A word from GOA on respecs



A friend email from your pals at goa


The European servers of Dark Age of Camelot will soon be patched to the 1.52 version. Among the numerous changes this patch will introduce, your characters will be given the chance to re-specialize and, by doing so, get the skills points already invested back, allowing you to re-distribute them as you wish.

This option, awaited by many players, is however to be used with great precautions. Many players on the American servers rushed to this new option and, because of their haste, made mistakes and were disappointed in a permanent way sadly.

Here are our advices about the coming re-specialization:

1) You know your character and, no matter what you think about the skills he currently has, you are used to it and used to the 'play style' coming with it. By re-specializing in new spell or combat skills, you will lose the 'knowledge' of your character and you may think that he has become 'less powerful' in a way. While this may only be a question of feeling, you may still be disappointed by the changes.

2) A common mistake while re-training your character after a re-specialization is related to the 'trainer skill panel'. This 'skill panel' appears when you right click on a trainer of your class and will list the points you need to spend to gain a level in this skill. Be sure that the number displayed on your 'character skill panel' is the one you want! If your 'training panel' show 23, it means that your character has 22 in the skill currently and that you will need to spend 23 points to get to 23 in the skill.

3) Many websites offers hints and even character trainers to helps players. Some websites like http://daoc.catacombs.com are very detailed and, if you are planning to use the re-specialization, we advise you to be very careful on how you want to do it, to read as much as you can about your class on the internet, to talk to your friends in DAoC, to your guild. Do not rush blindly and re-specialize, if you are not sure, do not do it, you do not have to re-specialize! Take your time, think about it, your character may be very good already, and, instead of making him more efficient, re-specializing may actually make him weaker, or even make him a total stranger to you.

The message you need to remember is this: be very careful if you decide to re-specialize your character, there will be NO second chance if you do a mistake. Also, remember that your account is strictly personal and that you are responsible for it. This means that we will not take actions in case of reports such as 'my husband/brother/bird/cat' re-specialised my character!

If, after all, you want to re-specialise your character, please note: We will not under any circumstances revert your character to your previous specialization.

Wishing you a good time playing Dark Age of Camelot.

GOA Team.


This means that we will not take actions in case of reports such as 'my husband/brother/bird/cat' re-specialised my character.



Ahh GOA and there sense of humour :D for further laughs find your daoc box then look at the bottom right hand corner on the back it says

Exploitation and community management by Goa.com

When I noticed this I think Kemor replied with

It has been noted and the offending parties have been sacked

Or was it shot? ;p


that's a Monty Python quote ... :)

Cue the box being redesigned with lots of Llama references.


I wait with baited breath for the first 'GOA PLEASE RESET MY SPEC POINTS' post.


100g on it ariving the same day respec comes out. most likely in the Albion/Excalibur part of the forum :p


"Me cat walked all over teh k/b and managed ta respec meh to 50 thr,50 sla,28 cru.
Can u plzzzz help meh Goa."



Yep, everyone should receive this email, and it's only the first part of our "DO NOT RESPEC" campaign before the 1.52 patch...

The second part is hypnotism, so repeat after me, like a mantra:

"respec is not my best friend,
my character is already nicely specced,
I do NOT have to respec,
if I screw up, they won't revert me back."

"respec is not my best friend,
my character is already nicely specced,
I do NOT have to respec,
if I screw up, they won't revert me back."

"respec is not my best friend,
my character is already nicely specced,
I do NOT have to respec,
if I screw up, they won't revert me back."

"respec is not my best friend,
my character is already nicely specced,
I do NOT have to respec,
if I screw up, they won't revert me back."

Joke aside, folks, really think about it, you can mess up your character bad so be VERY careful...


Originally posted by old.0xygen
This means that we will not take actions in case of reports such as 'my husband/brother/bird/cat' re-specialised my character!

Does that include cushions? We all know how lethal they can be from MrT's past experience!


Originally posted by Fingoniel
that's a Monty Python quote ... :)

Cue the box being redesigned with lots of Llama references.

Llamas are bigger than frogs

If you see a llama you must shout "Beware there are Llamas!!"


funny GOA seem to think that only male toons are used in this game!! Chauvinist Frenchies!!!!


I have a very nice spec on my shadowblade, and i'd like to be able to "lock" my respec, so i cant use it before my SB reaches Realm Rank 7 (if i ever get so far).. just so i dont accidently do it while drunk. (you will be amazed what can seem logical and resonable after you have single handed emptied a bottle of tequila).

(at RR7 i'd like to lower my stealth and envenom, and raise my Axe & CS, but untill then i dont need my respec)

Uncle Sick(tm)

me cusion did it agen goa!! he cum to my house an respecced my skald when i took a wee. plz help me goa
i gonna keel my cusion now!!!1

yours sincerly

mr. t

Har har...


Best way to not use ur respec by mistake is to respec just like he is now :).. but if u want to respec later that could be a prob :D

and one thing i wonder is... the Autotrain ... i have 14 axe/hammer on my warrior and will they stay there or will i get them for respec...

As for Stealth autotrain if u have "specced" and not autoed it will it reset to the lvl it would be if u autoed it ... (if we don't get the points back, witch i doubt :D )


Originally posted by Slipurson
and one thing i wonder is... the Autotrain ... i have 14 axe/hammer on my warrior and will they stay there or will i get them for respec...

The same rules apply for axe/hammer as they do for stealth, they won't reset lower than the autotrain limit.


Hmm Repsecc bad!?

Can you cross it out for me and give me lvl 50 instead? :D

Im thinking of some nice antirespec posters......coming soon *starts psp*


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
me cusion did it agen goa!! he cum to my house an respecced my skald when i took a wee. plz help me goa
i gonna keel my cusion now!!!1

yours sincerly

mr. t

Har har...

Just remembered where the 'cusion' bit came from
*dies laughing*


Originally posted by Ragnarok1978

The same rules apply for axe/hammer as they do for stealth, they won't reset lower than the autotrain limit.

so....for classes that receive autotraining. it is worth them respeccing as they will have all their points back to spend how they wish AND have everything autotrained (that can be) to their minimum levels. is this correct? :D



if you train your slash as a mercenary, and respec - it'll drop to 12.

You'll only gain back the points from 13+

if you train crush as a mercenary, and let slash/thrust autotrain, they'll stay at the autotrained level, but crush (which doesn't autotrain) will drop to 1 and give you _all_ the points back.

Switching from non-autotrained to autotrained will gain you points.
Switching from autotrained to non-autotrained will lose you points.

(unless you let it autotrain for ages then train it or whatever ;) but you know what I mean)


ahh damn :[

if you switch weaps you will benefit but will have to toss away them wubbly drops of a weap you'd no longer be specced high in. :[


btw...Fingoniel. you are my daoc knowledge god.




of course we should be able to trial run a respec on gorre first (when gorre changes to english). see if that works well and then if happy use that spec or a slightly different one on the live server. :D Assuming you play excal (which I do but for Hib not Mid, bah!)


Oh! Now i can respec back when i accidently put one point too many in parry! Woho! Now i can put it into...into...*thinks*..parry!


thanks for nothing

Rather than sending me an email written in poor english advising me to learn game content, I would have GOA get cracking on further translation work so we can have the 1.54 patch before the dawn of a new year!

Why Mythic contracted with a French company is beyond me. Should have gone English or German.

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