About Cear Sidi



I wrote it as answer thread in cear sidi raids announcments but deicided giv it own new thread.

Btw who is owner of sidi and deicide if ppl can go there or not
Is Cear Sidi to buy as houses after patch?
I sick all time to be told off for killing mobs there.
Can not find any note in SI manual that this is restricted area.
How group of 8 - 10 ppl can call their loot/drop hunting there as RAID.
RAID imo must involve lots organisations , preparations and at last 30 - 100 ppl.
I cant remember ppl booking Hulkens spot in DF - if it is camped then is camped.
so dont annouce hunt sidi event in small numbers as raid cos 8 ppl cannot block huge dangeon for 16 hours for others who just want try luck there.
Lets say minimum 3 fg - 24 ppl - is real raid and should be respected, rest of raids are just on own risk so if other 8 ppl hunting there - bad luck and go to AC.


I seen 5FG not even reaching Keylord 1, I seen 1FG killing 5 Keylords. It all depends on the skill of the players. But the 10 hour respawn does not make this a regular dungeon like DF or AC.

All people can say when they want to give it a try, most people can be talked to.

This is discused to often, only gits, noobs and Havoc members (what are gits & noobs) make of this an isue.



Who owns Caer Sidi? Albion do.

No1 claims to own it, it's jsut a lot nicer if everyone respects each other. Without respect, there are no morales towards others. Without morales we are animals except worse then a rhino or something. Cause we are animals with power. Lack of respect and understanding is what causes most upsets in the world. 90% of war is started because of religion. If we all learnt to respect other peoples beleifs, there would thus be very little war. We'd all roam about rolling in daisies calling firbolgs out friends :D

In short...it's about keeping the peace.


Its not about ownerschip, its about an 8 hour repop.

If I take a group there and kill half the mobs, then some hours later you come into sidi, few things can happen :
1) you just wasted a trip there (+1h or so setting up group(s) and moving there
2) you decide to make do and pull one of the remaining mobs running the chance of the whole dungeon poping on your head

or you go there and bigger zerg comes in walks past you and kills all the mobs before you finish clearing the adds on the first keylord

With this 'booking' thread you can make sure that doest happen.
And you can always contact the raid leader that booked and see if you can join them or share the mobs


None can own it ofcourse, but random raiding can lead to full dungeon spawn when another group or raid is there they get full whipe.
But I guess the sidi booking sheet is best cause 'sharing' drops with other groups is not very popular in albion.

Originally posted by Fagane
This is discused to often, only gits, noobs and Havoc members (what are gits & noobs) make of this an isue.

We are all good players in RvR and PvE and we are friendly and respectfull to the ones that are friendly and respectfull to us. You have absolutely no right to drag our guild name in the dirt.
It seams that its only you who keeps making a big issue out of it. I thought this discussion had ended some months ago? Stop with the childish name calling Fagane, you have sunk to the level of kindergarden school.


I accept the "majority's" desision and is today coordinating with the booking sheet, this dosent mean i like it...

In my personal opinion restricting the announcement to only allow weekend bookings, and leave the weeks days to everyone not planning ahead... This would get my 100% backup...


Originally posted by xplo
We are all good players in RvR and PvE and we are friendly and respectfull to the ones that are friendly and respectfull to us. You have absolutely no right to drag our guild name in the dirt.
It seams that its only you who keeps making a big issue out of it. I thought this discussion had ended some months ago? Stop with the childish name calling Fagane, you have sunk to the level of kindergarden school.

Your guild members had 3 strikes in 1 week time I do not need more proof, 90% of your guild members did (do still?) claim the oppesite of what you scribe down now. More then a few of your guild members got kicked out of they're old guild.

If you want to stop me with doing this? Then proof for ones and for all it is the past. Post publicly an appoligy about what your guild members did, post it never will be done again.

Yes this is a challange to Havoc, and I bet you do not even got the guts to make a desent replay on this. Seen to much dirt comming out of your guild. Want mine respect? Want respect of most of Albion? Earn it, becouse your guild already lost all credit they got.



These forums have a search function - use it

This is just yet another pathetic whine - we've seen the same thing done before.


because i dont wanna wait 20-30 minutes at gwyntell waiting to gather up , then another 10-15Mins to get there and see its camped ...


8 ppl cannot block huge dangeon for 16 hours for others who just want try luck there.

Every raid makes the dungeon unusable for 8 hours after it ends regardless of whether it is announced in advance or not.

Because it's a full repop, and it's on an 8(ish) hour timer.

And if the next raid enters before the repop, then should repop occur while the next raid is in their you have an entire dungeon on you, and so everyone dies.

That is why it is blantantly obvious to most people that the polite thing to do is to tell the other alb players when you intend to start the 8 hour timer of trips-to-sidi-being-a-waste-of-time.


It does seem ridiculous that if I want to raid with 5 ppl and maybe or maybe not do keylords I need to book. It seems ridiculous that a grp of 8 people should turn up and complain that another small group is killing a few mobs.

TBH i can see both sides. For a big raid to go there and find dungeon screwed would be most galling and that is what the raid booking list is trying to avoid. I understand this and , despite the fact I am biased ;), I think this is what Grym means by saying big raids 3fg + should book and others take their chances.

To get together my grp of 5 ppl to kill some mobs and keylords does not take me 1hr plus. The same level of organisation isnt required. I have respected the booking sheet despite this and tried to liaise with raid leaders (like Lizia who was very cool ty) to see if it is ok to pull some mobs.

Now Eoforwic isnt even guilded atm so please try to keep it to constructive replies rather than just flaming. Heheh some hope we're on BW


Actualy what should happen with these dungeons is :

Use the batle groups system they build in, every time sameone zones into Sidi a new copy of sidi is created, everybody in the same batlegroup gets ported to the same copy.

et voila, no more need for bookings everyone and his dog now can go farm sidi as much as they want.

To make sure that there arnt umpteen copies of sidi running they could delete the copy 12 hours after creation or so and port everyone still in there back to their bind stone.


Originally posted by Eof
I have respected the booking sheet despite this and tried to liaise with raid leaders (like Lizia who was very cool ty) to see if it is ok to pull some mobs.

If you respected the booking sheet then why did you go there when it was already clearly booked and theres nothing stopping you booking your own excursion down there when you want to?


if someone's already doing a raid - talk to them, if it's a small raid they might be happy to share the monstesr (if they're only doing keylords 1 and 2 you might be able to go do bane or the crypt lord for example.


Originally posted by Kagato.
If you respected the booking sheet then why did you go there when it was already clearly booked and theres nothing stopping you booking your own excursion down there when you want to?

What you cant even go to the dungeon now if it is booked? That is a really ridiculous statement

We went inside cos it was a convenient time for us, we asked person who booked and raid leader if it was okay to pull mobs. We never pulled a single mob before Lizia agreed it was okay and we offered to log out straight away if it was a problem.
Despite not agreeing with it for small scale raids I have followed the booking sheet and booked a raid for 5 ppl next week.

So what is the difficulty?


Originally posted by bracken_woodman
What's wrong with rhinos? I like rhinos...:(

meant more scary :eek7:

Sorry, I know your wubb for the gentle giants, didn't mean to offend you :(


whinewhine search function blablabla close please.


Old. Really, you'd think people would have got it by now. It's not about owning sidi, it's about respect, and common courtesy.


You'd think people would learn to read. It's not about ignoring the booking sheet but is it really necessary for such small grps? Seems you cant have a discussion even if you are following the accepted path.

Also, I think its gone way too far when someone thinks others shoudlnt even go to a dungeon because they booked it. That's not dont pull but hey dont even go :) Is that respect or courtesy?


I'm sorry. I just see a random whine about booking threads, and post the standard response. :rolleyes: Anyways, no matter what size the raid is, Sidi is on a 8 hour respawn. Also, I think with some of the drops involved, and the time people spend raiding and organising raids for Sidi, that it's neccesary to make booking threads such as this. If you go to a dungeon such as Sidi, even if you don't mean to pull, there's always a chance you'll aggro a mob by accident or something, and then you've ruined a raid for someone else. Best to be safe, etc.


Originally posted by Eof
What you cant even go to the dungeon now if it is booked? That is a really ridiculous statement

We went inside cos it was a convenient time for us, we asked person who booked and raid leader if it was okay to pull mobs. We never pulled a single mob before Lizia agreed it was okay and we offered to log out straight away if it was a problem.
Despite not agreeing with it for small scale raids I have followed the booking sheet and booked a raid for 5 ppl next week.

So what is the difficulty?

Actually Kestrel booked the raid and the raid itself was my idea and I gathered the people, Lizia just knows the mobs better and I could not be bothered to deal with more raid crashers again.


Then talk to the people in your group. As Kestrel booked the raid we pm'd him. We were told to talk to Lizia. We stated we had gone to Sidi when possible and wanted to see if a necro could handle the mobs but if it was a problem we would ofc log as the dungeon had been booked. Lizia said it might be a problem she would get back to us. She got back to say we could pull mobs with you until you pulled the first keylord and asked if this was okay with us. We agreed, said thank you very much and even chatted to both Lizia and Kestrel during our unsuccessful and successful pulls and Lizia saying she gamled the tenebrious entity woudl kill us, that was before we logged when she said all but Keymob1 on 1st level were dead and we left saying goodnight as was agreed.

So before you start flinging accusations about people jumping in on your raids, not following the booking sheet or anything else perhaps it would be better if you talked to your group, your raid leader or the person who booked the raid. We treated you with every courtesy and kept to the spirit of the booking sheet and did as suggested to ask a small raid organised whether we could take a mob or not. I was very pleased with the warm attitude shown by your group and frankly you let them down.

It seems people are ready to say people who dont agree with the booking sheet are discourteous even when they follow the and dont pull any mobs or make any problems. It seems like you are also going too far to suggest people shouldnt go to a dungeon because it is booked. Again noone pulled against that booking.

Its true it's late and I'm tired and I hope I havent said anythign too offensive or out of order here. It jsut irritates me that even when you do everything right (as in above example) just because you dont agree with a majority decision you can be unjustly accused of jumping on booked raids etc. I have always respected both you and Lizia especially since your public Sidi raid, last night only confirmed this opinion for me. I wish I could say my feelings in all regards were unchanged today. IF you still see a problem with how we behaved please explain it to me because short of pm'ing every person on a raid in Sidi and saying would it be possible to see if our necro can kill a mob here (a total of 3 kills) I am unsure what else you would expect anyone to do.


Originally posted by Eof
I am unsure what else you would expect anyone to do.

Its quite simple, if theres a raid there that night, don't go regardless of it lol, just book your own like everyone else does and you say you have done.


Why cant characters log in a dungeon? Or by booking it you mean you booked it for 24 hours and noone else can even enter?

Does noone else go to Sidi when its booked to log then? Weird I met other people at entrance. Guess they are all raid crashers. Think through what you are actually saying.


You may be angry cos people have messed up raids in the past but that doesnt really give you the right to have a go at everyone and accuse people of crashing raids and breaking bookings for no reason.

Whatever the booking form says it does not say people shall not even enter the dungeon on the day of a booking. Your group had the booking and this was totally honoured by us and we would have logged without trying even one mob if this is what your raid had decided because the booking form is there for a purpose and has been agreed by a majority of people which means noone with any manners can jsut go breaking it at their whim. I believe that even though I dont think it is necessary for very small scale raids.

It seems the lack of manners is coming from somewhere other than so called raid crashers in this instance.


This is getting boring fast and has been talked about it numerous threads before. We'll just have to agree to disagree, bye bye.


Originally posted by Eof
It does seem ridiculous that if I want to raid with 5 ppl and maybe or maybe not do keylords I need to book. It seems ridiculous that a grp of 8 people should turn up and complain that another small group is killing a few mobs.

Then the people you need to talk to are Mythic.

Because it's Mythic's design which make it impossible for 2 raids to co-exist within 8 hours of each other in sidi.


No, I dont need to talk to them as I follow the booking sheet regardless of my personal feelings. I also follow the other suggestions made about how to try and work alongside other small raids. I was talking about my feelings with regard to this only not asking for it to be stopped.

I agree the thread has gone on too long however I guess its just cos I objected to being called a raid crasher and having it said that I was acting in the wrong to even go to a dungeon to log out. It really does seem that booking Sidi means you own it for 24 hours if noone else is even allowed to go inside in that time and that is not somethign I agree with.

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