A story by Teh Seel. Part Uno.



First part/prologue/thing to a longer story i'm writing. Not my mainstory but a sidething i do when i need to rest my brain. It's a tad long but some people like these long things. Actually won't take that long to read, only 8k marks(approx) :p Enjoy!

OH EDIT!!: It's DAoC related but it hasn't gotten that far yet so be patient In the off-topic/on-topic transfer :D

If you are reading this, i am probably dead. And you are probably going through my computer files so bugger off! Well, guess words won’t get you away as well as my 180 pound doberman would, but since you’re on my computer, it means my doberman is, and i say this as i believe it to be true, dead. Had to shoot my dog also hmm? You might not know me so here’s a little background info on my life. Ofcourse if you’re one of the guys after me then you know the whole shibang and i’m just wasting your time. Good! Ha! Who’s laughing now? Wasting the valuable time of the guy who shot me! Uuu! I’m so scared! What you gonna do? Shoot me again?! If you’re not one of the guys after me then this info might come in handy. Then again you might be one of the greedy bastards from the pawnshop and this will do you as much good as a 9mm bullet would do against a falling meteor. That’s little. You know, with the non-equal forces and…it’s not that important. I have to write this before i get shot. So, if your from the pawnshop, from the Corporation or just my noisy neighbor, leave this file alone. That likely won’t stop ya but it’s worth a ”bloody shot”. Get it? Hah! I’m still funny even if i’m lying somewhere in my own puddle of internal liquids. So, who am i? Let’s start at the beginning…

My name is Jeff Frankfurt. No, i’m not german. My mother wasn’t german. My father wasn’t german and my dog sure as hell …well..he was. The name just… is. Nothing special behind it. There might be but i never bothered to find out. Back to the story. I live in Queens NY, or at the moment –lived-. Let’s get this in the right time. Simple apartment, small TV, microwave oven, a thing on the floor i liked to call a bed and ofcourse this computer. It wasn’t much but it was a life damnit. Or something the dictionary might call ”life”. I was working at a lawfirm of Smith, Wilson and John. A respected lawfirm downtown Manhattan. Atleast it said so on the door:


So i guess it was. I was the guy who made the coffee in the morning, lunch, afternoon and sometimes at a later time of the day. Sometimes i made tea, but that was only when people from that strange firm came by. I didn’t know why they were the only ones drinking tea, since it was mostly an english lawfirm with english people. Would think english lidicators would drink tea but, go figure. I started to call them Men in Black, just because they wore black suits and the movie was so fun. Especially the cockroach and…anyway. They were actully guys from a corporation called The Corporation but it wasn’t at the time that i knew this. I was nothing to the firm, i made coffee and tea, sometimes went out for sandwiches, donuts and such and i made less money then the assistant of the guy who cleans the janitors bucket. But i made a damn good cup of coffee so i guess i was worth that. 40 cents for a cup of coffee these days? Anyway, my worth was only less important to the fact that my worth wasn’t important. And that’s little as little as the sense it makes. The day this all started was no different from the others, atleast until it all started and even then things looked rather normal. I only realised later that it was the moment things started happening. Funny when you think of it. If i had realised then that things had started i could have stopped the events that lead to my untimely death. Then again when you die you die, nothing untimely in it.

So, i was making a fresh pot of coffee in the kitchen, located in the 15th floor of the building, when i noticed that the corporation men had arrived. I always did since the elevator was right besides the kitchen and they always managed to cause the weightalarm of the elevator to go off. It was strange since there were usually only two guys and they weren’t that heavylooking. Now i know why and soon you’ll know too. That day there were three people instead of the usual two and that was the moment that things started happening and the events leading to my death started soming together.You might wonder why i’m so sure i’m, at the moment, shot and presumably dead. It’s simple. They told me. And when the guys from The Corporation tell something it’s true. I know this now, didn’t then, probably won’t make a difference anyway i look at it so i’ll leave it be. So basicly i’m a dead guy and this file is the last thing they’ll expect since they said that also. I’ll get to that later. Now, another thing that would have been a good tell-sign that things were starting to happen was the fact that the weightalarm didn’t ring this time. Surely, two guys make it sound off but three guys don’t. Makes a load of sense don’t it? Didn’t think so. Only thing alarming me of their presense was the words ”They are here.” that one of the office weasels told to another office animal considered low in the foodchain. I’ll say a rat. Yes. that’s a good word. Well, be the office people what they may, it didn’t bother me, even if it should have, so i continued with the routine ”make a pot of tea for the lovely men who shoot me later.” I named the routine that after they told me i was going to be shot so why leave it out. Everything seemed normal, almost too normal but since things were –that- normal i didn’t think they could be otherwise. I finished the pot of tea, set it on the tray with three cups and some sugar, then started to make my way towards the conference room. I knocked on the door, waited for one of the bigshots of the firm to say ”come in” and entered. I set the tray on the table, poured the three cups of tea for the Corporation people, checked if there was coffee for Smith, Wilson and John and left the room to do something meaningless like arranging the coffee cups or counting sugarcubes. 158 last time i checked. Atleast that’s how i figured things would go. They always did. But the only difference today was the third guy from the Corporation. Now it was clear things weren’t normal afterall, but it was too late to change anything. Things had started to roll and soon i would be dead.

I walked towards the room and noticed that the biggest of the three was standing right infront of the door, effectively stopping my path from the hallway to the conference room. You might think it wasn’t that effective but as i stepped near the man to ask if i could pass, it became clear that no such passing operation would be performed to those doors. The strongest reason wasn’t the fact that the guy said with a deep voice:

”Move away from the door.”

,or the fact that his hand was extended towards me but the fact that the hand, connected to the man with the long black coat and shades, was holding a gun. I could’ve sworn it was a 9mm Beretta if it wasn’t bigger, painted with a prism like color and had the text ”Ouchmaker” on the side of the 17mm barrel. Actually it was nothing like a Beretta, but that’s the only gun i can remember when someone is holding a gun. Especially if the gun is held firmly against my forehead my logic reasoning tends to leave my brain. This momentary absense of the majority of my braincells left to a few interesting events. Atleast to some people they might seem interesting, as to others they might seem logical and last to some they might seem simply like the natural events caused by a man who had a 17mm Ouchmaker pressed against his forehead. Whichever the case might be, the events still occured in this order:

My brain told my mouth to ask the man nicely ”Please don’t shoot me.”, but with the absense of most of my brainactivity it came out as something like ”Umm..bleh?”

My brains told my hands, since my mouth wasn’t working as it should, to lift up in an ”i surrender” motion. This command was also not as effective as it should have been. Instead my fingers released the tray holding the teapot, three cups and sugar, forcing the tray to do what it thought was logical and it all ending with the whole thing falling to the floor, making a quite reasonable amount of noise and leaving a stain on the red carpet.

The brain sighed, turned off the lights and went to bed saying something about how good help is so hard to find these days.

One of the office animals, startled by the noise, lifted his head like a desertrat to see what was going on outside his cubicle.

The man from the Corporation turned his head roughly 2 inches and his arm about 8 inches, pointing the barrel of the 17mm ouchmaker towards the appearing target.

The new target, in other words the office mongoose, let out a sound that could be described as ”Ehm..”

Part of the Corporation gunman, mostly his indexfinger, pressed against the trigger of the gun.

My brain woke up, told my legs to turn into jelly, cheared victoriously as they did and i fell to the floor.

The 17mm Ouchmaker said something in the lines of: ”Click…whrlll…scboom!”

The head of the office worker said ”pop!”


The last event was only logical since it was what i remember. Ofcourse, things were happening at the speed of light and were vastly considered something else then nothing but there was a good reason why i didn’t remember any of them. It is widely known as ”hitting your head and falling unconsious.” The term fits here as well as the term ”no smoke without fire” fits to a house that emits smoke as it burns. My brain had failed to realise, that as my hands refused to co-operate with it as well as my legs, it would cause my head to hit the floor with the rest of my body. This lead to nothing. Nothing lead to waking up in my bed. The ceremony of ”hitting the head on a hard surface such as the floor” lead to a headache and the whole incident left to a very confused state of mind.

It was 7am. Time to go to work.

To be continued...


pop! a 17mm 'Ouchmaker' and pop!, logical, must have been at the moment of unconciousness and the rest of the crackle and snap where not heard by Mr Frankfurt.



Originally posted by gengi
pop! a 17mm 'Ouchmaker' and pop!, logical, must have been at the moment of unconciousness and the rest of the crackle and snap where not heard by Mr Frankfurt.


Good that you could find -something- to comment on. Had to be that one then? :p

EDIT: Ok, edited it back. So this post is rather outdated.

DOUBLE-EDIT: Edited this post to fit the fluxuations of time.


you are hiding your story in lots and lots of gibberish and when you come to the point its more gibberish.

on the assumption that you write because you want ppl to read your writing id say cut some of the gibberish.


The gibberish, is the story, I have thought long and hard and came to the conclusion, Spider Robinson crossed with that Irish bloke who did the stream of concioussness thing Wilde, or O'Rourke bloody hell can't remember his name, very well thought of in literary academia as a genius but most of us give up after 30 pages because it makes no sense, can't even remember the name of the book, brain must be shutting down, wasn't Shaw, Jack Kerouac did something similair, basically the ramblings of a stoned geezer, with the only thing holding it together being it was the same stoned geezer, writing all the time, so references were repeated and gave some sense of continuity. IMHO



gengi you mean James Joyce's Ulysses I think.

Tohtori, some nice imagery and some clever language but it doesn't work as a story I'm afraid. It reads like, well, like a forum post, which is all very well on a forum but doesn't work for something to actually properly read.

You fall into the same trap as another potential writer I know - you revert to internet pacing too easily. Internet readers have the shortest attention spans of any known species and therefor oooh look a butterfly!! brb.


Originally posted by granny
gengi you mean James Joyce's Ulysses I think.


Thank you Granny that's the very fellow :D



Originally posted by granny
gengi you mean James Joyce's Ulysses I think.

Tohtori, some nice imagery and some clever language but it doesn't work as a story I'm afraid. It reads like, well, like a forum post, which is all very well on a forum but doesn't work for something to actually properly read.

You fall into the same trap as another potential writer I know - you revert to internet pacing too easily. Internet readers have the shortest attention spans of any known species and therefor oooh look a butterfly!! brb.

Had to comment on this one. It's ofcourse hard to tell if the style works yet since it's only a part of a story. Just like watching 15 minutes of Terminator 3 and saying it didn't quite work. Ofcourse this might become a stepping stone to the story but it might also work. You have to take into consideration that this isn't a "story" per say, but infact someone writing stuff on their own computer. This is why i write it like someone would write it when they know their going to get shot.

So i guess it works, it seems like a forum post and it should be a bit like that :D Thanks for the feedback in any case.

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