A suggestion I've send to Mythic TL's


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 20, 2006
What doesn't stand in bold is what I've send to Mythic TL's. It was an idea to encourge them to make an iRvR island looking like Agramon, but with 24/7 teleport. What you will find most interesting is the storyline I've added :)
Come with your thoughts on the idea along with feedback on the storyline!

Instant-RvR (iRvR) suggestion and storyline:

You've already added an island like Agramon, which I see as a really good idea, but it just doesn't cut it. Those that doesn't like iRvR does always cut the porting to keeps near Agramon.

iRvR however is what a good part of the gaming community likes, and in my opinion it would benefit everybody that there will be taken action towards this. As an example, I can tell that there's much more out RvR'ing on Excalibur/Europe
when there's iRvR.

So what can you do?
Like you added Agramon, add another island where there's the big water zone.
The island should be closed area, where it contains 3 teleport keeps in 3 different corners (just like a BG).
The only way to access the island is by porting there, from the frontier teleport keep at the platform where the mages in a circle (just like the old way of accessing Emain as an Alb in Old Frontiers).

About the design:
The island should be surrounded by unclimbable mountain terrain, making it unaccessable, unless you port there.
As said before, the pk's (portal keeps) should be placed in a corner as far from each other, as possible.
The overall terrain should be much like old emain macha where there's a milegate that looks like the one from Old Frontiers (just fixed for bugs). That would of course create a bottleneck, so I suggest that there will be an open pass you can get through (not a 2nd milegate), so there's 2 ways out.
There should be some ruins in the middle creating a maze that is a little more open than the others mazes you've made. The tower should be untakeable, as the island is made for primarly roaming and for iRvR.
There should be yellow con monsters attacking the portal keeps (but the guards should be able to 1 shot them though) from time to time.
It should be impossible to use siege weapons, as they don't belong in such area. Trying to make a siege weapon should lead to the following message to be displayed "An ancient magic prevents you from using that skill".

"A legend tells about an island that once contained great power. From a time where Hibernia, Albion and Midgard was all one, it was home for the greatest magic schoolars.Magic schoolars, all gathered to find new ways of creating powerful magic devices and formulas, tried to breach the line between life and death, creation and destruction.

Through time the citizens of the island grew more powerful than any can imagine.It was at that time a powerful spell was set in emotion. A permanent spell that would strike every foe that would dare try make warmachines, in an attempt to break the monastary walls and perhabs even getting into the Great Tower, where spellsscrolls and devices so powerful that the bearer of such would become immortal and possess the power to create life and destroy worlds.

There has been told many tales about the downfall of the island, some thought the magic grew wild and destroyed the island and it's citizens, but what most believes in, is that a race of pure evil found a way to access the closed island without the magic schoolars and The Great Towers headmasters approval and help. How the intruders managed to kill the islands population is left unknown, but Camelot and the other Great Cities lost the contact with them, and everyone that tried to access the island has never returned.

Now, many years later Albion, Midgard and Hibernia is on the brink of destruction, from the many wars the three has fought against each other.
There has been great loss on all sides, and the desire to just destroy the enemies once and for all, has never been bigger.
It is in such times men and woman in desperation, seeks every possible option to eliminate the enemies. Such man was the infamous history studier and writer Argostilus, known as Argos between the few friends he had who had lost his family to the midgardians and hibernian forces.
Through many years studies about the past of Camelot, he stumbled over a story about 'the island and The Great Tower'. Eagerly to get revenge on Hibernia and Midgard that killed his family, he allied himself with a powerful magician that by others was called The Dark Oracle.

The intensive co-operation between Argostilus and The Dark Oracle lead to the finding of a scroll from a half-mad man that people believed was the only surviver from the island. The scroll described how evil had found a way to bypass the protective magic that surrounded the island. Most of what was written on the scroll was babbeling from a mad man and didn't make much sence, but what Argos and The Oracle found interesting, was following:

'O' thou shall seek thy passage in rock and stones. Five thee needest to be, more can and will see.'

The Dark Oracle had earlier in his career heard about teleportation magic from the Sojourner masters and knew how it worked. Most of the Sojourners knew how to port themselves, while some of those of greater knowledge knew how to massgate. One of those with greater knowledge had told him, that there existed stones that possessed the power to teleport you anywhere where there were a teleport stone or platform near, EVEN into closed areas.
Argostilus and The Dark Oracle got an audience to see Albions current leaders, where they spoke about their explorings. A commission was establised the very same day, and consisted of the best magicians in the country.
Through many months hard work, they did finally break the formula that could bring them into the closed island, where they hoped to find great artifacts and spellscrolls that could bring devastation to Midgard and Hibernia.
By combining dragonscales from a magical dragon and using a powerful Atlantean artifact, they would have power enough to reach into the island and teleport themselves to there, IF there was a teleport stone or platform inside the island.
While The Dark Prophet had searched for a way to get his hands on tools that could bring him inside, Argostilus had been reading many books about the island and The Great Tower.
What had wondered Argostilus, was how the citizens of the island had managed to come inside and outside the island. Together Argostilus and The Dark Prophet had drawed the conclusion, that there must have been some sort of teleportation device involved. Both Argos and The Prophet hoped there was talk about a teleport stone or teleport platform, as it was the only thing they could think about.

To Argostilus and The Dark Prophets luck, their first experiment with putting tremendous amounts of magic from dragonscales and Atlantean artifacts into the old teleport platform in Albion Portalkeep succeeded.
Same day Argostilus and The Dark Prophet had touched the very ground of the island, they had brought assistance with them to built an outpost.
That was perhabs the best idea Argostilus had come with in a long time, because even though The Dark Prophet was considered an extremely powerful magician, Argostilus hadn't trusted The Prophets had power enough to held back an attack from the evil within. The same night roars sounded in the winds, and the evil came like a river that was just created after a strong rain caused by a tsunami. Meanwhile defending themselves and getting aid from new recruits, some other had arrived at the island, some they hadn't expected.

A Hibernian commander and a Midgardian mystic had brought a large number of theirs with them. Both sides were almost finish with building their outposts in each of their corner, and had men ready to search for magical devices and scrolls that perhabs still was to find in The Great Tower.
That both Midgard and Hibernia was on the island, Argostilus and The Dark Prophet can only blame themselves for as they forgot one important thing; The enemies has eyes and ears everywhere, so it would have been wise to go with more discretion than the two had.

Even without knowing it, Argostilus and The Dark Prophet had brought war with them to a mythical place."


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 20, 2006
And before anybody says it, yes, I know there might be a good amount of grammer and spelling errors, but I hope you get the idea what this is all about and forgive me :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 20, 2006
Gah, has just realised I've called one of the characters The Dark Prophet :p it should've been The Dark Oracle, but by the time I found the error I couldn't edit it.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
making a "island" or a certan area Irvr is to kill all other rvr. just look at what it is today - if there are Irvr with all 3 realms in 1 place. then you can be sure the rest of NF is dead. or close to dead. and that irvr is so crowded with zerglings and adders (Hi Camlann) that you wouldnt ever get a 1on1 or a fgVSfg in years. its one of the worst ideas ever. ive tried it (Freeshard) and its totaly sucks. cant be worse. dont even ask them to implent it imo. your just stabbing yourself in the back. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 20, 2006
Basic_X said:
making a "island" or a certan area Irvr is to kill all other rvr. just look at what it is today - if there are Irvr with all 3 realms in 1 place. then you can be sure the rest of NF is dead. or close to dead. and that irvr is so crowded with zerglings and adders (Hi Camlann) that you wouldnt ever get a 1on1 or a fgVSfg in years. its one of the worst ideas ever. ive tried it (Freeshard) and its totaly sucks. cant be worse. dont even ask them to implent it imo. your just stabbing yourself in the back. :(

I have already asked them. This is just a thread with what I send to them :fluffle:

Honestly, I don't think it'll be that bad. In the start it will be like Agramon when it was first introduced to EU servers: Overcrowded with people adding, but with time it'll get less and less overcrowded and things will return to normal.
Another thing is that there's difference between a normal server and a Freeshard...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 21, 2006
No matter how you wrap this up, this is a request for both a lvl 50 battleground and the return of OF...

Whilst many would love to see OF return (myself included) it's not going to happen (as has been stated by Mythic a number of times).

Nice try but no cigar on this occassion!!!

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