A word about claiming Keeps ...



... don't leave the doors at lvl1

there's quite a few lvl10 keeps in our frontier with lvl1 doors.

Those upgrades won't help a bit if the doors are down in 5min.... without any rams.

So if you claim a keep, get the doors up !

lvl5-6 preferable, takes some time to brake them down, but still repairable.

but keeping them at lvl1 ... sorry, but that's just bullshit.


Well said, I've used to message the guilds when I see door lower than level 4 in frontier, or unrepaired one.
Of course I'll repair or upgrade if I got some wood on me and door is really low but considering the RP, exp and other bonuses guilds get from keeps, they should be prepared to take care of them too.
Can't say that I've noticed very bad doors often but I haven't been running around in frontier much lately so maybe things have changed.. if they have, they've changed to worse than they used to be.


A level 6 door can be done fairly easily. 2 just as easily. Get a guild group together, head to bled, stock up on ironwood, and upgrade the doors. A skill of 300-350 woodworking can be done in about 1 1/2 hours if they already have a skill involving leather.... just make shitloads of hilts.

Easy, simple, and means less chance of albs actually taking the keep successfully :)


You're all wrong here... upgrading normal keep doors from level 1 to (say) level 6 costs about 4 platinum, which I doubt most guilds can easily afford.

Better to leave them at level 1 IMHO...



I've upgraded doors on keeps claimed by other guilds than my own. Many times my guildgroup did a repair of the Bledmeer doors after a retake. Many players split the scene fast after retake, when the gold is to be used on wood ;)
I /salute those that stay behind and offer their help and gold on the repairs.
I figuer that i spend around 1.5 platinium on upgrading front door to lvl 5 and inner door to lvl 6.

Btw the fastest way to gain woodskill to around 350+ is by making arrows.


Ironwood. Allways did full repair of the current lvl and then upgraded to the next. Ok it might have been 1.5 -> 2 platinium, but its no where near 4 platinium.

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