A weird idea for a future expansion


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
I was thinking about what would be the thing I would love more for next ToA expansion after Frontiers.

And after the RvR will have been revamped I think I would love a full free module for internal politics.

Just a bunch of weird ideas, free fantasy flowing:

The module could be called "Guilds" and the main point is how to improve the prestige and power of your guild _inside_ your realm.

Prestige would be earned in many ways giving different kind of guild the way to grow power in the realm:
- RvR points are a strong way to gain power
- PvE and farming could be a way to give taxes and rare drops to the Realm (Rare drops and money that would improve Frontiers keep power and strenght i.e.)
- Crafting could be a way to give your time to the Realm improving a % of weapon quality for all the realmates.
- Academy guilds could have a way to improve casters ability in some way

And of couse you can be (or must be) your mix of all those things.

In this way very different kind of guilds could give different kind of contributions (and this is very realistic and RP) to grow strong and powerful and make their realm grow strong and powerful.

The power of the guild would give you some worthless prestige add ons (emblems on keeps and streets, better looking wares, bigger guild house, better prices at merchants and healaers ect)

The power of the guild would give the guild some tangible benefits. I.E. the more you are powerful the more you have benefit from other guilds contributions.

We could even think about a Realm Coucil: Power gives you votes to the King Council. Guilds can propose action inside the Council that are trasformed in action. The council can command a Keep Raid or a Relic Raid.
Single Guilds are allowed to follow or not the order, but if they dont (i.e. not popping an amount % of guildies in the ordered Keep Raid) they will slowly loose prestige (and so benefits and power , i.e a % of that addicional DPS).

That again makes sense in RP: Imagine I am a crafter guild and i give my time to the realm to forge better weapons for all realmates and this gives the realm a 10% add in all DPS. If you dont follow the Realm Council Orders (that should be ONLY for very special events ofc, cant think of a coucil ordering me how i have to play all the day.... but if there is a RR call I must go!) you loose the Realm Power and so Realm benefits.

Many things should be fixed ofc.
Way must be found to avoid too strong competition within the Realm so that collaborate would better than compete...always.
Way must be found to avoid 1 only guild to rule all: a limit in each guild people i.e. or similar countermeasures: so more guild must find a way to collaborate.
Factions and alliance are welcomed... but not a internal war between factions.
Way must be found to this thing to bee not too much invasive: some people will love doing talks and doing politics, some other will just want to go Emain and kill albs or jsut stay inside and farm drops.... all must live together and everybody must be free just to ignore other way of playng.

Just a bunch of creazy ideas during lunch break at office.... but would love to have your opinions :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
General concept sounds nice (rewarding guilds for being guilds) - but some of the actual ideas are a little... unconventional, or maybe a better word would be unviable.

Realm Council sounds a lot like an alliance just with a few extras (which in themselves sound a little weird). Also the DPS idea wouldn't really be that great. I can see the ammopunt of wjan that would generate from a mile off :)

I agree Guilds should be given more, especially the ones which have been around for years - not the '2week wonder' ones.

Better ideas might be stuff like more emblems, colours and designs based on your guilds size and overall realm points. Maybe a small RP bonus if all players in a group are in the same guild (like 5% or somthing token). General small stuff. Guild groups are already vastly superiour to pickup groups in any case so I can't see them needing much extra help :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Nice post and some new ideas but frankly they need to sort out the problems they have now and fix the many 1000's of bugs on the list before they add anything else.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
^^ well put Chod :) I was thinking exactly the same.
Feb 29, 2004
Tholus said:
I was thinking about what would be the thing I would love more for next ToA expansion after Frontiers.

And after the RvR will have been revamped I think I would love a full free module for internal politics.

Just a bunch of weird ideas, free fantasy flowing:

The module could be called "Guilds" and the main point is how to improve the prestige and power of your guild _inside_ your realm.

Prestige would be earned in many ways giving different kind of guild the way to grow power in the realm:
- RvR points are a strong way to gain power
- PvE and farming could be a way to give taxes and rare drops to the Realm (Rare drops and money that would improve Frontiers keep power and strenght i.e.)
- Crafting could be a way to give your time to the Realm improving a % of weapon quality for all the realmates.
- Academy guilds could have a way to improve casters ability in some way

And of couse you can be (or must be) your mix of all those things.

In this way very different kind of guilds could give different kind of contributions (and this is very realistic and RP) to grow strong and powerful and make their realm grow strong and powerful.

The power of the guild would give you some worthless prestige add ons (emblems on keeps and streets, better looking wares, bigger guild house, better prices at merchants and healaers ect)

The power of the guild would give the guild some tangible benefits. I.E. the more you are powerful the more you have benefit from other guilds contributions.

We could even think about a Realm Coucil: Power gives you votes to the King Council. Guilds can propose action inside the Council that are trasformed in action. The council can command a Keep Raid or a Relic Raid.
Single Guilds are allowed to follow or not the order, but if they dont (i.e. not popping an amount % of guildies in the ordered Keep Raid) they will slowly loose prestige (and so benefits and power , i.e a % of that addicional DPS).

That again makes sense in RP: Imagine I am a crafter guild and i give my time to the realm to forge better weapons for all realmates and this gives the realm a 10% add in all DPS. If you dont follow the Realm Council Orders (that should be ONLY for very special events ofc, cant think of a coucil ordering me how i have to play all the day.... but if there is a RR call I must go!) you loose the Realm Power and so Realm benefits.

Many things should be fixed ofc.
Way must be found to avoid too strong competition within the Realm so that collaborate would better than compete...always.
Way must be found to avoid 1 only guild to rule all: a limit in each guild people i.e. or similar countermeasures: so more guild must find a way to collaborate.
Factions and alliance are welcomed... but not a internal war between factions.
Way must be found to this thing to bee not too much invasive: some people will love doing talks and doing politics, some other will just want to go Emain and kill albs or jsut stay inside and farm drops.... all must live together and everybody must be free just to ignore other way of playng.

Just a bunch of creazy ideas during lunch break at office.... but would love to have your opinions :)

the only thing i would like to see is guild warring, only lvl 45+ may fight to save lowbies levelling up/dungeons and towns are out of limits for fighting, in tradition to law etc... it would certainly be a break from the shit that is Camlann and all the crack whores that play there... and to declare war on another guild would be fun, you could finally organise your precious FG vs FG fights in your own lands!! it would be quite easy to implement tbh... just need to shuffle the safety command on when you /declare <guildname> or sumfin.. id like to go up against some of these so guild elite guilds and spank em with mi staff!!4 :touch: :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2004
Guild v Guild warfare is a nice idea if - and only if - it is entirely voluntary on both sides. So if Guild A declares war on Guild B, then combat would only be allowed if the GM of Guild B has accepted the declaration. Otherwise it's a recipe for griefing.

I agree that there should be more "rewards" for Guilds, but they'd have to be purely symbolic. Flags on houses in NPC towns, references from the town criers and so on. But nothing substantive in terms of extra abilities. If there were "real" benefits to the membership of certain guilds then the game would very soon spawn a couple of enormous guilds per realm, and that'd be a shame. People should be entitled to play in a small guild with their friends without being comparatively disadvantaged in any game mechanics way.

As for politics, I'd like to agree with you, but I don't think the majority of the player-base have the outlook to support a player political system without it descending very quickly into raging flamewars.

Other than that, I'd agree with the others. First things first - get the RvR sorted out before tinkering with anything else.

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