About All this whinne about the differents consoles.

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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Hi all ;) - used to be a addictive console player during many years till i discovered DaoC . Well anyways since last 2 days i been reading the posts in this forums and have to say , there is funny stuff.

People all days fighting about how the consoles are, which is better and blabla,Well objetivaly , Xbox is as machine the best console atm for videogames because of a better made processor, card gfx, etc but like you all know this doesnt matter really, because It happened back with Playstation and Nintendo 64, and it happened also with Dreamcast and Playstation 2 ( hope you all know as machine , Dreamcast is better in gfx , clock bus speed, etc etc than Playstation 2 and it was released away , 2 years before PS2 appeared , but it's not relevant, because it's the amount of users of a one console that makes it better and worse and not their power ).

About the typical fight btw which console has the best games, Well at one point all the consoles have the same amount of really good games, but with the time , demand, and how the industries goes, the third parties decide to program their games for other consoles , because they think it will report more cash and develop to them, so there is no really anything better cause of power of machine, One console is good because of the games.

Lets focus now in the really great games, that i think you all will be agree to compare each other

About the beat'em up games, we have the luck we can say the best of them it's multiplataform , and thing that it makes everyone happy i hope (Soul Calibur 2).But then now if you want really try new styles of that, you can find Tekken 4 / Virtua Fighter 4 , both for PS2 and can find also the saga Dead or Alive for Xbox, but sadly really cannot find anything in Game Cube.

So in my opinion the best consoles for fighting games are by far PS2 & Xbox, both with a high lvl of quality.

For Driving games : We all know which is the game who is the example for all others driving games and companys at the time to make a new game ( Gran Turismo ).Also we got all the rallies game etc , very well lead by the Colin Mcrae saga which has appeared in all the plataforms.Mainly the fight in this genre it's btw Gran Turismo and Project Gotham Racing,If you want a profesionalistic game, the decision should to be Gran Turismo, if you like more differents styles of gaming, could pick PGR 2,Away from those good games, we have also multi-plataform NFS:Underground 2 which it has proper quality.Maybe i have to be forced to name Mario Kart, but really i dont consider it very skilled and call attention game, ok it can be fun.

But then again from my point of view PS2 and Xbox are ahead in the racing genre, but my decision would be finally to pick PS2, cause i consider Gran Turismo is a "Game" and sure you all undertand what that means

Sport games : Here i hope everyone is agree, because there is no really much of discuss, All the consoles have the same good games , but by graphic quality of them it's better on Xbox, so my advice in this case would be Xbox as 1st line, and not only because the graphic quality , also cause of the Live! option because sports games are great to be played with more people at the same time of co-operative.

Adventure games : Here mainly we got in PS2 , Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid as main games , for Xbox we got also Sillent Hill, MGS , Fable and Shenmue 2 and finally for GC , we got Resident Evil 4 and Ethernal Darkness as more quality adventures.And the multi-plataform , Splinter Cell. All those games are great ones, and some of them would be the enough meaning to buy the console , example are Metal Gear Solid,Resident Evil 4,Shenmue 2 as more importants ones.

Here we go if you really like MGS and like to focus this style, would pick PS2 since you got MGS2 and 3,If you like the mainly the preshing genre and with difficult moments at the same time you find options and great view cuality, would pick Game Cube ( serious Resident Evil 4 is god xDD ) and for last if you really like differents styles of adventure, with all the styles, i would pick Xbox for the variability. Also the time to decide i would think Resident Evil 4 will be released for PS2,so It would balance a bit.

Arcade games : if this is your style, Game Cube, dont doubt it - Star Wars : Rogue Squadron is the best arcade game since loads of time .

Strategy : Here we got the multi-plataform Sims, and the versions of Xbox and PS2 of Comandos 2, which it makes it easy, Xbox or PS2 would be the decision.

RPG : Here mainly we got he classics of always and some adders who really has no skills . As main ideas, we got the saga Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest for PS2 , and Zelda for Game Cube ( because FF:Chronicles is a joke...).Xbox really lacks proper rpg games in my opinion. Here even if you are all surprised, my recomend would be Game Cube , because really the new FFs and DQs are really far away from why we used to love those games.After Playing games like secrets of mana/evermore,all ffs , specially 6/7/8 , dq saga, chrono tigger, you really poke playing those new games called RPG..
Anyways if you like RPG a lot, the catalogue of RPG from PS2 is big and have others possibilites that maybe you like.

Action games : Here we got the multiplataform Medal of Honor, the GTA saga for Xbox and PS2, the exclusives of Metroid for GC and GTA:San Andreas for PS2 but it will get released in Xbox later on.And the God shotters that sadly all are from Xbox or incomming to Xbox, cases of Halo/Halo2,Doom3,Half Life 2. By big far here,if i like action games, i would pick Xbox, wouldnt really think it

Plataform games : the multiplataform Prince of Persia, is really the best option.We really lack a proper Mario game here. So here would pick any console.

For final decision i will say , i wouldnt pick a Game Cube, because even counting with the great games this console has, it lacks a bigger catalogue with differents styles of gaming, Nintendo has wasted the effort of getting the best companies again for almost nothing. We have to count also with the high fame of PS2 in the world that it makes it be the 1st option for random buyers when getting 1st console.And Later we got Microsoft that counting with they were new in the consoles world, to be the 1st time, they have done it very well .

So to be honest with you all, just for Resident Evil 4, Gran Turismo , Soul Calibur 2 and Metal Gear Solid 2, I would buy a Playstation 2. And would call it the best Console.

Hope you all liked this constructive post, i didnt want to critic anything ;) - just get out my main idea of how is this now,GL.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I have all 3 consoles so am not really arsed about what is the best.

I just wish Sony would change the joypads so the analog is in the place were the D-pad is now.

Xbox needs more exclusive games

And the Gamecube needs more 3rd party support.

And while you wait for Resident Evil 4 on ps2, i'll be playing in this March on Gamecube :p with a superior controller, yes that damn analog position annoys me :p Can't wait for Snake Eater aswell.

*edit* Oh yea Knights of the Old Republic was a good RPG on xbox and Tales of Symphonia is a good rpg on gamecube, Zelda ia a platform game to me*


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Good post, what about other features of the consoles. I have an Xbox so its the only one I know about.

Xbox Webcam - think its only out in Japan or something so far? That PS2 eye toy looks like its only good for kids.
Xbox DVD Remote - Need to buy it to unlock DVD film watching, with the PS2 you could watch films out of the box with no remote control purchase needed?
Xbox Media Center Link - You can link your Xbox to your media PC or something (new so I dont know much..).
Xbox Live - A great service for consoles but I dont think its as good as finding internet servers / downloading content compared to the PC yet.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Domain said:
.Xbox really lacks proper rpg games in my opinion.

Im sorry have u played Elder Scrolls 3, one of the best games ever created, so huge and expansive so much to do a Huge Game by any rites, and I suppose u could also include Baldurs gate action RPG games as well as Fable.

The xbox may not have many Eastern RPGs like FF but it does have tons of western ones which I prefer which is great.

Mind u saying that im looking to Buy Tales of Symphina (sry for sp) for the GC.

I also have all of this generations consoles, except for the Handhelds, but I still prefer the Xbox, as some ppl may not have guessed yet, we just got to wait to see what Bodhi says to this post should be funny as always.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
That crappy xbox Baldurs-fragging-Gate!!!!


I'm currently playing the one and only REAL Baldurs Gate on the PC (Again, probably the 6th time). A good rpg is like a good book a couple of years later you can just go back and do it all over again.

What I think will interesting is what Sony and Micrsoft learn from each others current machines in their upcoming next gen battle.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yep im one of the whiners. I have all 3 consoles, well loads more but the up to date ones.

Most games nowadays become multi platform unless they are SERIOUS exclusives. PS2 has GT left and Xbox has Halo etcetc. The reason why the Xbox is slightly more of my preferred machine of choice is purely due to the hardware in it. I really have no issues with any of the consoles at all, hell I even love the GC's lack of games because im not made of money, dont need another bloody expense but when the games come, im blown away most of the time.

The only thing i whine about is people berating other consoles when there is joy in every single one of them. Obviously this place is full of opinions, and some get a little dumb and thats when i like to correct them, or at least lead them into being less consoleist.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2004
heheh , do you know what i do to end my inner debate of what console to by? well... i bought all of them ... well the major ones right now , Xbox , gamecube , ps2 , and i have a comp in my room (( i didnt get them all at same time , i aquired them over a years time from my parents... maybe ps2 a little longer , and i just got a new comp a month or two ago))


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I like my XBOX because it has a really old copy of championship manager and i dont have a pc at the mo.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
ive got all 3.

GC is almost always playing either monkeyball os super smash bros

Ps2. this i have the most games on. tbh i am not to bothered how mjulti platform games look worse on ps2. tho we dont play PES4 on this any more.

Xbox for me only reason it rocks is XBMC. i initialy had the first release of it installed until i upgraded to lastest versions. god does everything and more upsclaes dvds to 1080i no probs free pr0n streams :worthy: ms should do the best thing fund the xbmc crew.only thing it dont do is record stuff of the telly. games wise house of dead 3, panzerdragoon, shenmue2, halo, burnout 3 and PES4 i dont have many games for it but PD gets played often im slowly unlocking everything.

my only gripe about consokles is there are so many multi platform games coming out. its destroying the uniqeness of having all 3.
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