u wanna know why we lose most battles ?
mid - hib have better players then alb,they listen to what experienced players say.
plain and simple
I dont post much on this forum because i see it as a waste of time, but here goes the longest post i will ever write onhere...
(i promiss
1.History :
At some point we had the same amount of good players surely , but _all_ of them are leaving albion , or just leaving emain...
The albs that are in emain these days are nowhere near the people that started there. I see no lvl 50s from the old days that i levelled with since lvl 5, only a few core players remain,U know who u are.
i was in emain since lvl 25 when most mids there were red and a few purps , i ve seen every good alb leave emain for the same reasons :
-this game is getting annoying and repetetive (no events, no patches)
-alb is full of people who dont know what they re doing
-alb is FULL of people who take their first trip to emain , even several months after release
-emain = zerg or be zerged ( yes i quote lofff )
-fights are won by crowd control -> i know less then 5 high lvl sorcerors. but as i said in my former remarks , 2 of them already left emain and people still break mezz on wrong targets.
2.Consequence :
We have no sense of coordination or leadership and its our OWN fault , because the reasons listed above just make all high level players disgusted of any leadership position in alb.
if u dont lead , people blame u for not leading the 80% grey cons in alb.
if u DO lead , people blame u for everything that goes wrong.
That is the problem befor us , and unlike any other albs i will not delete my char and run to midgard or hibernia. But i will not lead anyone into battle either , not unless alb/exc matures a little.
i hope albs will mature over time, though i still see yellow cons making the same mistakes over and over. (including me , i m not saying i am perfect)
U all cry out for a leader, but no one wants to follow orders. I see several people trying their best to lead and getting yelled at like
"who the hell does he think he is"
"why do we have to listen to him/her"
But ask yourselves this question :
would u do a good job in leading ?
do u wanna be responsible for people's fun in a GAME ?
I ll now end my rant and go back to my crafting, albion needs to think about what's going on and how to fix it NOW , not tomorrow , not next week.
We are losing our best players every day to boredom and to other realms.
For starters i suggest u make a chatgroup or set a date/time in a keep so u can use the broadcast channel or go on irc , WHATEVER
Talk things out, select Warlord(s) in albion and get things organised !
mid - hib have better players then alb,they listen to what experienced players say.
plain and simple
I dont post much on this forum because i see it as a waste of time, but here goes the longest post i will ever write onhere...
(i promiss
1.History :
At some point we had the same amount of good players surely , but _all_ of them are leaving albion , or just leaving emain...
The albs that are in emain these days are nowhere near the people that started there. I see no lvl 50s from the old days that i levelled with since lvl 5, only a few core players remain,U know who u are.
i was in emain since lvl 25 when most mids there were red and a few purps , i ve seen every good alb leave emain for the same reasons :
-this game is getting annoying and repetetive (no events, no patches)
-alb is full of people who dont know what they re doing
-alb is FULL of people who take their first trip to emain , even several months after release
-emain = zerg or be zerged ( yes i quote lofff )
-fights are won by crowd control -> i know less then 5 high lvl sorcerors. but as i said in my former remarks , 2 of them already left emain and people still break mezz on wrong targets.
2.Consequence :
We have no sense of coordination or leadership and its our OWN fault , because the reasons listed above just make all high level players disgusted of any leadership position in alb.
if u dont lead , people blame u for not leading the 80% grey cons in alb.
if u DO lead , people blame u for everything that goes wrong.
That is the problem befor us , and unlike any other albs i will not delete my char and run to midgard or hibernia. But i will not lead anyone into battle either , not unless alb/exc matures a little.
i hope albs will mature over time, though i still see yellow cons making the same mistakes over and over. (including me , i m not saying i am perfect)
U all cry out for a leader, but no one wants to follow orders. I see several people trying their best to lead and getting yelled at like
"who the hell does he think he is"
"why do we have to listen to him/her"
But ask yourselves this question :
would u do a good job in leading ?
do u wanna be responsible for people's fun in a GAME ?
I ll now end my rant and go back to my crafting, albion needs to think about what's going on and how to fix it NOW , not tomorrow , not next week.
We are losing our best players every day to boredom and to other realms.
For starters i suggest u make a chatgroup or set a date/time in a keep so u can use the broadcast channel or go on irc , WHATEVER
Talk things out, select Warlord(s) in albion and get things organised !