One of Freddy's beloved
- Joined
- Jan 29, 2004
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1: Alien from a very highstanding culture i´s visiting earth and you is the first human they encounter. as a sign of intergalactical friendship they give u a little but very advanced machine, that can cure all deseases, supply never ending energie, and magically get away all of world hunger/"poor-ness"/violence.
you do:
a: Give it to the president of the US.
b: Give it to the UN.
c: Pick it apart
2: What lost part of your growth do you miss now as ure older?
you miss:
a: Virginity
b: Idealism
c: Fireworks
3: When is it ok to kiss annother man?
ok when:
a: You want to show a pure affection without thinking of how other ppl will think of it.
b: When your company has gotten 13/13 rights on the lottery (but only a kiss on the cheek.)
c: When he is your brother and you are Al Pacino and it is the only wway for you to show that you, out of buissnesreasons, must have him killed.
4: Finish this sentence:
A funeral is a excellent oppertunity to...
a: Remember the person and talk to the relatives.
b: Think of how the normal day on earth is.
c: Tell the joke about the guy who had Alzheimers illness and cancer.
5: When is it ok to hug annother man?:
a: If he is your father and atleast 1 of you has a deadly desease.
b: If you perform the heimlichmanuver.(But in this case u should call out loud, "I am only loosening a little bit of food out of his throat!, I am in no way aroused!")
c: If you area professional atlete and a teammate just did so u win the World Championchip you may hug him, assuming that:
1. He is on the field
2. You both wear "suspensoar" [dont know this word :'(]
3. You at the same time hit him brotherly on his back hard enough to cause bone fractures.
6: Acording to you the perfect pet is a:
a: Cat
b: Dog
c: A dog that eats cats
7: You have had the company of a woman for many years. she is both attractive and smart, and u like to be with her.
On a sunday afternoon you buth are chilling out, you watching football, she reading the paper when she suddenly says that she really loves you, but she cant live on with the insecurity that you now have and not knowing on where ure relationship is heading.
She says she dont want you to marrie, but she want to know if u think you have a future together.
What do you say?:
a: You are convinced that you have a future with her, but u dont want to rush it.
b: That you, even thou u have strong fealings for her, dont really know if you want to make that big commitment, for so many years to come, and dont want to hurt her by giving her false hopes.
c: You dont get how Manchester could get a penatly in the last minute of the game.
8: Ok, you have decided that you really love a woman, and that you want to spend the rest of ure life with her, share joy and sadness, triumfs and tragedies, all adventures the world has to offer, how do you tell her?:
a: You take her on a moon night walk on the beach and u tell her her name, and as she turns to you to face you when the star light reflects in her eyes and the sea air breases through her hair you tell her.
b: You offer her to a nice restauraunt and tell her over dinner.
c: Tell her what?
9: A normal day, your wife wakes up ill and asks you to get the your 3 kids ready for school, your first question to her is:
a: Do they need mittens?
b: Do they allready go in school?
c: Three kids!?!?
10: What is the greatest acchivement by man?
a: Democraccy
b: Religion
c: The remote
Give yourself 1 point each time you awnserd "c".
A real man gets 10 points from this quiz.
Give yourself 5 bonus points if u know the joke about the dude with alzheimers illness.
Ok hope you all enjoyed this, took some time to write it/ translate it
// Madd
you do:
a: Give it to the president of the US.
b: Give it to the UN.
c: Pick it apart
2: What lost part of your growth do you miss now as ure older?
you miss:
a: Virginity
b: Idealism
c: Fireworks
3: When is it ok to kiss annother man?
ok when:
a: You want to show a pure affection without thinking of how other ppl will think of it.
b: When your company has gotten 13/13 rights on the lottery (but only a kiss on the cheek.)
c: When he is your brother and you are Al Pacino and it is the only wway for you to show that you, out of buissnesreasons, must have him killed.
4: Finish this sentence:
A funeral is a excellent oppertunity to...
a: Remember the person and talk to the relatives.
b: Think of how the normal day on earth is.
c: Tell the joke about the guy who had Alzheimers illness and cancer.
5: When is it ok to hug annother man?:
a: If he is your father and atleast 1 of you has a deadly desease.
b: If you perform the heimlichmanuver.(But in this case u should call out loud, "I am only loosening a little bit of food out of his throat!, I am in no way aroused!")
c: If you area professional atlete and a teammate just did so u win the World Championchip you may hug him, assuming that:
1. He is on the field
2. You both wear "suspensoar" [dont know this word :'(]
3. You at the same time hit him brotherly on his back hard enough to cause bone fractures.
6: Acording to you the perfect pet is a:
a: Cat
b: Dog
c: A dog that eats cats
7: You have had the company of a woman for many years. she is both attractive and smart, and u like to be with her.
On a sunday afternoon you buth are chilling out, you watching football, she reading the paper when she suddenly says that she really loves you, but she cant live on with the insecurity that you now have and not knowing on where ure relationship is heading.
She says she dont want you to marrie, but she want to know if u think you have a future together.
What do you say?:
a: You are convinced that you have a future with her, but u dont want to rush it.
b: That you, even thou u have strong fealings for her, dont really know if you want to make that big commitment, for so many years to come, and dont want to hurt her by giving her false hopes.
c: You dont get how Manchester could get a penatly in the last minute of the game.
8: Ok, you have decided that you really love a woman, and that you want to spend the rest of ure life with her, share joy and sadness, triumfs and tragedies, all adventures the world has to offer, how do you tell her?:
a: You take her on a moon night walk on the beach and u tell her her name, and as she turns to you to face you when the star light reflects in her eyes and the sea air breases through her hair you tell her.
b: You offer her to a nice restauraunt and tell her over dinner.
c: Tell her what?
9: A normal day, your wife wakes up ill and asks you to get the your 3 kids ready for school, your first question to her is:
a: Do they need mittens?
b: Do they allready go in school?
c: Three kids!?!?
10: What is the greatest acchivement by man?
a: Democraccy
b: Religion
c: The remote
Give yourself 1 point each time you awnserd "c".
A real man gets 10 points from this quiz.
Give yourself 5 bonus points if u know the joke about the dude with alzheimers illness.
Ok hope you all enjoyed this, took some time to write it/ translate it

// Madd