A question for Cabbies...


Old Nicodemus

Hi guys,

I've just rolled up a cabbie and I'd like to know how good your pets are. Having played an SM for so long I've become used to a pet that is very useful in PvE and sometimes useful in RvR (unless a mentalist is around).

Are the cabbie pets on a limited timer like the Theurgs pets? or are they similar to the SM pets where you summon, target and forget?

Are there any cabbies out there that didn't go matter? Or is matter the best to go for?

Sorry for all the questions. Well ok.. I'm not sorry at all. ;)

Cabbiegimp :m00:


Originally posted by old.Nicodemus /Pryd
Hi guys,

I've just rolled up a cabbie and I'd like to know how good your pets are. Having played an SM for so long I've become used to a pet that is very useful in PvE and sometimes useful in RvR (unless a mentalist is around).

Are the cabbie pets on a limited timer like the Theurgs pets? or are they similar to the SM pets where you summon, target and forget?

Are there any cabbies out there that didn't go matter? Or is matter the best to go for?

Sorry for all the questions. Well ok.. I'm not sorry at all. ;)

Cabbiegimp :m00:

Cabal pets are great, try www.cabalist.org for proper info. As it stands cabals are great to exp after level 10 and the damage shield is insane :)


Not many lvl 50 body cabalists left, but I am one of them.

A well specced caba pet hits for about 100-150 dmg (that is with 33 in spirit) and the sapphire procs about 40% of the time. I have recently respecced to 28 spirit and he is still able to solo lvl 50 hunters.

If you enjoy using your pet, I would go body. My 90% drain and mastery of concentration makes me one of the most defencive casters in game. Drains are fast! It takes more than 4 tanks to kill me before I have made at least one kill.

Body cabalists are very versatile, you will probably not have a lot of fun in the perfect group since you will only have to nuke there, but then again, how often do you find yourself in a perfect group. In an unbalanced group, however, you will be able to support healers with transfer life, CC with your single target root and pet, debuff, use your pet as main tank and of course nuke. With a strong pet in PvE you will kick arse! I have a tendency of making some huge pulls, but I will survive most of the time (though I often end up killing me group :X)

You must know yourself how stressful it can be to keep a watch on aggro, nuke where most helpful, not dying and make sure your pet doesn't do anything silly at the same time. It is great fun! :)

I know that matter will give you more RP and that it will make your lvling from 46-50 easier, but I wouldn't trade my body caba for the world.

If you want to know more about body specs, feel free to contact me in game.

Have fun :)


Ziera was always a bit mad ;) Personally I would take the the full matter spec route as the AE DoT is great and the pet damage shield does crazy damage. However Ziera's spec is still very viable, it just requires a different playstyle and mentality.

Generic Poster

Cabbie pets are 'Summon and Forget'.

Matter gives AEDoT, Nearsight and damage shied.
The first two are dangerous in RvR and the lv50 Damage shield lets you kill epic mobs, with a couple of healers.

The Body and Spirit lines have their uses, you'll want to raise spirit to 3 for the pet-recycle. Matter is the most popular line though, as you could solo faster with it.

If you go the matter route, the DoTs are affected by your INT. So avalonians make a good choice.

Innocu look like the best caster race in the game, considering you can start with: 70Con, 80 Dex and 80Int. not much longer now... :cool:


I went 50 matter. Would like to try Body or even Spirit. Not having much fun in RvR with him atm, by the time I have finished nearsighting ppl and started stacking single dots, I die before the dots kill anyone most of the time.

AE Dot is very nice aslong as you have enough ppl to kill them all at once as they can no longer be mezzed.

The Matter shield is a great help in leveling.

Bring on dragon respec stones ;) Would like to try high body, medium spirit for the resist debuff - nuke combo or high spirit + either spec could work. For the pet which can hit for 400dam ( I heard) and debuff + average nukes.

With everyone getting body resist up, how good is your lifedrain damage with high body + spirit spec Ziera ?


My matter cabalist is only level 35 - took a few weeks break from the game and even now I don't enjoy PvE very much. Even being able to solo orange or red mobs isn't all that interesting.

Anyway. Point of post is that even a level 35 matter cabalist is very good in duels with other Albion classes. Took Sycho, level 50 merc, down to half health and I regularly kill characters in their 40's :)

Very enjoyable class. Maybe not the swiss army knife that the body cabalist or Hib mentalist class is but a very powerful caster who brings a lot to any PvE or RvR group.

Sapphire pet has to be the best for PvE, but amber's bugged warping ability and stun procs rule in RvR (and duels!). The other pets are pretty crap ... until we get some cabalist loving of course :D


Nope it was 30% but still cabalists hurt enemies like hell.

Old Nicodemus

Many thanks for all the info guys.. much appreciated! :D

Spiritcabbiegimp :m00:


Playing around with a Avo' lvl 27 matter cabbie atm, easy to lvl , will prolly reroll a Innocu cabbie if the Necro turns out to be :m00:


Originally posted by Qwegji-
I went 50 matter. Would like to try Body or even Spirit. Not having much fun in RvR with him atm, by the time I have finished nearsighting ppl and started stacking single dots, I die before the dots kill anyone most of the time.

AE Dot is very nice aslong as you have enough ppl to kill them all at once as they can no longer be mezzed.

The Matter shield is a great help in leveling.

Bring on dragon respec stones ;) Would like to try high body, medium spirit for the resist debuff - nuke combo or high spirit + either spec could work. For the pet which can hit for 400dam ( I heard) and debuff + average nukes.

With everyone getting body resist up, how good is your lifedrain damage with high body + spirit spec Ziera ?

My normal dmg is around 350 in RvR, but I have been as low as 225..

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