A wedding tomorrow !!



I am happy to announce the wedding of my "sister" Brigitte to Sir Chodax Pendragon

Will be at the Abbey near Humberton, 7pm gmt, Saturday 21st.

open bar and dancing afterwards and maybe a keep raid or two :)

Will be fun, as our events always are !!


Congratulations to your sister :clap

Liste and I would love to be there with our sad excuses for Computers (if we make one working puter instead of two, we can play ;)) But tonight we have to celebrate the opening of a new building in a school out in the middle of nowhere. :m00:

Please take a lot of pictures though :)

oh and I replied to your PM on PARP ;)


Ziera...ahh okay

darn was going to ask if your sister could be the maid of honor... :(

damn guess i'll have to get one of the guys to go in drag or something LOL

have fun

that pm went thru?? i thought it didn't, got an error message.

will read it tomorrow, very tired right now

hope to see lots of faces at the wedding, we always have fun


<< One very lucky man :D

Thankyou all for your best wishes :)


Wow ... the wedding was so nice :)

Our friend Bar, did the ceremony for Brigitte and Chodax and did a wonderful job. :)

Docwolfe was indeed the maid of honor, and Brigitte was very thankful that she had Doc there by her side.

I highly recommend Bar for his wedding services if you are looking for someone.

After the wedding I logged in and helped my friends have lots of fun running all over the realm, messing with goblins in Tepok and then taking back keeps.

After securring the frontier, my sister was last seen at Berkstead admiring the sunset with her new husband.

What a wonderful end to a great day in Albion. :clap:

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