A question to our clerics.....



I was wondering how any of you cope with the rudeness and abuse you get from what seems to be the majority of players ?

Is it something that is only there at low levels when you have limited mana and no group spells or does it continue throughout your career?

I made a cleric because there seem to be a shortage of them for rvr but BG0 (trying to get MCL) has just about put the cherry on the cake for me in terms of the ill manners I've seen from day one with this char.

One group I was in was caster heavy (6/8) and in BG0 pretty much everyone has crappy armour and almost no hps.

Rezzing one person takes an entire bar of mana. When you rezz one person three others die because you can't heal them.

Our luvverly foes have group damage spells but at this level we have no group heals.......

Seven people running in all directions all yelling "Heal ffs!!! Why the f**k aren't you healing," when they are totally out of casting range from all having run off to different parts of the board in different directions....

Seven people screaming at you because you aren't healing when you are being pounded or shot at and can't cast.

Then there are the people who have been rude and abusive for an hour until you get fed up and go solo... then abuse you some more because they pm you from Salisbury when you are in Avalon Marsh and won't go back to rezz them...

I've tried to team up with one or two tanks which makes your limited abilities go a wee bit further for now and have managed to get a well balanced group once which was pleasant... but I still got abuse screamed at me from the one death in four hours... a caster who went down in one hit.....even insta wouldn't have saved him even if I'd had it to cast by then.

Just after some tips on how to deal with it and an indication if it always stays the same or people's manners improve?

I can understand now why there are so few clerics or why a lot of people use them purely as buffbots.

I think the ultimate irony for me is that I made this char for group fun/usefulness and the only time it's really any fun is when I'm solo :D

Any tips and tricks amd trade secrets greatly appreciated..... especially if it's that I give up and go make something more fun to play :p

Also any tips on what RA's to get in which order would be great.....


It really gets better as you rise in the levels. Now it's been a while since I xped my cleric, but to be honest I never had to put up with much abuse. But the lower level groups are always full of people that think they can teach everyone else how to play their classes (and think they need to tell the cleric when to heal, the sorc when to mezz, the tank when to hit thinks, the wizard when to DD etc...).

Just try and put up with them and you'll eventually get to the level (around 20 usually) when you don't have to put up with that crap :)

As for rezzquests... If you just give the person asking a calm and friendly respone ("Sorry, I'm too far away to help you // I can't leave my group right now") they will usually accept it. However, if they give you abuse for not travelling across the realm to give them a rezz, just /ignore them. It's not your job to help everyone that asks.

Oh, and you should be very careful when ressing in combat. It's usually best to wait till the mobs/enemies you're fighting are dead before you begin the ressing. The power and time it takes to ress someone will be needed to keep the rest of the group alive, and with the first ress spell the ress sickess on the newly revived player (and the very minimal amount of hps he/she will begin with) will pretty much make him/her useless.

But, I'd advice you to continue playing your cleric, because it really is a very fun and useful class. And you will be VERY appreciated in the later levels when you succesfully keep your group alive :)


My cleric is lvl 45 now and I've never, ever had a single bit of this kind of abusive or idiotic behaviour directed at me. Without exception people have been gald to have me in groups and have been appreciative of my healing & buffing & rezzing.

Maybe you suck? Joking :p

My advice would be to stay out of the BG's tbh. Not good places for support classes since most people just want to be uber in the BG's with PL'd, twinked characters. Large numbers of the people shouting at you for heals & rezzes probably have lvl 50 chars and are used to having high-level clerics in their RvR groups who can drop spread & insta-heals, buff them to the tits and still rez a few top level meatshields before they have to quaff some pots. This means that they have little to no understanding of what it's like being a low level healer and all you're gonna get is abuse. Fuck 'em tbh :p


to be honest i think most of the rudeness appears in bg's, i went to bg1 with my cleric purely to get mcl to help the levelling grind and reduce downtime, as soon as i got my 125 rps i was outta there as my experience of bg's with a cleric is not far short of axuk's.


ask a friendly guild group to leech your 125 rps in real rvr,

after level 24 the idiots mostly are gone in regular PvE

cleric IS a fun class to play both PvE and RvR

if i make tiny suggestion: get the first line of spec buffs as soon as posible and then spec rejuv all the way to 40 and be real asset to the group.

another idea is to go full smite till level 20 and solo with kill tasks and then respec to rej/enh


Hehe the abuse is far less at higher levels but u will always get some as some people believe ur placed on this realm to be their personal healer ressing and healing them instantly as they want it. Like cauton said once u pass lvl 20 u get much better :) and less idiots.

I only ress in comnbat if it leaves u with enough mana to still heal teh grp effectively. As u get higher resses will use less mana too. If you can spec in enhance to say 11 for the caster buffs and str/con buffs. Caster die fast in a group so if u have conc left give thema con or str/con buff they maybe last more than one hit then.

As for any bad group or abusive people simply walk away from it and put it behind u. Its a seriously fun class if u persist. If u need any help at any time pm me in game.



yus abuse less.. just rezz plz.. buffs plz.. heal plz.. etc etc... only good thing rezzing in rvr get rps now \o/ gota love that


don't even bother trying you rez someone in RVR while your group is still in combat, chances are both you and the person you just rezzed will be useless for a while, and any AOE DD casy on you will probably kill the rezzed straight away. Using the baseline heals are faster to cast.

With no real way of escaping if an enemy players hitting us were dead unless you have that AOE mezz ready, if you are going to use it make sure you get as many people as you can. Any good RVR player will use /stick so turn it against him by running off towards a few more enemy character, he'll follow right behind and so yo can mezz them all.

At higher levels smite cleric become really fun to play. In a good PvE group you won't be called upon to do too much healing. Mezzing and rooting groups will mean your tanks will only have 1 mob to deal with at a time. Pally twisting will take care of the healing and argro for PBAE groups and your stun will stop them attacking the caster while they PBAE them.


One of the clerics that is kind of new to alb in my guild called ohm i was help lving in avalon city two days ago from lv28-30 some albs thought he was a buffbot:( he wasn't happy at all.


Weeeeell... What would you think if you saw a level 30 cleric stuck to a theurg/merc/ice wizz (whatever you used ;)) in Avalon City? I sure would assume it was an buffbot :)

I guess that's just the way the game has headed... If you see a greycon char in group with someone much higher you find it natural to belive it's a buffbot/new char that is being powerleveled, rather than someone helping out a friend.

But that's a bit off-topic :)


Nope wasn't stuck to me he was nearby healing when i needed and speaking in group chat which they can't see so yeah i guess....It's annoying that some people are making avalon city one of the nicest exp spots in alb become like barrows.

Anyway yep i agree axuk clerics get a lot of hassle,they are the most useful class in our realm and people are trying to make them be more and more rare each day which is very sad to see:(


blah axuk, just take my advice and do what i said. ^^~

- aerials


i think ive seen a few clerics get abuse and make a "not to rez" list, psssh sure bites the people who shouted at em in the lower levels in the ass, infact i think my friar had a few, tbh i had a warm feeling inside gettin back someone who had continuously shouted at me in groups from 24-35..


Tbh the biggest problem i find as a cleric isn't getting abuse, it's getting groups. Fkin hard to get a group as a rejuv cleric most of the time. If you want us in rvr group us in pve and leave your buffbots at home kthxbye.

- Pathfinder -

Everyone wants one in their group, few people actually want to play one though :p Who knows, clerics might strike back and respec to smite ;)


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
Everyone wants one in their group, few people actually want to play one though :p Who knows, clerics might strike back and respec to smite ;)

Dripping with wit, strike, as in lightning strike! As in Smite, as in erm.... <walks away>


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
Everyone wants one in their group, few people actually want to play one though :p Who knows, clerics might strike back and respec to smite ;)

I'm just thinking about outspec from smite. It's still fun just pointless. :D


When i chose to be a cleric i already foresaw things like these would happen. But basically its with all chars that give buffs. Heck my sorc alt gets spams about "plz gifv POM" or "i sure could use a POM <winks>"
But yes, they sure want yer buffs, but getting them to group you is a different story alltogether.

Cavex ElSaviour

Originally posted by Graknak
When i chose to be a cleric i already foresaw things like these would happen. But basically its with all chars that give buffs. Heck my sorc alt gets spams about "plz gifv POM" or "i sure could use a POM <winks>"
But yes, they sure want yer buffs, but getting them to group you is a different story alltogether.

But you got the bowl full of M&M's for ozzy?


My main is a cleric.

As has been pointed out, the abuse generally happens only at low levels.

I also have no probs getting a grp most of the time.
But I am a Rejuv cleric.
So If I'm looking for a grp. I yell "Lvl 46 rejuv cleric lfg!"


I've had a few people tell me there gonna resped there cleric alts to smite after seeing me soloing in avalon, burrows and DF :)

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