About Last Night (I'll post it here cause it's all about us.-Alb's-)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2004
Last night Mid's have taken the str relic from Hibs (You know that already) with some luck (cause the relic door was open) and some skills.
Now i have some questions & some points..so :

My Question's is where was the alliances ? and our leaders also.. ?

Why last night we have run to power relic ? to help mids take the str relic ?

My points now:

You r building you temp or farming(scrolls,gp)(this mean you r doing pve)fine you like it you make it, but for 1 night join the raid, and be proud about your char and your realm!feel the pleasure of team work!It worth more than 1 lvl on your artifact!

Guilds forget the competition Guild X vs Guild Y (Top 50,Which keep you will claim etc.)

Mid's now want Scabbard of Excalibur.
What r we gonna do ??
Kill Them ALL



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
FOR ARTHUR ffs!!!!!!111111eleventwohundredsixty6


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2004
RE:Ohhh Dear

Bracken maybe i'm lost in translation but you get point
also try to write a text in greek and you will be lost in space :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Isn't this game all about who pays to play and they way we play it ?

Some may want to RVR, others PVE. I do both, i have porting problems atm, otherwise, i'd have joined in, however, im all for the view of 'if people pay their own subs, they decide how they want to play'.

I'm sure people will start moaning if our relics move to another realm.
It all comes down to how the paying gamers want to play tho.


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
As it would take at least 2 - 3 hours to take the relic keep in NewFrontiers to open the Relic gate, NO WAY mids will get our relic. guard has been killed with 200 mids in the region..... 10 mins later => 400 albs at alb relic keep.

You'll only get our relics by buying some Duracell batteries.


Fledgling Freddie
May 9, 2004
I don't know what time this was, cause lost internet connection at 22:03 (gmt) 23:03 (CET)
But I would have been online I would have asked our alliance to come help us against the mids...
if mids did like they always do we would have been 5-10 online in entire alliance cause of the time they do the raids.. when I lost internet alb had 1 hib keep mid had 2 and was no real fighting out there... so must have been late/early they did it


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
The hib str relic shrine apparently lay open most of yesterday. It was certainly open for at least 3 hours before Mids went and picked up the relic. If anyone had wanted to take the Hib str relic back to Alb all they had to do was walk in and take it. Simple fact is noone cared to do it.

So Mids got the consolation prize: in reality very few people (other than stealthers) care about the str relics. The real prize is the power relics.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Ffade said:
Bracken maybe i'm lost in translation but you get point
also try to write a text in greek and you will be lost in space :p

It wasn't your use of English that was lost on me, it was what you said ;)

And I would never knock someone's English. My dutch girlfriend's English puts me to shame on that score :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 11, 2004

i think Ffade have right here..and many ppl think only the char that they are playing and not the realm...

why not we take a relic first ...mids are smarter than we??
why /as doesnt try to do a job together??
do you remember that we didnt have relics before NF??

or someone will say again that mids and hibs will have make conspirancy to take mids the strenth relics and hibs the power relics and we take a d..... ? :flame:

ffs this as a realm pls ... :worthy:

you know me :)
Geolyk Greekvibrator


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Wow What a surprise!! ....
And I wouldn't be so certain about our relics being safe, fact is that the mids have gotten so used to their precious relics, they prolly see it as a 20% melee dmg debuff until they take em back. Why do you think our str relic is so safe? All it takes is for them to get up early enough, or go to bed late enough :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Mids will never enter the Shrine with the Scabbard in unless they try it at 5am... like usual.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Kenniii said:
was that a bug or did anyone smash it open?
Na, relic keeps work differently in NF.

Theres a locked gate leading to the relic, it opens automatically when the relevant keeps are taken. Each relic has a different set of 3 keeps that must be taken. Its probably listed in the patch notes, I cant recall which 3 control which relic.

When I logged in yesterday evening the hib str relic keep was open (clear to see from the icons on the /rw map).

No bugs involved.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 19, 2004
Draylor said:
Na, relic keeps work differently in NF.

Theres a locked gate leading to the relic, it opens automatically when the relevant keeps are taken. Each relic has a different set of 3 keeps that must be taken. Its probably listed in the patch notes, I cant recall which 3 control which relic.

When I logged in yesterday evening the hib str relic keep was open (clear to see from the icons on the /rw map).

No bugs involved.

ah i see :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
What I want to know is why their was no effort to intercept the relic for ourselves, you can garuntee soon as we try to take a relic the 3rd party realm will try to intercept it from us.


Jan 7, 2004
really tbh we need a Guild GM Relic BG that stays up so all GM's can join it and be ready for the defence.. but ofc albs will find that too practical.. so it wont happen.. say bye to your str relic...

Clan Fist

Fledgling Freddie
Jul 16, 2004
you came
you saw
you falied to pick the relic we left open for taking :m00:

and you where shown back out :kissit:

have fun with midies when they come for yours

i pity the alb zergling

and especialy rr8 mincer anyu ( lol geting beat up by a hib healer )even with all youre wtfpwn pwer and arti summon mobs you got beaten fair until you called infidels to help youre sad ass out :D
btw my chr is wearing rog armor and jewelry how sad can you be
you an ebay's chr or smt?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Clan Fist said:
i pity the alb zergling

and especialy rr8 mincer anyu ( lol geting beat up by a hib healer )even with all youre wtfpwn pwer and arti summon mobs you got beaten fair until you called infidels to help youre sad ass out :D
btw my chr is wearing rog armor and jewelry how sad can you be
you an ebay's chr or smt?

Anyu is a Cleric :p - if i were you i would go back to school if you dont know the difference between a Mincer and Cleric.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
Comos said:
Wow What a surprise!! ....
And I wouldn't be so certain about our relics being safe, fact is that the mids have gotten so used to their precious relics, they prolly see it as a 20% melee dmg debuff until they take em back. Why do you think our str relic is so safe? All it takes is for them to get up early enough, or go to bed late enough :p
They'll probably get it on Monday morning 5am, so now may be the time to take screenies while it's still there.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
Kagato said:
What I want to know is why their was no effort to intercept the relic for ourselves, you can garuntee soon as we try to take a relic the 3rd party realm will try to intercept it from us.
Kagato I could swear an oath I saw you last night at CS :D


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 18, 2004
sum things never change in alb heh gl hf - i thought albs wer gona own nf :)

i tihnk only reason yanks own in nf cus theyre crazy gung ho god save america attitude brings them together to fight as one... sumth eu albs cant/wont do and that is ur main fall down

alot of emotion in this post, hope u guys pull it together gl hf cu on the flipside :)

the queen shud rule europe to make u all play better :clap: or mayb not ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Redflower said:
Kagato I could swear an oath I saw you last night at CS :D

I waved to you, did that give you a clue ? :p

Im trying NF like everyone kept telling me too, and like I kept telling everyone, it would be shit and indeed its a great steaming pile of the stuff. Being right all the time is such a disapointment.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
I blame the greeks, they was trying to stop the spaniards

Clan Fist

Fledgling Freddie
Jul 16, 2004
Tiarta said:
Anyu is a Cleric :p - if i were you i would go back to school if you dont know the difference between a Mincer and Cleric.

well then you have a clone couse this one started with bangin on a drum m8 :p
and also did insta stun :p and used blade styles so you tell me its cleric??
still failed to bring me down more than to 75% of my health

name was anyu or anuy dont know dont care still i pity him/her having to call for help from other alb stealhers :p

gues my mighty weapon skill was to scary :D all 6 points of it (PHEar it)

pwned by rr3 healer spec chr sad but just show that guy/girl put way to many points into zerg skill line :m00:


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Clan Fist said:
well then you have a clone couse this one started with bangin on a drum m8 :p
and also did insta stun :p and used blade styles so you tell me its cleric??
still failed to bring me down more than to 75% of my health

name was anyu or anuy dont know dont care still i pity him/her having to call for help from other alb stealhers :p

gues my mighty weapon skill was to scary :D all 6 points of it (PHEar it)

pwned by rr3 healer spec chr sad but just show that guy/girl put way to many points into zerg skill line :m00:

[13:12] <lethul> .info Anyu
[13:13] -Bertil- Info about Anyu as you wanted lethul. Name: Anyu Race: Briton Class: Cleric Level: 50 Guild: Apocalypse Dudes Totalrp: 3209611(RR8L3) Realm: Albion.
[13:13] <lethul> .info Anuy
[13:13] -Bertil- Sorry couldnt find that character.

but ye, anyu has his fair share of zerging ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Clan Fist said:
well then you have a clone couse this one started with bangin on a drum m8 :p
and also did insta stun :p and used blade styles so you tell me its cleric??
still failed to bring me down more than to 75% of my health

name was anyu or anuy dont know dont care still i pity him/her having to call for help from other alb stealhers :p

gues my mighty weapon skill was to scary :D all 6 points of it (PHEar it)

pwned by rr3 healer spec chr sad but just show that guy/girl put way to many points into zerg skill line :m00:

You sure your name is Clan Fist??...it should be Club Fist, because you write like you have one !!! :kissit:

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