News -A- Providence Campaign finished?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
Hi all

Last night Against All Authorities (-A-) finished their campaign against Curitas Veritas Alliance (CVA) in Providence. To mark our glorious victory all members of our alliance were instructed to bring Minmatar or Angel Cartel faction ships only.

Anyone arriving in anything else (particularly Amarr slaver scum) would be executed (as one of my poor corp mates discovered having jumped into system and died before he could warp out as instructed).

It was a "fun" end to what has been a boring slug through undefended system after undefended system. I think in the last week alone we have killed taken somewhere like 10 or 12 station systems with little if any defence.

I think we'll be roadtripping soon and as soon as we do shift our attention elsewhere we're expecting CVA (who've been biding their time in Misaba and replenishing ship stocks) to mount the mother of all counter assaults.

There are a great many smaller alliances who've taken the opportunity represented by our campaign of emancipation and whether or not these guys can band together to defend their space or whether they fold at the first sign of trouble will be very interesting to review.



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I stopped playing EVE after my interest in DAoC got renewed, but I was there for the 9UY4-H siege, which basically was the beginning of the end for CVA

But in the end, U'K will be the new CVA in provi ;p


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
Omg! You killed kenny!

They're a long long way off dead.

I don't think anyone in the south think that we've seen the end of them.

As regards U'K being the new proviblob I doubt it.

CVA space has been given to alliances who wanted to take it. Yes given. All they had to do was get standings, bring a fleet over and shoot the station before anchoring and guarding their own tcu's

At the end of this campaign all residents are free to reset us, each other - whoever. They're free to work with whoever but sov war is off limits. U'K , us and other larger entities are happy to help defend their space for them if it's attacked and stop people from encroaching on where they live and they're free to grief us and each other as much as they like but the minute someone plants an SBU we band up and kill the interlopers.

The goal is to create a section of space where small alliances can grow and learn about sov holding / sov warfare and pvp in eve wihtout the fear of being blobbed by a coallition of larger alliances who've decided "nice space, we'll take it"

We get a play ground close to home where there should be ample targets for small roaming gangs (something we don't do enough of) and we get a good set of neighbours who won't encroach on our territory if we need to go roadtripping for a while to settle strategic goals.

It could and should be a lovely little haven of fights and spaceship violence. I'll be interested to see how CVA get on if they (as expected) attempt an invasion as soon as we leave the area.



FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
We get a play ground close to home where there should be ample targets for small roaming gangs (something we don't do enough of)

oh common, you know thats never gonna work. it might work for a few weeks or so but sooner or later someone will start to blob.

and lol at that sov war rule. you think CVA, or any other unfriendly alliance around there is gonna respect that? :)

your gonna end up having to police that region alot more then your own if you want that to last :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
They will or they won't Ctuchik :)

We didn't "take" the space purely for that goal. We took the space so we could go north and finish some things off up there without worrying about CVA hitting our home constellations.

The cynical view on this is that we now have territory full of pets that will keep them busy whilst we do what we need to do.



FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
The cynical view on this is that we now have territory full of pets that will keep them busy whilst we do what we need to do.


yeah that might work.

or you just did them a favor by taking away something they had to worry about defending :)

might want to kick ye old spies in to gear just to be on the safe side.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004

Well we never seem to have an issue getting intel from CVA tbh.

North-wise - we moved a ton of caps last night, about a third or so of our pilots with caps moved one of their ships north with 850 NC reported on TS and 700 of them lagged out in a system within one cap jump of our low-sex staging point.

That was an "interesting" experience tbh.

"Tinfoil" seems to abound in large amounts with any number of NC alts spreading rumours in caod and shc. All in all I expect the next campaign to start off fun then get very grindy, very quickly


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