A tech problem



I have a problem where after returning from an alt + tabb etc. the screen will be completely black although I can still here sound effects and stuff. Also since the latest HL patch I can't even access the esc menu else I get the same 'black screen' problem (although whenever I later press esc or alt +tab again the screen goes normal for about 1/4 of a sec proving that everything is still there its just not refreshing or something).

Also I don't seem to be hear winamp (or others) while in HL (they work while in the menu system however cut out immediatly upon loading the mission/connecting to server).

I have all the latest drivers etc, have tried re-install and all that and have a Athlon 650, 128mb's ram, SB 128 sound card, GA-7IX motherboard, V3 3000, 17" monitor, all of which is based upon a 6 by 2 feet pine desk with a black iron frame.

also I already have winamp output set to 'DirectSound'.

any suggestions are gereatly appreciated :)


yep its the voodoo...they just dont like you alt-tabbing!

press esc first (so your in the menu) then alt-tab...works for me

[This message has been edited by bee (edited 05 July 2000).]

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