A small announcement



Hi Folks,

I'm trying to avoid any more confusion, like there was last night, hence this post.

For the record:

I do not like sotl. I will have nothing to do with them when it comes to PvE. I will not group with them, buff them, heal them or (gasp) rez them.
This is a purely personal position on my part and in no way reflects the attitudes of other members of my guild or the alliance.

This is not an anti-sotl thread, suffice to say I have very valid reasons for this. There are many fine people in that guild, my problem is with sotl's policies and attitudes as a guild en masse, not against any individuals.

I have always made my position clear to group leaders before I join.

And Lamont, please climb off your moral high horse, check the background first. It's *just* possible I may have a point, we're not talking RvR here, just PvE.


I am sad to hear that Dial-a-Rez. Your wounds must be very very deep if you came to this viewpoint. Nonetheless i wish you the best. I only hope i won't die in some outback-region with only you around ;)

Tho i think (and most of my guild would agree i think) i would like to know the policies and attitudes of my guild that caused you to make this rather harsh dissicion.

Anyways goodluck&have fun


No disrespect to anyone but why post this information and make this public.... firstly the conflict is on a personal level, secondly it very much undermines the reputation of the guild in question.

flamefree as usual, just a point of view


Well i kinda agree with you here Ivan, but..

Dial seems to think it is needed based on what (no idea what tho) happend last night.

If this thing that happend was with sotl, maybe a post on our forum would have been better.

Oh and a question to Dial: what if you are in a PvE group and say i would join, would you leave then? or would you protest to me joining?


I too am sorry that you feel that way.

I have often asked for examples of where SotL have been seen to screw anyone over but only had 1 reply about a Barfog incident that I did my best to explain. Check that thread, we managed to see each others point of view and move on.

Therefore I can only assume that it is some individuals that you do not like. In fact, you yourself make the point that there are 'many fine people within that guild'. If you'd be so kind as to explain which of SotL's 'policies and attitudes as a guild en masse' (I wasn't aware we had any) are offending you then I would be more than happy to discuss. To me, you kind of contradict yourself in your post regarding this.

On a side note, I refer to my own experiences with individuals in-game when making my mind up about someone. Nice example would be I don't hold any angst towards OoB for the very infantile behaviour of Genius in recent weeks.

If you don't want this to turn into a flame fest then please, feel free to PM me. If you'd rather post your concerns here then that also is fine and I will do my best to discuss them objectively.


Servants of the Lake


Don't you all think theres been enough of slagging this guild off, surely if people have a problem with the guild or certain members there are better ways to air this than on a public forum.
Sotl are just a guild in albion that is run really well like my own is (Griffon Knights) and say Lords Of England. Now that Gk and Loe are able to do everything in the game as a guild are we going to start being slagged off for this. I have never been refused a group by this guild and have always got on with the people the same as any others guild.
You have a post on this page about your own guild and the lad who is trying to rescue it is doing a damn fine job, so dont spoil it for him


Originally posted by Dial-A-Rez
I do not like sotl. I will have nothing to do with them when it comes to PvE. I will not group with them, buff them, heal them or (gasp) rez them...

...This is not an anti-sotl thread


I am personally not arrogant enough to think that every single issue I have with people or guilds in the game is big enough news for the rest of the server that it needs its own thread on this forum. Luckily a lot of people think the same way as me or we would have nothing but petty gripes on this board. I am sorry you don't feel the same way.

95% of the guild probably have no idea what you are talking about (including me). 99.9% of the server probably have no idea what you are talking about and really don't care to boot. Perhaps explaining yourself to the people who do care (ie. someone in charge) and also explaining what you are going on about would help instead of posting sotl_flame_01 under the auspices of not flaming us.

Ironically the only way I know who you are (because I've never personally spoken to you afaik) is because I recognise your name from a list our alliance has made of people who have caused problems at relic raids.


Dialarez, I have only ever grouped with you once, and I have to say that you have one of the highest horses I've ever seen.

I respect your opinions, but , in my opinion, you take yourself and the game way too seriously.

When you are grouped, the actions of one person are reflected in the whole group and your action in refusing to rezz an SotL member last night ended up affecting at least three guilds, due to their members being in your group, and being in a difficult and embarrassing position.

That, Dialarez, is what I call egocentric and self-centred. You are too hung up on your own issues with SotL to think about how your decisions affect other people.

Try thinking about yourself less and others more, and I think you'd enjoy the game a whole lot more

(And if this means I don't get a rezz any more, so be it.)


Why post public if NOT wanting a flamethread, since this is a flammable issue. Shouldve posted on SotLs own forums and explained there, since it doesnt really concern anyone else.



Don't feed the trolls, if he feels like that so be it. But don't lower yourself by flaming this poor fella.

If this would've been directed towards SOTL in a PM to one of their officers it would've normal to reply. Seeing he feels the need to flame you in public he's only making himself look like a moron. Don't lower yourself to that and wish the poor kid luck with his "job"(don't think he sees this as a game)


This is my first post on these forums,but i just have to say i have always found members of SOTL civil and polite on the server and do not understand why anyone would not rezz anyone in game after all it is only a game not real life and i will rezz anyone if asked,my 2 cents worth.

Brilar 40th season Paladin
Member of the Order Of The Knights Templars


Time for a


there is nothing wrong with a guild exping together and going on hunts together. I've RvRed alot with loads of SOTL and most of them are nice people (most of the people i don't like are memeber of my own guild LOL).
And yes i think not rezzing a SOTL member is Very harsh


Originally posted by brilar
i just have to say i have always found members of SOTL civil and polite on the server

Amen to that. I dont know what everyones prob is with SoTL maybe they are jelous or something :sleeping: :sleeping:


I don't like any bad feeling in the realm however I have heard various bad stories from very trusted friends on SOTL's behaviour. I think maybe perhaps when Dial explains why she is like this you will understand a little. Personally I don't have any problem with the SOTL guild or any member within it. I have grouped with you guys alot and I find you to be quite organised and know how to play, but these are the mature fighters I know of.

I will group with anybody and if certain difficult situations arise like I have found myself in I want my friends and sotl to know that I do not condone certain actions. I feel that if anyone is actually implied by association then thats plain wrong. There are bound to be problems within a social environment and I think implication of problems should be between known guilds and individuals who know they have problems with each other. It should stay that way otherwise this is gonna blow out of proportion.

<Sighs Heavily>



Ok I may not be SOTL best fan but this guild has had enough grief i think and not justly so! If there is a problem for that matter be it a personal problem take it up with the guild itself you dont need to publically announce it for whatever matter because it only angers other and creates more problems for this guild.

It maybe personal but by making a public post you have indirectly effectly caused flamely and denoted ur guilds reputation.

We all have our differences lets stop this constant arguing and just get on and have some fun.


BTW i am not having a go i just dont think teh way you went about this is fair on sotl or your guild.


Excuse any typos i was rather knackered when i made thsi post :p


I only have to say that I agree with Brilar about that "I'm not rezing sotl" thing. Does anyone has so much hate for an other pearson , that would leave him laying dead? Ahh thats realy bad.

Even if I had a fight with someone I will rez him, in fact most of the times I don't even look who i'm rezing (just click and rez).


Just to let anyone confused know, the "last night" thing was Dial refusing to res me after a trees wipeout. This caused at least one person to leave Dial's group in disgust.
I found this rather surprised to say the least as I have never grouped with Dial, and can only recall even seeing her once in game (at the recent relic defence after the Ludlow Bazaar).

I asked in game for more information from her on why she was so anti-sotl, but didn't really get a satisfactory explanation other than that sotl are "bad for the realm". It was interesting to note that one her of reasons was that SotL put the guild first and others second, yet the sort of attitude she displays causes exactly that sort of behaviour. If everyone shunned members of SotL like Dial, then it would encourage us to become more closed to outside influences. Is this a good thing? I don't think it is, though that is my person opinion not that of the guild.

I would like to think most people in this realm are mature enough to judge people based upon their actions, not on sweeping generalisations about their guild or other affliations. It's dissappointing that a high level character in the realm is so narrow minded.

A final note, the above is entirely my own viewpoint, I do not speak for the guild as a whole in any way, shape, or form.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Pyrotechnix
...very infantile behaviour of Genius in recent weeks.
:clap: Think he/she/it has changed a bit, dunno...but a good description of a few weeks back. ;)

Originally posted by LunarDarkShadow
Dialarez, I have only ever grouped with you once, and I have to say that you have one of the highest horses I've ever seen.
I still have the highest right? RIGHT? :p

As for me, I give people a few chances, if they constantly and consistently spoil the game for the group, then I just don't group with them in the future, I sure as hell don't come on here and say that I don't like the guild. And when you badmouth a guild, if you want any credibility (sp?) then you have to back up your accusations. I am nowhere near SotL's lowest level, so there's no way I can add anything from a personal viewpoint.

On the Rezzing. I'm always held to the fact that you rez a realm mate in need, if you can. If it costs your group 2 minutes, then do it. Obviously within reason (we've had those threads before). I can't actually wait to get to L40+ so that I can start to see SotL in action for myself.




Personally i get a few ppl who dont like me and i know who they r but i would still help them and i just wish they would realise that i dont hate them at all i wanna help as much ppl as i can which i am doing a good job of.However those ppl i dont judge their guilds as being bad like them coz i play with a lot of their guild and get on well.People should leave the guilds alone let them do their own things and let them have fun how they want to not slag them down just because they hunt barfog a lot or whatever we should all respect each others way of fun and help them get as much fun as possible not start off feuds for no reasons.


Before everything gets out of hand i would like to say that I did not agree with Dial-a-rez's desition not to rez a member of the SOTL. Personaly i will always try to rez someone if i can.

When Dial-a-rez told me what had happened i told him that he really should of rezed them. However i would like to remind people of the time the SOTL refused to rez a group killed in LB because of some aggrement between the SOTL and the leader of the group. Its all swings and round-abouts if you ask me.

I've grouped with members of there SOTL a few time, one nice L50 Cleric even took time out to help me with the Tree part of my L40 epic.

If you ask a cleric for a rez and he won't (thats not can't) maybe try offering him something in return, clerics give a lot, and sometime we'd like something back.


Brannor, I think the less said about you and horses (high or otherwise) the better. :D

As for grouping with SotL, there are people with alts in the lower levels you could possibly group with, however we are not a large guild so you are unlikely to see big hordes of alts roaming about. :p


I don't think the fact that a rez was refused is either here nor there. I didn't know what happend last night because despite the fact that I work with Danyan he didn't think it was a big enough deal to even mention to me. No one would probably have cared less what happend between two people was it not for the fact that Dial-A-Rez felt the need to publically make a "statement" about it all.

The only thing such a "statement" achieves is a bit of attention for the person making it and that is obviously all that was being looked for here. Should I make a "statement" about all the lame people who create level 1 characters purely for the purpose of anonymously /sending abuse to me?


ok I´ll ask permission first

Gideon can I /send abuse you?? just a little?? PLZPLZPLZPLZ


come on Dialarez, this statement was totally uncalled for, and no matter what you´r reasons is, actions like refusing a rez to a person because of the persons guild is what destroys Albion.


isnt't the point that most posters here have no clue what Dial's reasons are?

Fair enough sotl asking for private messages but perhaps it would be just better for everyone to stop posting their support or flames when they have no clue what this is about?

Or why not just look at it as roleplaying, Dial has a grudge against SoTL members, end of story.


You're a minstrel aren't you? Can't you just make one up? ;)

I wouldn't of thought it would matter what the background is to the grudge to most readers of this forum, people generally enjoy giving their opinions whatever the circumstances :)

old.Gombur Glodson

whem someone refuses to rez me due to something my guild have done I would like to know why

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