A question about CS for infiltrator.



Does specing in CS help you to do more dmg when you use a CS attack or does it just allow you to use the CS attacks and thrust determines your dmg ?

thx for any help :)


CS gives u ur crucial styles and it works like this

CS Spec level indicated the highest amount of dmg u can do

Thrust level determines the lowest amount of dmg u can do in relation to CS

So CS at 40 and thrust at 35 ur do 85-100% of the highest dmg level possible. CS at 40 Thrust at 40 u will do consistent 100% dmg

the larger the spec gap the larger the difference in dmg u may do
so CS 40 thrust 20 ur do from 50-100% max dmg

Sounds confusing but its pretty simple really


thx for the info :)

another question came to me.

is it possible for infils to use a gladius in their right AND left hand ? because i saw a lvl 15 infiltrator that was using one in his left hand :uhoh: and thought it must have been a lvl 15 skill but i could be wrong, but would be cool to be able to do it :cool:

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