About nerfing



Nice link, wonder if EU will follow the same line suggested in the first post?

What bugs me about infi's is the amount up and coming, rather than how good they are. At the moment they shine, they are assassins, that's what they're meant to do, but if all the lowbie ones catch up, emain will be filled with stealth bubbles, and that's what really will suck. /prays they give up on xping infis :)


Yea...nice flame war they got going there...


i only read the title and first thing to pop in my mind was



Have any of you tried the Thidranki BG. Its full of Infils/Sb's and probably NS too, but havent seen many around. Ive got an Eldritch in the BG's ive encountered more infils than anything else. It looks like full rvr will be full of stealthers soon if the BG's are anything to go by. :(


Klav, so you do actually use your own pictures from time to time? Whee :D


When respec comes Ill be going 48 enhance, dont think if I would buff an Infiltrator fully he would be a killing machine since as we all know they are gimps :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

I just checked the Enchanter 'nerf' and I actually like it!

The only reason why I specced mana to 15, was to get Effervescence (group speed buff).

The only useful spell Enchanters, heavily speccing in the mana line, will get is - PBAoE.

Stun? Forget it - you get stun only, if you spec in light (heavily)

Adios, cookie cutter/"I pwnz you all with stun/manabombing" Mana chanters.

I am not doing a nana-boo-boo here.. I know VidX and co. are great manachanters but Hibernia is suffering from a tidal wave of incompetent wanna-be VidX' and Zedorf's because 'it will be uber in RvR'.

Nerfs are in order, if a class is completely overpowered in certain ways. Where is the challenge if you can own just everyone? And then it gets boring.

Personally I am glad that from day one on, I went for my 26 Ench (which will now include the speed buff) and 47(or 48) light template.

But honest - regarding Infils: Do a soft nerf - give them x2.0 (2.2 at max.) spec points/level. I just think it's unfair towards NS and SB's.

[rant over]
*hates cookie cutter templates*
And Battlebards ROCK;)


you cant erf how many spec points as how would the level 50s already end up? and then complaining etc... no, you would have to do something about either damage output, or say make the off hand only swing with the DW level (currently the chance of a DW swing goes up with level, which is not like LA) although thats not much of a nerf, thats gonna make them swing with hte off hand 22.5% less i think (its 0.5 per level right?)


Originally posted by sickofit...

But honest - regarding Infils: Do a soft nerf - give them x2.0 (2.2 at max.) spec points/level. I just think it's unfair towards NS and SB's.

Infs deserve x2.5 spec points...

sbs can wield 2 handed weapons...

nightshades have a shout (although not too powerful)

and infs get x0.3 more spec points then the other assasins

seems fair to me

mythic better stop nerfing the game or their profit from people playing it will soon be seriously nerfed....


NS definitely need their shout worked on ... it seems pretty useless, or am I just misinformed? :)


If I had an insta that I could use to destealth and enemy assassin I'd be pretty pleased that's for sure...

Hmm Bladedance.. 14 Realm Skill Points <ponders>


Originally posted by old.Morchaoron

Infs deserve x2.5 spec points...

sbs can wield 2 handed weapons...

nightshades have a shout (although not too powerful)

and infs get x0.3 more spec points then the other assasins

seems fair to me

mythic better stop nerfing the game or their profit from people playing it will soon be seriously nerfed....

you are forgetting small but important details...

like fx. infiltrators (and nightshades) can spec thrust, which gives bonus to all midgard tanks/healers.. try telling a shadowblade to go kill an armsman, or paladin, or mercenary.. then ask an infiltrator to kill a thane/skald/warrior.

and incase you havent noticed, mythic already lost a huge chunk of their playerbase.. infact the european servers are more busi than the US now.. used to be the other way around by far.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen

and incase you havent noticed, mythic already lost a huge chunk of their playerbase.. infact the european servers are more busi than the US now.. used to be the other way around by far.

Actually... I checked the Camelot Herald earlier this morning at about 7am and it showed about 25k US players on-line.
I don't think too many US players have quit.

None of the nerfs have been too bad. Sure, all archer classes cry about not being able to one-shoot and stay hidden anymore.
So change tactics.

If you want to be uber play CS with an aimbot. :flame:


Originally posted by sickofit...

None of the nerfs have been too bad. Sure, all archer classes cry about not being able to one-shoot and stay hidden anymore.
So change tactics.

Archers 1 shotting and staying hidden.....missed that one somewhere......Assasins though...

Uncle Sick(tm)

I was referring to one-shooting gray cons (like practiced in the Cruachan Gorge) and staying hidden.

I really think Camoflage suits archer classes much better than assasin stealth.

Heck- I started a ranger the other day despite all the moaning and groaning about not being able to be the 'snipa' king anymore.

Ginsu ranger template anyone?


Bloods been whining about being nerfed ever since they removed the bow of flames ;)

He can't face having to play with some skill now like everyone else.

:flame: :flame: :flame:


Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen

try telling a shadowblade to go kill an armsman, or paladin, or mercenary.. then ask an infiltrator to kill a thane/skald/warrior.

There's a certain Shadowblade that spawns on the road to Castle Excalibur who's killing about every single alb class. :)


About the 2.5x vs 2.2x spec-points - both Hibernia and Midgard have more +spec items for assassins - Albion has 2 items currently that add to CS... This will change a bit in 1.51, when the +evade items get converted.

They're both in the jewelry slot btw.


Morchaoron: you forgot dexbases weapons and the lvl 50 thrust style. you forgot that sb's only get slashing weapons. you forgot vanish

sb's and ns's need 2.5x specpoints, infils don't


I really think they need to nerf midgard, we are to powerfull as it is, i pity thoose albs... :)


NERF MIDS!! and hibs.. c'mon, you know ya want to


There's a certain Shadowblade that spawns on the road to Castle Excalibur who's killing about every single alb class.

Not really. Narve can't even kill me when I sit down next to a tree and let him get his PA in.

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Derric

There's a certain Shadowblade that spawns on the road to Castle Excalibur who's killing about every single alb class. :)

Narve? Kill? /em laughs :m00:


Originally posted by old.Jadow
Bloods been whining about being nerfed ever since they removed the bow of flames ;)

He can't face having to play with some skill now like everyone else.

:flame: :flame: :flame:

I only started complaining about nerfs after see hidden, then i stopped to look back and count them..
- lowered damage cap
- gave all casters bladeturn (some group bladeturn)
- decreased the effectivness of qui, thous raising our drawtime
- gave epic armor to everyone (fx. casters get high slash resist, while all my spell resists went down)
- See Hidden, 2.5 spec points infil, and a mix of boosts to other classes that loves to kill hunters.

Hunters were uber once.. like in 1.36.. and its slowly gone down hill, to where they are now unplayable as a ROUGE class... anyway i'll stop arguing when you stop saying hunters are uber.

About my skills, i belive i've played my class to the max.

Anyway i have a surprise brewing for you.. its level 45 atm

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