About bow spec-Hunter



Hello :)

I start 2 days before playing DAOC and I choose to play a Hunter since it's more funny (my opinion) from the other classes i check.

As noob in game i have a question about composite bow spec.

I read many infos in net and i cannot find out if full speccing it worth since some people say "yes L50 since you will have Critical 27" others say "no it's useless since only Crit shot 9 exist, just up to 38 and then use magic items to raise it to 50 along with RR2"

So since you may have better experience than me what to do with it?
I try some templates on catacombs builder and i found the following spec really attractive (IF 50 bow isn't a MUST for high damage output)
36 Stealth (48 in RR2 along with +11 from the buffs so in RR4 is 50)
46 Bow
34 Spear
35 Beastcraft

Thank you all for your answers. I hope that they will help me a lot and not make me more confused :)


I dont play hunter.. but imo Stealth 35, Bow 38, Spear 44, Beastcraft 34. :D


I am not a hunter, so I don't feel qualified to answer your specific question here.

However, here is a tip I wish I'd known when I started my career as a shadowblade: do NOT train in stealth while you are young.

You can comfortably grow to an age of 30-35 without training in Stealth (unless you want to visit the Battlegrounds) and by doing so, you will notice that, every few seasons, some free points magically appear in your profile in stealth. This is called auto-training and you can get a little bit of an edge with that.


Actually, only us Shadowblades can gain points by not training our stealth. Hunters do not have the same advantage.



Originally posted by trigali

You can comfortably grow to an age of 30-35 without training in Stealth (unless you want to visit the Battlegrounds) and by doing so, you will notice that, every few seasons, some free points magically appear in your profile in stealth. This is called auto-training and you can get a little bit of an edge with that.

Even though you can't autotrain as a hunter, it is a good tip not to train stealth until you need it, as you will be able to train on skills you need. (Spear and bow) Stealth has little real use in PvE for a hunter


beastcraft above 32 is a waste of points imo, charm insects is totally worthless in rvr.
And then you might want to consider getting the style Razor's Edge at 39 spear i would suggest.


And personally im 50 Spear, 32 BC, 27 Stealth, 39 Bow.
If that helps any


I find 42 bow, 40 spear, 35 stealth and 35 beast works quite well. But i will respec when the quickshot thingy comes out next patch to a higher bow.

the bare minimums u should aim for is 32 beast (for pet shout) 39 spear (rear positional stun style) 35 bow and 25 stealth. The rest of the points you can add on as you see fit.


There is one advantage in speccing bow to 50.
at lvl 50 u get PA ( penetrating arrow ) this means ur arrow will pass through a bladeturn ( not on caster but on his grp members )and do normal dmg.
If u specc bow below lvl 40 then your PA will only do 2/3 dmg, at lvl 30 1/3 dmg. This wont be before patch 1,62.
alongside a see hidden nerf which means u want high stealth, what it does is gives u good range but with high bow and stealth u will be severly gimped in melee.


Well since I'm already a bit experienced with hunters I'd advice a high bow spec.
35 stealth - 45 bow - 39 spear - 32 BS


50 bow 32 bc 36 stealth rest spear>all (in new patch that is)


Why spec in BC? Is it only to get the pet, or the self buffs?
Cause if it's for the self buffs, when you go hunt or go RvR you always got a shammy in the group for the buffs.

So it must be so you get your cute little wolfy then?


its the wolf.. nice to cuddel with while crafting with your hunter


i respecced this other day to 50 bow, 45 spear, 35 stealth, 8 bc ;)

imo bc is crap.. get a lvl41 pet, a crappy dex/qui buff, an af buff that does nothing until rr5 and a speedsong which the first one works just fine to get away with and restealth :)


Originally posted by Suedish
Why spec in BC? Is it only to get the pet, or the self buffs?
Cause if it's for the self buffs, when you go hunt or go RvR you always got a shammy in the group for the buffs.

So it must be so you get your cute little wolfy then?

buffs, pet & speed of prey, if you dont specc BC then you're gonna die a lot more than those with 3x BC. Sure you'll hit somewhat harder with bow and spear, but also not be able to escape those evil paladins etc, and the pet is a nice dmg add when in melee or chasing that stealther/caster.


Originally posted by Pansern
i respecced this other day to 50 bow, 45 spear, 35 stealth, 8 bc ;)

imo bc is crap.. get a lvl41 pet, a crappy dex/qui buff, an af buff that does nothing until rr5 and a speedsong which the first one works just fine to get away with and restealth :)

If you have no bot, I'd say this is a rather poor spec, the increased damage you get from higher bow and spear would be completly negated by the fact that you dex is so much lower. Even if you do have a bot, you would need to ask yourself whether the increase in damage from the higher weapon spec is greater than the damage that your pet does. Lastly the pet give you greater utilitly and group friendlyness, it can chase one stealther while you chase another after popping TS, and lowers a shield users defence as it counts you and your pet as 2 people attacking when fighting them.


Originally posted by Cush
44 spear/bow 32 bc 30 stealth thas me

copycat :p

gonna do a lil respeccing when 1.62 comes around to europe, patchnotes at that point will decide how.

the lastest 1.62h today makes 45 bow sound good, i think im going to lower spear to 39, and get 34 bc, and 33 stealth (if i have enough points, havent used the calculator yet)


Originally posted by Blood
copycat :p

gonna do a lil respeccing when 1.62 comes around to europe, patchnotes at that point will decide how.

the lastest 1.62h today makes 45 bow sound good, i think im going to lower spear to 39, and get 34 bc, and 33 stealth (if i have enough points, havent used the calculator yet)

baah i had it first.. you were going 35 bc in the begining


You guys are all to hasty to respecc. Still have my 1.54 specc and full respecc left. ;)
Also have a respecc stone which will go back to my guild if I am happy with the future respecc.

I am currently 44 spear, 41 bow, 35 bc, 31 stealth

According to the latest notes, 50 bow isnt gonna be worth much but I would never have specced that anyway.

Will probably just do a minor change to

44 spear
41 bow
34 bc
32 stealth (50 with rr8 in the future)

I dont want higher or lower bc. 34 is good atm, it allows you to truly be a hunter with the second fastest speed. How many expects hunters to come running up behind them and spearstun anyway? ;)
Put lower bc and you will miss a lot of opportunities to easy rps.

I like high spear and would definately never go below 39 but I will probably stay at 44.
Difference between RF1 and RF2 is according to initial testing not very high so I am not gonna suffer much on rapid fire endurance consuming. Anyway its a price I can pay for staying higher with spear.

In the end your specc is about your playstyle. Wanna be a better archer, go 45+ bow, at least there is reasons and benefits to do so now.

Those who totally neglect bc I have no understanding for even if you have a buffbot.

It's the 2vs1 bonus you need, not the 70-80 dmg per hit the pet might do if they hit, thats just bonus. You wont be evaded,blocked,parried as much with a companion on your side. Your slightly higher weaponskill doesnt make up for that. And you can track down stealthers if you only cast it before they restealth allowing you once again to truly be a hunter and more free rps. ;)
You can also kill pet classes a lot more easier with a pet of your own.

But then again it can all change again and it does change all the time so dont be hasty.



Originally posted by Blood
the lastest 1.62h today makes 45 bow sound good, i think im going to lower spear to 39, and get 34 bc, and 33 stealth
Copycat :p.

Thats my current spec (only have 20 stealth atm tho, 2 lvls left ;))... I was wondering why so many spec 35 bc? to get the charm insect? wast of points imo...


Re: hmm...

Originally posted by Zebolt
Copycat :p.

Thats my current spec (only have 20 stealth atm tho, 2 lvls left ;))... I was wondering why so many spec 35 bc? to get the charm insect? wast of points imo...

Before we got our instapets 35 bc was required to charm spiders in Hadrians etc. Most who still have 35 bc just havent respecced yet like me. :p

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