a saw point :(

  • Thread starter old.Sebula Mobnuker
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old.Sebula Mobnuker

Well it seems my persistence in getting to the bottom of the truth is getting GOA scared.
I tried to phone them again a moment ago and found the number is out of order, the international operator says it may be done automatically for none payment. She did not know that it was for France Telecom, she was bemused why it was not working then.
I have had no replies to any email since Tuesday, which I found disgusting. Politeness costs nothing.
Information is power so I guess GOA is now a huge nuclear plant as they have all the info we need, We going to need to find out soon, the German support guy told me on the phone they had big problems which they where aware of and trying to sort them out.
Well guys we also know you've got problems and I personally am aware of 8 others with the same problem so it cant be a local windows issue.
I urgently advise you GOA to Sort this out, all we want is a easy life, the odd panic run from a baf or two, not all this hassle and upset. Why do you make it so hard what are you going to give us for our upset, denial of service and information.
There is a issue of IP servers being banned for payment. I hope GOA will remove this as this is a infringement on civil liberties, and it should be stopped now.

Sebula Mobnuker

< Stuck on the outside > :(


Valid points but I doubt GOA will take notice if this is the only place you posted this, I think sending a direct email might get your point across. Kemor does occasionally post stuff here, but probably won't take note of one particular post :(

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