you will still get a bit of bitching. Yes even if it was all one guild, disclosed beforehand or not.

Best to just enter a raid lead with no expectations of material reward, just for the fun of doing it and doing it well. To bestow gifts with no expectation of return, I think that’s charitable way and certainly I remember at least one Padre from my school days saying it's the done thing (or is that the way to receive good karma) :)

IMHO, you'll find it difficult to continue to run it otherwise, as you'll be more relaxed about all the drops anyway (and a good raid leader needs to be realxed) ;)

You never know, if you don't ask, if people are beaming at the end of the raid, they may just bestow a gift upon you anyway - I've seen that happen and it's the nicest roundup. :D



I'm not going to make any random raids anymore, because it gives me too much problems and whining.
I've come up with a new plan which i might have contacted some ppl ingame and which might do the same thing we did with random people, starting within a next few weeks.


PS: To all those saying : gen, you should say before ; and ; you really can't keep items because all you actually did is gather people : this is true yes, but imho if i was joining i'd say yes m8 keep it for the work, i'm prolly the only one who feels it's a bit impolite to say : no, lotto, at that point...
And to Sagba : host a raid, its very easy ... just to say don't talk shit like that if you have never done or have any idea what its like (or maybe your raids are all ubereasy to organise and LEAD).


Originally posted by Genius-Ino
And to Sagba : host a raid, its very easy ... just to say don't talk shit like that if you have never done or have any idea what its like (or maybe your raids are all ubereasy to organise and LEAD).

Then I read my post again and cant find the reason why you think it's offensive. A) I said this kind of raids should be made just to have fun. B) Leader isn't a "boss" C) If raid fails no one should blame leader D) Leaders main job is to invite ppl and sort out grps(no, I havent organised this kind of raids, but seems that you agree with this by saying:To all those saying : gen, you should say before ; and ; you really can't keep items because all you actually did is gather people : this is true yes

So the "shit" I'm talking here is in these lines: "Leader isn't a "boss", if you think it's a good idea to try kill Legion with 3fg and rest of ppl disagree, then you dont do it." You disagree with this?


You should take a leaf out of the LoE officers book, we have had countless uber drops and not one officer afaik has ask'd for it, and they wont ask for it until everyone who wants one has it. I personally dis-agree with a raid leader getting any special treatment, but i think the raid leader should get the chance of getting the loot they desire. The LoE officers dont even apply for loot even though they may want it. Imo we need more people like this.


when i do hunts, i am treated with the same loot rules as everyone else. If something drops that i want, i will lotto for it. I dont consider it my job to stand back and let everyone else have a shot at it. However, if i dont win, i'm not disappointed or upset. I just make another hunt :) As Laird said, its all about being relaxed. If you drive your hunt in a relaxed but effective way, your crew will be happy, and will whine less = less aggro for you = bigger chance that the same people will be on your next raid = less people to teach your ways on the next raid = even easier for you. You will get your drop eventually, if you have any concept of leading. Be patient :)


Sagba actually we did legion with 6 FG please stop talking about things you don't know...
Next, I almost seem like going nuts during the raid 24/7 or not being relaxed ... which is ofcourse not true, the random muppet thing killed me...
Next, I didn't only gather ppl, I also shouted targets, led the road, pointed out what had to be done etc ... all the stuff that needs to be done ... i'm not the boss ... but, imho with random ppl its necessary to do

I really hate all those negative comments from some people ... I'm not going to reply anymore in this thread since noone actually understood I didn't care for the loot (since its prolly the most common drop ever), but I do for a bit of respect after trying hard all day to get a fun raid going...

Cya all


Originally posted by Genius-Ino
Sagba actually we did legion with 6 FG please stop talking about things you don't know...

I haven't said a single word about that raid. If you read my first post again you should notice I'm asking question and your reply for me was "Stop talking shit".

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