


whats with the ablative procs??

i mean what are they?

have i been away so long :/


Ablative aura:
a shield that, when cast, absorbs 50% of melee damage up to 100hp (which ever is smaller) once it has absorbed 100hp of melee dmg (including arrows) the shield fades until the proc goes off again.

shield goes off
some tart hits you for 100 damage
the shield takes 50% of the brunt (as 50% is smaller than 100hp in this case)
you get hit for 50, shield takes 50 and now only has 50hp "left" to absorb

now, if someone ELSE hits you subsequently for another 100 your shield will absorb another 50hp and then dissapear.

theyr very nice for casters and stuff, effectively gives you an extra 100hp whenever one goes off.

Very funny when a savage hits you for a quad and ur ablatives fire 4 times you onky get hit for like 800 instead of 1400 :(


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