About my account are be terminated!!

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Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2005
Hey all...

Are the me there are total wrong when i try to get my account back, because GOA mean i use autocraft program when i not got one on my pc and never have be close to any of them and close my questing when there not know what there shall say back to me....

Daoc is a good game, but the piss me off when GOA keep closing my question when i try to get my account (terminated and the name on account are onewton) back when i not have done something wrong agains the rules...

When there say i use it then i say when have it be done and after there close my question so i thing there know there are wrong about this, because i have never got one of this program.....

Have never use any of this program.....

Hope to be back ingame again on my char with name suli soon....
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