A wee look at the patch



If anyone's remotely interested I've written a piece on the new patch, its on my bwtfcl column (which really needed updating). It was meant to be written for a tf news site I work for but the gits have gone down for a while, so instead of repeatedly banging my head on the table I thought I'd just stick it up, so make of it what you will. :)




hmm, as they're not well used I'm gonna be removing the columns from bwtfcl... however I could post your stuff in me BW column?

tis good btw :)


I do some times read people's column's but most the time you forget to check if any are updated .

Did find Elim's column really useful as I just got back after 2 weeks and hear all this stuff about voice coms and casting in the new patch etc, so its got me up to date well almost anyway :D

old.Mr War

you forgot a few things

1.) Voice comms is mainly designed for the people with better than 56k connections, at least thats how i see it as now i always lag, even when everyone is muted, because the data is still going through the server!!!

2.) i dunno if u said it, but multicast is hard to use cuz ive hardly any servers have the multicast proxy running. wooot when it does will be more lag.

3.) They took out skimming!!! ffs!!! when u land from a conc u stop almost dead in the water

4.) how hard is it to join a team now? lets see, took me 3 recons and 5 mins of pressing 1, and i still couldnt join a team. after the 4th recon i got on a team, server changed map, and low and behold i couldnt join a team again. and neither could the other 3 people stuck in spec mode with me!!! seems to not be affecting everyone

im sure theres more things wrong with it. dont sing valves praises yet!!!


personally imo after 2.5 years of playing the game it gets worse, theyve fukked it imo.
HLTV great idea, the rest is bs
sorry , but my opinion.
lost a lot of enjoyment since 1108, flamage expected but dont care..........

old.Mr War

u aint getting flamed from me. i still find that i wanna play just to help out the clan etc, but the enjoyment level has gone down so much!!!!


HLTV is a good idea.... but it's wank

when someone joins a HLTV proxy to the server.. my choke goes from 0 upto 20 / 50. when it goes, my choke goes back down to 0.

Shouldnt really do that on ISDN now should it?

old.Mr War

they always make as many problems as they fix with each of these patches


I like the voice coms its no fussing about getting it working n shit also the way a talking players name apears at the side is usefull, makes a change for me knowing who's talking cos some of you all sound like robots on there :D
Also its kinda funny hearing some of the voices of people you known a while .


Originally posted by 1Jesta
personally imo after 2.5 years of playing the game it gets worse, theyve fukked it imo.
HLTV great idea, the rest is bs
sorry , but my opinion.
lost a lot of enjoyment since 1108, flamage expected but dont care..........

you took the words rite out of me mouth jesta agree all the way


All I can say is that at least they left in bhopping. But on it's own that really isn't that useful since without a conc-skim it's hard to get up to an effective speed whereby you can actually hop past defenses.

And what pisses me off is that by not taking out bhopping altogether, Valve haven't even addressed the issue of class speeds. Not that I wanted bhopping removed, far from it, but in removing it they've made a hash of the fun-factor offy used to enjoy while still not achieving their frickin goal.

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