A simple question...



I came from the US game to play on the euro one for a better connection and to play with people who are awake when I am :)

I just wondered, if you knew beforehand that this game would be patched so slowly ( and not the few days someone somewhere originally said it would take ...) behind the american one would you still have played here or played on the american one ?

just a yes or no will do :) im curious.

Personally I wont be making this mistake again after daoc, although I wont go back to the american game because of time invested in this game, but after reading that SWG will have euro servers but not at launch I will be playing on the american ones from the start, same for any other mmorpg.

what will you guys do ?


<watches closely as Khern opens the can of worms>

personally, i prefer playing on european servers... ok the patches are slow, but im still enjoying myself....


lol , no im honestly curious , not trying to start anything :)

it just crossed my mind a minute ago.

no flaming here pls , just a yes if you agree or a no if you do not will do nicely :)



If I could start over, I would choose to play on the US version.

Not because of the patches being slow, I can cope with that, but because of the lack of in-game support, and the annoyingly bad system that is RightNow. The lack of communication (which is starting to a little better, but still needs work). The general rubbishyness of the European telecommunications system.

The patches being slow is just another thing to add on the list while we are in the mood to moan. That is the problem really - there are too many things to moan about. Sort a couple of them out, and moaning will reduce drastically.


We didnt know it would be so slow.

I will probly play Shadowbane if they improve the gfx as there is much greater variety of classes and guildwars/buildings/skills in the US.

But for now I have DAOC to play until my subs run out at end of September. And I am enjoying it quite a lot....


I would still have chosen to play on the european servers.


I suppose you're right Vell... I've not really had any problems worth registering, except the "Account Terminated" problem I had...

I played Asherons Call and Everquest on the American versions, and I missed every guild meeting or hunt cos I didn't want to stay up till 3am.... Once I get my better PC and join a guild, I'll be able to sit and be bored through all guild meetings (Hooray!!....I think) and kill things as a team.

If I had the spare time though, I'd consider playing the US version though.....


I am enjoying myself on the european servers as some have already said... but then again at the stage I bought this I could've had loads of the friends who signed up around the same come with me and START on the US servers... now it is too late tbh :(

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