A "small" rant / eye-opener for all albs that havent left us YET



u wanna know why we lose most battles ?

mid - hib have better players then alb,they listen to what experienced players say.
plain and simple

I dont post much on this forum because i see it as a waste of time, but here goes the longest post i will ever write onhere...
(i promiss :p )

1.History :
At some point we had the same amount of good players surely , but _all_ of them are leaving albion , or just leaving emain...

The albs that are in emain these days are nowhere near the people that started there. I see no lvl 50s from the old days that i levelled with since lvl 5, only a few core players remain,U know who u are.

i was in emain since lvl 25 when most mids there were red and a few purps , i ve seen every good alb leave emain for the same reasons :
-this game is getting annoying and repetetive (no events, no patches)
-alb is full of people who dont know what they re doing
-alb is FULL of people who take their first trip to emain , even several months after release
-emain = zerg or be zerged ( yes i quote lofff )
-fights are won by crowd control -> i know less then 5 high lvl sorcerors. but as i said in my former remarks , 2 of them already left emain and people still break mezz on wrong targets.

2.Consequence :

We have no sense of coordination or leadership and its our OWN fault , because the reasons listed above just make all high level players disgusted of any leadership position in alb.
if u dont lead , people blame u for not leading the 80% grey cons in alb.
if u DO lead , people blame u for everything that goes wrong.

That is the problem befor us , and unlike any other albs i will not delete my char and run to midgard or hibernia. But i will not lead anyone into battle either , not unless alb/exc matures a little.

i hope albs will mature over time, though i still see yellow cons making the same mistakes over and over. (including me , i m not saying i am perfect)

U all cry out for a leader, but no one wants to follow orders. I see several people trying their best to lead and getting yelled at like
"who the hell does he think he is"
"why do we have to listen to him/her"

But ask yourselves this question :

would u do a good job in leading ?
do u wanna be responsible for people's fun in a GAME ?

I ll now end my rant and go back to my crafting, albion needs to think about what's going on and how to fix it NOW , not tomorrow , not next week.
We are losing our best players every day to boredom and to other realms.

For starters i suggest u make a chatgroup or set a date/time in a keep so u can use the broadcast channel or go on irc , WHATEVER
Talk things out, select Warlord(s) in albion and get things organised !


This is true in some bits, and I can't be bothered breaking it down, but rest assured, this is happening in Hibernia as well.

I would hazard a guess and say the mids are the same, but... they seem to have more balls and more willingness to kill.


We have many capable leaders in midgard...

Killgorde and Shade are the organisers and leaders atm, since fatbelly kinda quit, and Draupnir isnt so active anymore.

Me, and several other ppl act as backup leaders...
It works good, most people respect the leaders etc.
Killgorde got together 12 rams and stuff for latest relic raid, and they all went up quickly and swift because of experience + leadership...

Finster wont take a leader role just becuz he came here =)
He came here to get away from leadership role i think.


Imo there are to many people trying to take lead .there are a lot of folks shouting orders . for us to become more of a force again . who ever organises the event wether it be a relic raid/defense or other battles/raids only that person should take control of the army . as for the comment on the best players leaving . i disagree if they left cos they are bored etc etc thats there fault for pushing for lvl 50 so fast .patience is a virtue and a lot of people dont seem to have it atm . im sure as allience chat is fixed properly things will start rolling and we will get back on our feet properly .
as for the loud mouths who shout out at leaders and flame em . those sort of people will never go away regardless of whos in charge . as for the person leading at the time they will always have somebody who thinks they are good leaders and those who think they are bad leaders . its summin thats comes with the job .
but i agree with you on a whole and the sooner albion egts organised the better .im sure the hibs will have same problem we and the mids had in a month or so . mids power lvl'd themselves to 50 fast , done all the various raids and constant gankign in emain . then there leadershipseemed to break down . now it ous turn to go through the sticky patch . now wth a lot of hibs lvling to 50 im sure same thig will happen to them as there lvl 50's lose interest and goto another game . and with new blood comming through the realms im sure ths sort of cycle will be changing all the time .


I have found that if we have a raid with every one in hibernia it becomes a realy big mess very quickly and guards getting pulled at wrong times etc etc. but just the other day, CBH and our alliance's went on a raid it i was very well put together and i found every1 listened to the leader and it went extremely well. i was surprised at how well it went actually compared to other experiences.

when there is loads of people, as organ-grinder said, there is too many people trying to take the lead and it gets very confusing with people running round following different people here and there. so basically we need to be able to stick to ONE leader and no one else shout orders. it would be alot better.

just my 2 cents


It was well documented on these boards that over a month ago Midgard was in a similar crisis. Since then we have implemented a structure that involves better organisation and teamwork for rvr and most notably raids. There is no reason why the Albs and Hibs can not do the same - it just means certain individuals have to take up the initiative, lay out new ideas and restructuring and then people will start to listen.


This is a message to the so called leaders of Albion. Let me give you high lvls some tips:

1: open a chat channel and contact some group leaders or guild leaders and discuss strategies instead or /yell.

2: if you have told everyone what keep/relic we're going for then don't use speed song and run away like lightning, happend to me a couple of times now and gets annoying.

3: use scouts/infiltrators in combination with minstrels to check out keeps or locate an enemy army.

4: let us get to know you guys, I/we follow instructions better if I/we know the person that is /yelling at me/us. Call for meetings and plan some small keep raid or sumthing or collect money to repair doors or upgrade guards.

5: only go for relics when we're already out there or doing a surpise attack. If for example we're planning to take some keeps back and instead of 40 ppl about 100 show up then stop the keep raiding and go for a relic, this way the reaction time is far less.

6: posts some alt chars at keeps and as soon as your main gets a message that a keep is taken swap to your alt and scout around to see how big the enemy army is or camp the keep you're in and report the size of the army if that keep is under attack.


Already posted that b4.....

Mad said it all, just wanna add something.
Hibs are good in RvR cause they fight in full 8 ppl partys. To get to emain they need a bard, bard = AE mez = Crowd Control. And i quote Veeshan "Crowd Control wins RvR".
Albion is crap compared to that, every1 solo, every1 spreaded, i can write long pages why is that, but think it's not interesting.
Mid: Healrs = Ae mezz+heals. Thats death combo. And they dont move out of PK till they have sizably army, when albion has a stupid habbit to go to amg even when they know that hibs/mids outnumber 1 to 4.

And the worst thing that we dont have a leader. NO1 Listens. Most high lvls dont show up, those who show up dont rely on others. And a decent amount of newbies makes Albion suck in RvR.

p.s And onother crap thing that many 40+ ppl cant hear alliance chat becasue of Bullsh1t rumors (me) or guild is not in alliance or guildless or other stuff those cant react/participate.


If it is a hibby holding an instrument, kill it. If it's a dwarf and is casting something, kill it.


if its a yellow-con gimpfiltrator called Belthazor try and kill it :)

grats on the almost-kill in the alby merch yesterday heh :) i shoulda been more careful seeing those assasains :)


The tables are turning i see..... it all sounds a bit familiar :)


Originally posted by [BF]MaD

-this game is getting annoying and repetetive (no events, no patches)

Hmm, I'm seeing and hearing of events every week now? Are they just not doing events in alb or is this another pointless moan?

-alb is FULL of people who take their first trip to emain , even several months after release
-emain = zerg or be zerged ( yes i quote lofff )

Have you actually considered that the game is about a bit more than just RP collecting in emain?

Yeah emain was fun for a bit whilst at lower lvls, and it's a great way of pointlessly gaining rp whilst practicing RvR but the game is about keeps and relics. Emain gets boring because it is more and the same. Camping gates, rushing walls and for what, the ability to say 1 0\v/n3z j00 until the next big force comes along.

The fun for me is the organisation of raids and reaction defence forces. Hunting down snipers and stealthers. Rushing to keeps unnoticed or even noticed....

yeah emain is about zerging and CC but that's because it is in essence pointless fighting with no goal.


well i dunno first if you powerlevel in DAoC it gets boring fast.lets face it the pve is really no good.i mean its miles off EQ.i personally took time try different chars and try all the quest and still the pve sucks can imagine how it is if you just sit and level .
secondly many folks are rather new to rvr yes very true but was it not the posts in the old forums that people below 40 should go level.
if this people came to rvr they would know when to stand and fight and not go thru the fear factor all over again.so basically you have level 40 plus making errors they could have gotten thru at earlier levels.
also too many leaders very true and sad point is that no one listens even when there is one.basically after the last leaders(i hate to mention names) that either dropped out or left for other realms in a moment notice people have lost respect for anyone.
i on 2 occasions saw the usual AMG panic and tried to see if i could lead i am no good but it is better then nothing as no one for 30 mins tried to once people actually listened and we won till mids crashed out celebrations)).second time ignored and me and my pals died but like i said no blame to folks respect is not there.
no matter what we still can muster a huge army and time we put this uber guild rubbish aside and use all we got to gain ground .
uber guilds once said they will only operate amongst themselves and run the major raids .well we all saw how great they are and the result is what we suffer till now.
so if there is anyone that wants to make albion a fighting force as a whole i think most of us will follow.if its going to be another attempt by a few new age ubers then expect to work alone and split albion yet again.


I'm not so sure about the "good" player point, I think this stance is the reason people don't listen to the so called leaders. The "listen to me I know more than you" just doesn't work, especially when combined with an arrogant/elitist attitute (Not directed at anyone)

Personally I don't think a good leader (In DAoC) comes down to tactical ability. Leadership is more of a popularity contest. This has to be accepted, there is nothing you can do about it, you can't force people to follow anyone. Once this has been accepted this leader can then be advised by more "experienced" players if need be.

A leader should not shout abuse, anyone who yells at someone to "STFU" loses all respect and I for one will stop following at that point. I'm really not interested in following a megalomaniac schooly, a leader has to be above this slanging match. Likewise a leader who's guildmates start hurling abuse (Or yelling contradicting orders etc...) will harm the leader.

This is not a real war, people don't have to follow orders, leaders do not have to be tactical geniuses. It's not about how they play their class or lead an attack, it's about being respected as a person.

There are people in Albion who I would follow, because I respect them as people. Finster was one (Sorry for harking to the past). In my experience I never heard Finster tell anyone to shut up, yell abusive comments, band around the word n00b. I couldn't give a monkey's how well he played his class or lead the battle, he was a voice to listen to, and he also listened to everyone else no matter how big or small. Then kept eveyone (Not just a close knit group) informed.

That's what it takes to lead, yes they'll always be morons who just want to hinder but you can't just write everyone off as "bad" players, it's partly (And probably the most part) down to bad leadership, or more correctly lack of respect for said leadership.

I think anyone who wants to put themselves forward as a leader has to make an effect to get to know people and convince them they are a decent person. They need to leave their solid 8 group party and meet/help others. Take a trip around salibsbury plains rescuing people from certain death (These people will get to 40+ eventually). Go down to Lyonesse, join a group of level 40 folks and help them xp for an hour or two. Take your 7 group to Dartmoor and pick up a random level 30, not just some guild mate's alt. Go to Camelot and answer some of the questions in the broadcast channel, give away equipment to people who expected to pay for it. Flag yourself as an advisor and advise for an hour. Group with some lower levels in RvR, show them some good hiding spots, point out targets to eliminate first etc, etc, etc...



well said talifer.a popular name with a good attitude and love for his realm is what makes a good leader.
to be honest i have been on 2 relic raids i seen one bfore i started actively playing .sorry after nToV,killing tunare and dragon slaying on EQ there is little tactics in this game.all you need are 4 things here 1)element of suprise 2)a leader that can stop folks wandering around hehe 3)luck!!! 4)a large army with a few rams.
pulling guards is not like EQ where you got to have like 4 monks and shadowknights splittting and doing FD for like 20 mins gah!! to get the right equations.no bard to run around the whole zone with mobs on his behind no large numbers of clerics and experienced enchanters no big resist gear.and this why i like DAoCthe prganisation time is not big and the fun does not have to wait for 2 hours for everything to be right.all we really lack is that leader.
i rather like mallus to think of becoming one but point still remains consider making albion united.i think the thread for a more united albion is growing.
if any guild or guilds feel this will not suit their glory then i say they should bring the relics back home on their own.
we need a change of times in albion as the old way was just not working.


Originally posted by Astrix

5: only go for relics when we're already out there or doing a surpise attack. If for example we're planning to take some keeps back and instead of 40 ppl about 100 show up then stop the keep raiding and go for a relic, this way the reaction time is far less.

Most were good points apart from this.. If we go out to raid a keep, we go with a few people and we take a keep, easy.

If we want to raid a relic we need to have at least 3 rams, ideally 6 or as many as we can muster, we need to be organised in what group is gonna carry the relic etc.. It cant jsut be done on the spur of the moment.


Hmmm if u take keeps, dont go for relic :) defended relic = IMPOSSIBLE ;p Another sucky thing in daoc

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