a thought..

  • Thread starter Cavex ElSaviour
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Cavex ElSaviour

This might sound as a big "shock"for a fast majority but couldnt help thinking about it.

A lot of ppl slag of GoA and one of the reasons is because of their nationality, where alot of ppl also slag of germans and french for their refusal of learning english/engrish...

No my big question is, are the english that much better???
Most english ppl i know/lesrned irl and on the net don't know any languish besides english, they also refuse to learn german (biggest and most populated country in europe) and french (neraly the whole of africe and a fast majority of europe speaks it/ understands it). Further they also refuse to speak/learn the 3 most spoken languages in the world, chinese, spanish and russian. Now, i don't want to sound more catholic then balkenende so i will confess, I understand german, but hardly speak it, my french is good enough to let the waiter now what i want, my english is good enough to have a decent conversation and i know fuck shit about chinese/spanish/russian. But the fact that the english slag of the german and french is wel... weird. You are all three the same imho, all three major powers in the world, with an economy that virtually doesnt need an offshore market, a great influence at the european councel and a lot of ppl living there. The only difference is that englad sux at world soccer tournaments :p


Hosting racially inflammatory or insulting material is against the law in England and therefore will not be tolerated on our forums. Whilst we like to encourage debate it should be remembered all forum users are guests of GAME.NET and we are not legally bound to host your view point if we believe it is not suitable content for our forums.

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Tbh you can have a reasonable debate about said topic, but at the end of the day its not daoc related for 1), and 2) looking at the parts CoC quoted for these forums having a good debate will no doubt result in some one posting something which would be considered offensive.

I mean its comon sense, Politics, Religon and Law arent the things to be discusing with strangers over the dinner table let alone in forums.

And in that opening statement there are at least 2 "interesting" topics which Patriotic British ppl would strongly argue.

Cavex ElSaviour

I stand corrected, this post should have been posted in the off topic part, my bad there, but still an interisting discussion if ppl are willing to debate it.


Aye agree, but..... like i said in my 1st post a word of caution over such topical debates :O

Cavex ElSaviour

Originally posted by ironhand
Aye agree, but..... like i said in my 1st post a word of caution over such topical debates :O

You mean the soccer part? :p

No serious, you are right, i wont make friends over this thread, but everytime the argument comes up when ppl whine about GoA that they are fench is well... annoying in my view, and i cant help thinking about it. At this moment im in a state that i dont gife a ray shit about what ppl think, might change tomorrow though, when the wodka is wearing out :p


Ok quick thought about your post. Some British views of the French & Germans arent gr8, and in some respects its we dont like them much and they dont like us much.

Thats not my opinion, thats just what i know from alot of ppl's general attitude.

The only difference is that englad sux at world soccer tournaments.

Aye well thats another subject altogether :p Besides the french didnt do brilliantly well in Japan/Sengal 2002, barely made it out of the grp stage if i remeber correctly. And Germany did respectable. Still Eng 5 - 1 Germany :) And besides David Seaman and the freak Rohnaldino goal/Cross/shot what ever it was, was unfortunate and thats why he's retired from International footie, not saying that David James would have done better but still.

Cavex ElSaviour

ok, ok, the french and germans didnt do well in the last WC, but from recent history i can't remember any big victory from the english side, the english have a very promosing team though. (on paper) apart from that, i'd rather see the english win then the germans (a dutch, geef die fiets terug thing) and im kind of neutral towards the french.


Aye maybe so, but have always got quite far. Like you also saypromising side on paper..... Then again that means FA if they dont play well together tallent means diddly.

Fingers crossed x x x, Portugal next year will reap some rewards, failing that theres always 2006 in Germany...

Cavex ElSaviour

winning in germany is the wetdream of every soccer loving country :)


Aye 5 - 1 :) Been there done that, just need a repeat in the finals imho and all the satisfaction will be had :)


your football teams may play better, but unfortunately they are full of frenchmen and germans. :cool:



We have been talking about International.... Not domestic leagues.... Keep up to speed :p


The French are just sulking cos their language is dead.

English superior?.......no

just because our language is the most widely spoken/written on the planet and the world's only superpower and largest eonomy speaks our language and that it's the official language for pilots and it's the only language spoken on the Moon, just because even Iraqi currency is written in English on it's notes and is the No1 language that 3rd world people wish to learn.

It simply is THE world language, this is a good thing ,because when we all speak the same language then understanding, tolerance and friendship follow.


You'd understand why most people in the United Kindgom didn't learn a language if you went to our schools. it's not something that's taught early enough and enough emphasis is put on. Read the boards, most of the English speakers on here can hardly write in their first language, nevermind a second one :)

I learnt Italian and French at school, but I've forgotten 99% of it because I have no need/reason to use it in everyday life. Most foreigners I speak to are fluent in English anyway.

Only French I can remember are the handy phrases for when I'm on holiday, you know "My name is" and "Your granny smells like a C*nt" ;)

Cavex ElSaviour

Originally posted by old.job
The French are just sulking cos their language is dead.

English superior?.......no

just because our language is the most widely spoken/written on the planet and the world's only superpower and largest eonomy speaks our language and that it's the official language for pilots and it's the only language spoken on the Moon, just because even Iraqi currency is written in English on it's notes and is the No1 language that 3rd world people wish to learn.

It simply is THE world language, this is a good thing ,because when we all speak the same language then understanding, tolerance and friendship follow.

Although i don't agree with you about the most spoken language (spanish and chineze), i do agree on your latter comment, it is a good thing if are able to comunicate with everyone. I am not attacking english or anything, just pointing out to ppl who slag of the french and german for their inhability to speak english to look at them selves first.


I think the fact that spanish and chinese are the largest spoken languages might have something to do with the fact that:-

Worlds current population is around 6 Billion, in fact slighlt over that.

The Mainland population of China is 1.3 Billion aprox.... 1.3 Billion ffs!!!! Thats just the mainland as well, not inc other chinese territories etc

I think if the UK had a population of 1.3 Billion rather than 59/60 million ppl it would alter some what, the percentage of English spoken would be a lot different.

So whats the lesson of all this.... Use proper contraception. Else u'll end up like china - over population, or Africa with mass AIDs promblem.


You are right that the English don't learn enough langauges, but when I was at school it was French or nothing. I would have loved to learn Latin or something like Russian. I was never interested in learning French and tbh I have no idea why.


What really annoys me is the way foriegn languages are translated into English in news reports in the West.

They are translated so basically and badly as to give the impression the speaker is an imbecile.

Chinese does not easily translate into English and they gave the most awful qoutes from that Chinese Astronaut.

'I will perform my duties with great thought and concentration'

FFS!!! thats like a Google translation, he probably never said it anything like that in his own language, but they have made him come across as some kind of robotic simpleton.

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