a test thane spec



lo there

i've been thinking of ways to improve a thanes survivablity overall, seeing as we have crap hits (i have 1567 with toughness 1, aug con 1 and loads of items), sheild seems the way to go, but what do u think of this spec

50 sheild
42 weapon
rest in SC (around 38)

or my current spec
42 weapon
42 sheild
48 SC

seeing as i have 1 respec left, i'm wondering, should i change to the 50 sheild, or keep it at 42?

i have dex 111 atm :) what items give dex (i'm looking 4 jewals and rings atm)


Keep ur current setup, wait for Spellcraftign and cap Str/Con/Dex/Pie/Hammer/Shield/Hits/Resists :D


I was thinking of that first setup, but since I use bolt and mjolnir a lot as part of my RvR arsenal, I'd rather not be a gimp warrior with an interupt.

with SC we can get our dex to 120+ which means vastly more blocking, as well as +axe to boost our damage.

We miss out on the last weapon style, true... nice as it is, I't only really useful in small encounters, my move of choice is plague, the taunt move.

btw, htf did you get so much dex? you got gimped resists or something?


How did you get so many hp? :) I got cap con and +hit allso + a few +hp RA's and mine is 1444.

My dex is a little more but still gimped if u see how much pally's can have :).


The only real strong thing in stormcalling is the dam add and the str, dont loose out on it!, wait for spellcrafting as suggested.
Though i wont get any spellcrafted stuff for my thane except a hammer


How come Thanes have so little HP ? I thought tanks have closer to 2000 hp..

I got 1007 HP :)


because we're not tanks we're hybrids... Sucks as we're the only other class than warriors that can spec shield, and its part of the reason most Thanes think we're slightly gimped. As a Troll thane I am almost guaranteed to be the first to die in my group, big target low HP, which means any weakening of the enemy I manage to do goes straight to everyone else as RPs and I get none :(


125 Dex here, 6 under cap at the moment. Blocking like a mad man. Str, Con and Qui already capped.

204 Str 177 Con 139 Qui

Definately looking forward to spellcrafting. As for the spec Reinnon, Brutalize is a lovely move, but.....if I want 50 shield, I'd be Warrior. A bit more love to Stormcalling would make up a bit for us, and that talked about STR/CON buff would help, 1300hp on my Dwarf Thane. I go down faster than a whore's drawers.

Definately looking forward to Spellcrafting, now if I can just make sense of Solid's spellcrafting thane itamz spec, I'd be fine :) Me head hurts just contemplating the possibilities.

On a side note, one member of my guild has made what he calls an 'Offensive' Thane...

50 Hammer
48 SC
Rest in Parry..no shield !

Scary that one.




Originally posted by old.azorius

On a side note, one member of my guild has made what he calls an 'Offensive' Thane...

50 Hammer
48 SC
Rest in Parry..no shield !

Scary that one.

Very scary, I was 50 hammer, 50 sc, rest shield, bit parry before the full relearning. It worked fine against monsters but changing to the classic 44,42,46 allowed me to enjoy realmwar a lot more. I'm a troll-thane and I can get my dexterity up to 120+ but only at the cost of nearly zero resists.

Try madtroll http://library.l9c.org/ for which dexterity items, you can filter for dexterity. I use a bloodbound totem (con7, dex7, qui7, cha7, no resists .... don't faint Solid) as a jewel rather than the bloodbound book many us, to get higher dexterity and for rings the prize is a flamewrought ring ... but they seem pretty rare.


I had 50 axe, 46 sc and 34 parry (without RA's, items, etc)

And I hit like a truck with my 2H prince axe (+400 on chain weaing albs and some hib classes)... only problem was that I went down way too fast, so I went 42 shield... gives me a bit more survivability, especially with slam....

Still wish they'd give us either a dex buff, or a con buff, or both, and remove the timer on TL

shame it's never gonna happen :(


Remove timer on PBAE shout, drop the damage and drop the mana use so we can use it as a Stealth catcher/PvE aggro getter and give us a con buff so we can concentrate on dex instead of HP and dex and I'll be happy.


ok thxs 4 the advice.

1. i have so high dex and good resist (not as high as i will like btw)

2. i had 1500 hits before items and RAs were added so dunno why that is :)

3.i'm axe, not hammer :)

4.i need a good SC make up (and the damn money to get it)

5.offensive thanes suck :)

(oh, and yes i know 42 axe is a tad low, but i don't care)


for fear of Brannor coming to insult me I will really quietly and discreetly post Norse/Troll HP caps (unbuffed) pre RA's:

1368 assumign +10 Con at creation and capped +Con and HP from items

Dwarfs have about 1404 cap. There is no way in hell a Thane has 1500+hp pre RA's :D

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