A request.


Ckiller ofDust

Sorry to say this but it has to be said time and time again as i will follow to do when i am in emain.

Albs dont run away from the enemy. STAY AND FIGHT.
Last night i tried to get albs to stay bout 5 times. Once they stayed and we ruled the mids asses to another world.. namely back to svasud faste :) The other times some albs stayed but more than half ran... The albs that stayed Fought bravely as usual but got overwhelmed but the fierce power of the enemy.

What im tryin to say is united we rule but divided we fall

Just another example storming through milegates... when all i waves we usually get through and drive em away without to many lossses. But when 20% storm through and all others (nobody named) just stand on the other side waitin. Guess what we get ganked so fast we cant even say barbacue....

What i want with this post is merely to get albs to unite in combat for those accasions its needed for.
Since it will help us in other accasions to. Like keep raids relic raids and such Since albs already know how to work togheter :)

And this will in time make albs rule the world


well when i see a bunch of mibs/mids coming i always run a few steps back...im no use in the first line :m00: but can give some nice support from the second :whip:

ok, serious: i think ppls have just different ideas about tactics...when to retreat, when to charge and so on.

i also noticed the very other way round like you said...every alb runs towards the enemy cause he is afraid he doent get enough realmpoints in this attack...albs die very often by their own greed...

eidt: okok, me included :clap:


Eraser is rigth ..
some ppl think a certain battle is a certain victory others belive the charge will kill you...

maybee it seems that when albs charge all together we allways win .. but that could be becuase at that point most of the albs consider the charge having good chance to win... and some times they are rigth..


I never run, after all, whats the worst that can happen, you lose ten minutes going back to bind stone?

Besides theres no point in running unless you have a good speed buff anyway, i'd much rather go down fighting and do as much damage to there group as possible as I go.


I stay = I die
I run = I die

So I usually stay...


Another request could be something in the line of rezzing.

More and more I experience ppl (myself included) lying dead 25-50m from 20 albs. If not grouped, there is no guarantee of a rez.

I have even had the enormously disturbing experience of a full guildgroup running straight over me - no enemies nearby. (And yes, I saw both a pala and a friar).


Well u all know that my pally rezzes what ever he can c peeps, and i expect the same treatment from all Rezzers, specially Pallys..

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